Let's discuss why American marxists don't defect to marxist countries, shall we?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
When we bring up this point, why don't leftists answer it? I asked a few weeks ago if there was anyone else that posts here that had members of their family executed by marxist tyrants. Didn't get an answer, other than some said my grandfather and uncle deserved to be executed.


No one on the left "flee" to any of these socialist paradises to get away from tyranny of American colonialism and racism. Not ONE DOCUMENTED case of anyone of any color fleeing to Cuba, North Korea or China. Nothing.

When East Germany was it's own country, were there people in masses trying to escape West Germany to live there?

How about people trying to escape East Germany? Ohhhh, lots of them.....and some even made it.

So, why aren't self proclaimed American marxists who all benefit from the free market with their Iphones, cars their parents bought them, or shampoo they wash their delicate little heads with, escaping the tyranny of grocery stores and fast food restaurants to marxist countries?

First, remember this: One of the mottos of Communism, which explains the responder saying that his/her grandfather and uncle deserved to be executed is, "Ideology over blood." The belief in Communism supersedes the loyalty to your family. When it comes to people who think that the ideology is more important than those who love and raise them from infancy onward, don't themselves deserve to live. They have become evil.
Second, if the true Marxists/Communists actually left the US, they would be betraying the Marxist/Communist goal of world domination. The initial leaders of the revolution in a non-Communist nation ensure that they (as long as they truly believe in its mandates) ensure that it will be them who actually head any newly formed one-party Communist government and in reality, don't give a crap about the dimwitted rabble that shouts out on the leaders behalf. Unfettered power is the goal.
First, remember this: One of the mottos of Communism, which explains the responder saying that his/her grandfather and uncle deserved to be executed is, "Ideology over blood." The belief in Communism supersedes the loyalty to your family. When it comes to people who think that the ideology is more important than those who love and raise them from infancy onward, don't themselves deserve to live. They have become evil.
Second, if the true Marxists/Communists actually left the US, they would be betraying the Marxist/Communist goal of world domination. The initial leaders of the revolution in a non-Communist nation ensure that they (as long as they truly believe in its mandates) ensure that it will be them who actually head any newly formed one-party Communist government and in reality, don't give a crap about the dimwitted rabble that shouts out on the leaders behalf. Unfettered power is the goal.
Here are the cautionary tales that our beloved trained useful idiots on the left in America are not paying attention to.

"No greater sorrow than to recall IN MISERY, the time when we were happy."

I visited East Berlin back in the 1980s before the wall came down.
There was a stark difference between East and West Berlin.
East Berlin was a Police State.
The store shelves were empty.
The citizens were oppressed.
When the Wall came down I was hoping that no other country make the same mistake again.
I hoped that all of humanity would learn from the mistake of marxism.
But somehow we have a brainwashed American youth who have no idea of what will really happen to them under marxism.
BTW, Reagan should have been given the Nobel Peace Prize for liberating Eastern Europe.
How many marxists are there in the US? Maybe 500? If they left, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Wow, how useful idiots like you are for the power greedy marxists that will quickly eliminate you when they finally get power.
I visited East Berlin back in the 1980s before the wall came down.
There was a stark difference between East and West Berlin.
East Berlin was a Police State.
The store shelves were empty.
The citizens were oppressed.
When the Wall came down I was hoping that no other country make the same mistake again.
I hoped that all of humanity would learn from the mistake of Marxism.
But somehow we have a brainwashed American youth who have no idea of what will really happen to them under Marxism.
BTW, Reagan should have been given the Nobel Peace Prize for liberating Eastern Europe.
I agree with all that you said, except, the very last. Reagan had publicly said, "I say to you Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall." The fact is however, that Reagan had little to do with it. The Communist incompetent system was in the process of failing and revolutions were cropping up in their controlled territories, financially, they could no longer afford to compete with the United States and other western nations and had begun pulling back their control, including in East Berlin. Demonstrations and public demand and via a misdirection by the East Berlin government, the border guards and public believed that it was acceptable for the public to simply walk out if they wanted to and thus they did. The US president had been constantly briefed on the collapsing Communist economy and the issues in East Berlin, so he just came out and said that famous statement, knowing full well that it was already going to happen.
Communism is not a good model for an economy. Whether you go to Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea, you will find that the only "non-poor" are the heads of the politburos, not the general populace. So, when you hear Communists yelling that they will make everyone equal, in a sense that is true, they will make everyone equally poor, with the exception I cited.
How many marxists are there in the US? Maybe 500? If they left, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Please stop this innocence act. There has been enough info over many decades. And our direction is toward that. It does not have to be total. The Soviet Union before it fell was not that. China was until they found sweat shop capitalism. We will end up moving to gulags, labor camps and a lot of death. Why? Authoritarian governments do not leave so easily. Somewhere in their reign there is suffering.
This "everybody is a marxist" thing is just totally dumb. Not surprising coming from right-wingers.
This "everybody is a marxist" thing is just totally dumb. Not surprising coming from right-wingers.
They're so locked in simplistic binary thought processes that shallow, ignorant, goofy hyperbole is all they can manage.

Plus, they finally realized that "socialist" wasn't scaring anybody. Obviously they'll soon find that out about "Marxist" too.

Let it be a cautionary tale. Don't let your mind atrophy at the hands of an ideology.
How many marxists are there in the US? Maybe 500? If they left, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Please stop this innocence act. There has been enough info over many decades. And our direction is toward that. It does not have to be total. The Soviet Union before it fell was not that. China was until they found sweat shop capitalism. We will end up moving to gulags, labor camps and a lot of death. Why? Authoritarian governments do not leave so easily. Somewhere in their reign there is suffering.

You worship trump. Why do you support authoritarian government? He's the most authoritarian chief executive we've ever had. He even believes that he is entitled to unlimited power. As an American, I must oppose him and his attempts to establish a dictatorship in the U.S. Please stop your innocence act.
First, remember this: One of the mottos of Communism, which explains the responder saying that his/her grandfather and uncle deserved to be executed is, "Ideology over blood." The belief in Communism supersedes the loyalty to your family. When it comes to people who think that the ideology is more important than those who love and raise them from infancy onward, don't themselves deserve to live. They have become evil.
Second, if the true Marxists/Communists actually left the US, they would be betraying the Marxist/Communist goal of world domination. The initial leaders of the revolution in a non-Communist nation ensure that they (as long as they truly believe in its mandates) ensure that it will be them who actually head any newly formed one-party Communist government and in reality, don't give a crap about the dimwitted rabble that shouts out on the leaders behalf. Unfettered power is the goal.
It's a dietyless religion, Marxism refers to religion as "the opiate of the masses" because it [religion] is so moving to its practitioners that marxism cannot infiltrate it without negative backlash so they developed their beliefs and require the same obedience in the way religion does but can hide from the label of religion by remaining a non-deity...marxists are religious zealots
This "everybody is a marxist" thing is just totally dumb. Not surprising coming from right-wingers.
They're so locked in simplistic binary thought processes that shallow, ignorant, goofy hyperbole is all they can manage.

Plus, they finally realized that "socialist" wasn't scaring anybody. Obviously they'll soon find that out about "Marxist" too.

Let it be a cautionary tale. Don't let your mind atrophy at the hands of an ideology.

There seems to be no middle anymore. Anyone who doesn't support trump is a "marxist." Ignorance abounds, as does exaggeration.
How many marxists are there in the US? Maybe 500? If they left, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Please stop this innocence act. There has been enough info over many decades. And our direction is toward that. It does not have to be total. The Soviet Union before it fell was not that. China was until they found sweat shop capitalism. We will end up moving to gulags, labor camps and a lot of death. Why? Authoritarian governments do not leave so easily. Somewhere in their reign there is suffering.

You worship trump. Why do you support authoritarian government? He's the most authoritarian chief executive we've ever had. He even believes that he is entitled to unlimited power. As an American, I must oppose him and his attempts to establish a dictatorship in the U.S. Please stop your innocence act.
Not more authoritarian than the blue state governors, mayors and council members the lefts cheers on.

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