There Is A Mistaken Belief Among Americans


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
There Is A Mistaken Belief Among Americans

There is a mistaken belief among Americans, it’s a myth favored by Democratic and Republican voters.

Journalist John Dobson, writing for The Sunday Guardian, perpetuates this myth when he assures his readers that congressional Democrats prefer a more socially equal society. Unfortunately, this is no longer true, and hasn’t been true for many years.

(Note: The Sunday Guardian is an Indian Sunday newspaper, launched on January 31, 2010 from New Delhi and is printed in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chandigarh.)

In his article, Is America descending into a failed state? Dobson comments on the extreme division that now exists among the American people. He also writes: “By any measure, Congress is also currently polarized more than at any time in living memory. There have always been differences in the visions of the two main political parties in America. Republicans traditionally argue for a small state and lower taxes, Democrats preferring a more socially equal society. But there has usually existed a middle consensus, providing an overlap for a bipartisan agreement on the way forward.”

Despite the politicians’ campaign claims, only a few long-serving congressional Democrats remain true to Dobson’s assertion that Democrats prefer a more socially equal society. The sad reality is, it’s primarily newly elected Democrats that fight against the overwhelming influence money now has in congressional policy making. The recent pandemic bail-out legislation proves the willingness of most congressional Democrats to ignore the needs of their constituents and instead cater to the greed of their billionaire political contributors.

The same bill also proves the “middle consensus”, which Dobson says is required to assure bi-partisan cooperation in congress, is no longer necessary. But sadly, the bi-partisan cooperation that has existed during the past four decades has rarely produced any policies designed to improve the lives of average Americans. For example, the many bi-partisan pieces of deregulation legislation passed during those last four decades benefited only Big Business and the super-rich... and thrilled conservatives.

But, regardless of their joy, conservatives lost far more than they gained (which they have always denied, big surprise). These losses were as consumers, workers, wage earners, small investors, small business owners, and many other areas as middle and lower income Americans. Also, the right-wingers’ hatred for socialism only kicks in when poor families receive government help. When socialism hands trillions of the conservatives’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars to the billionaires, conservatives’ happiness cannot be contained.

That $2.2 trillion in the first pandemic bail-out bill, only the point two portion was planned to go to average Americans. The remaining $2 trillion went to the fat cats, without any government oversight, as proclaimed by the impeached president trump. After his proclamation, the Democrats truly opposed to the “no oversight clause” could be counted on one hand.

The conservatives’ decades long fight to establish a government controlled by the super-rich has nearly been won. And as we saw in the Democratic primary elections, centrists have joined the conservatives in that fight. Centrists made Status Quo Joe Biden the 2020 presidential nominee for the Democrats. Centrists wanted as their candidate, one of the most cooperative Democrats the GOP ever had fighting for their side. And he’s been there, for the Republicans, since the early 1970s.

The righties’ opposition to socialism is all hot air. In fact, they love socialism, but only the socialism practiced in the system of predatory capitalism here in the United States. Socialism that benefits everyone is something the righties (and centrists) hate.

The extreme division in the U.S., which is a major topic in the Dobson article, is the political tool both parties rely on to disguise the machinery that has slowly stolen average Americans’ control over their own lives. And the way things are going, that division and animus among many average Americans, in a few short years will be all they have left.

Is America descending into a failed state? - The Sunday Guardian Live

I agree. Flat tax now!
That will crash the US economy. Most manufacturing is gone overseas so only wall-street gets profits. Over 70% of the US economy is driven by consumers. There must be some wealth redistribution until all jobs are returned or 40% of the economy is gone.
There Is A Mistaken Belief Among Americans

There is a mistaken belief among Americans, it’s a myth favored by Democratic and Republican voters.

Journalist John Dobson, writing for The Sunday Guardian, perpetuates this myth when he assures his readers that congressional Democrats prefer a more socially equal society. Unfortunately, this is no longer true, and hasn’t been true for many years.

(Note: The Sunday Guardian is an Indian Sunday newspaper, launched on January 31, 2010 from New Delhi and is printed in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chandigarh.)

In his article, Is America descending into a failed state? Dobson comments on the extreme division that now exists among the American people. He also writes: “By any measure, Congress is also currently polarized more than at any time in living memory. There have always been differences in the visions of the two main political parties in America. Republicans traditionally argue for a small state and lower taxes, Democrats preferring a more socially equal society. But there has usually existed a middle consensus, providing an overlap for a bipartisan agreement on the way forward.”

Despite the politicians’ campaign claims, only a few long-serving congressional Democrats remain true to Dobson’s assertion that Democrats prefer a more socially equal society. The sad reality is, it’s primarily newly elected Democrats that fight against the overwhelming influence money now has in congressional policy making. The recent pandemic bail-out legislation proves the willingness of most congressional Democrats to ignore the needs of their constituents and instead cater to the greed of their billionaire political contributors.

The same bill also proves the “middle consensus”, which Dobson says is required to assure bi-partisan cooperation in congress, is no longer necessary. But sadly, the bi-partisan cooperation that has existed during the past four decades has rarely produced any policies designed to improve the lives of average Americans. For example, the many bi-partisan pieces of deregulation legislation passed during those last four decades benefited only Big Business and the super-rich... and thrilled conservatives.

But, regardless of their joy, conservatives lost far more than they gained (which they have always denied, big surprise). These losses were as consumers, workers, wage earners, small investors, small business owners, and many other areas as middle and lower income Americans. Also, the right-wingers’ hatred for socialism only kicks in when poor families receive government help. When socialism hands trillions of the conservatives’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars to the billionaires, conservatives’ happiness cannot be contained.

That $2.2 trillion in the first pandemic bail-out bill, only the point two portion was planned to go to average Americans. The remaining $2 trillion went to the fat cats, without any government oversight, as proclaimed by the impeached president trump. After his proclamation, the Democrats truly opposed to the “no oversight clause” could be counted on one hand.

The conservatives’ decades long fight to establish a government controlled by the super-rich has nearly been won. And as we saw in the Democratic primary elections, centrists have joined the conservatives in that fight. Centrists made Status Quo Joe Biden the 2020 presidential nominee for the Democrats. Centrists wanted as their candidate, one of the most cooperative Democrats the GOP ever had fighting for their side. And he’s been there, for the Republicans, since the early 1970s.

The righties’ opposition to socialism is all hot air. In fact, they love socialism, but only the socialism practiced in the system of predatory capitalism here in the United States. Socialism that benefits everyone is something the righties (and centrists) hate.

The extreme division in the U.S., which is a major topic in the Dobson article, is the political tool both parties rely on to disguise the machinery that has slowly stolen average Americans’ control over their own lives. And the way things are going, that division and animus among many average Americans, in a few short years will be all they have left.

Is America descending into a failed state? - The Sunday Guardian Live

"The extreme division in the U.S., which is a major topic in the Dobson article, is the political tool both parties rely on to disguise the machinery that has slowly stolen average Americans’ control over their own lives. And the way things are going, that division and animus among many average Americans, in a few short years will be all they have left."

"that has slowly stolen average Americans’ control over their own lives."


I can marry whom I choose
I can get divorced as easily as I can get married
and then I can do it again and again
I can live with a person without getting married at all
I can live with that person, sleep in separate rooms, and still have sex with him/her
I can buy any car I want
and go anywhere with it!
I can buy any house I can afford
and live where I want to
I can gamble, pay for sex, join a band, play basketball, eat donuts, have too many kids, have no kids at all, read books, don't read books, write my own books, search for ghosts, aliens, ufos or bigfoot...
I can wear whatever clothes I choose
If I don't like my job I can educate and train myself and go do something else
I can do any hobby I want to; paint, music, sculpt, write, nap
I can call trump a pig

kindly list the BIG LIST of things in my life that I have no control of...

the fact that I can't think of any is bothering me....


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