Let's discuss Eric Snowden

He has run off to turn truths......yet he fears for his life? I say go underground Eric Snowden.....like 6 feet underground!
This whole issue about Eric Snowden and the NSA leaks is a bit frustrating.

Though I like certain FOX News shows, they're doing their little thing where they start turning against someone the heads of the news organization dislikes. Eric Bolling from The Five was absolutely right in his support for Eric Snowden, too, and it's incredibly funny to see someone like Dick Cheney railing against Eric Snowden for bringing light to this issue.

The worst thing, though, is calling him a traitor and then using the information he brought to the table. How ungrateful.

If it weren't for Snowden, we wouldn't have known that OUR government is spying on US, while lying about it to our faces. Yeah, you, Intelligence Chief James Clapper. And you wonder why people don't trust their government officials. We learn about war crimes on innocent civiliians through Bradley Manning, and we learn about a Surveillance State-like government through Eric Snowden.

Good for Eric. However, the only thing I'm truly wary about is him possible selling secrets to China (if he is). Besides that, Americans have the right to know, and if I had the resources and the abilities to release what Eric did and much more, I would.

Do you really think we can trust what our government tells us? I don't.

The IRS, NSA, Benghazi, accusations of covering up prostitution and pedophilia, spying on the AP, etc.

America needs people like Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden to help keep the American people informed. What else do we not know that we really, really should?

Just the
of a simple man.

I disagree.

I don't know how you hang someone by their thumbs but I think we should find out with this guy.

It isn't the information he released; it's for the next guy who thinks "he knows best" and decides that we shouldn't be in country X and does what he/she can to undermine our position.

It's much the same argument as those who don't want to build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville because they say it won't prevent illegal immigration. It may not. But it's a lot harder to smuggle in a nuke through Skyharbor Airport than it is to drive it across an unprotected border. It's not for what has happened; it's for what might happen.

In THIS case, country X is the United States. Snowden exposed the government's criminal activity taken against the citizens of this country, not country X.

We are getting truthful facts ONLY from brave individuals like Edward Snowden, Ben Kruidbos and the suspended police officer in the Boston Bombing case.

It is more important today that we have such brave people and support them. The government has repealed the laws that prevented it from lying and propagandizing the people through the media.
I can't believe that Snowden is as dumb and naive as his actions seem to suggest.
His actions may have drawn a lot more attention to what has been going on - but he didn't "unearth it." We've known about it for quite some time.
And obviously he didn't think things through enough to have an exit strategy or any real plan for that matter.

Now the russians and the chinese has everything he carries in his laptops. No use trying to argue otherwise - they aren't stupid and they have no reason to "respect the privacy of his belongings."

Is he a traitor or just really dumb? I know he's an IT whiz kid - but his actions here are either traitorous or just really stupid.
I can't believe that Snowden is as dumb and naive as his actions seem to suggest.
I can. What is the old joke, One guy says, "I'm not as dumb as I look." and the other guy says, "You couldn't be."

Snowden is. Those who support this guy are the real dumbasses; they have a choice and choose to side with the traitor.

His actions may have drawn a lot more attention to what has been going on - but he didn't "unearth it." We've known about it for quite some time.
And obviously he didn't think things through enough to have an exit strategy or any real plan for that matter.

Well, the first reveal concerning internal spying was nothing--we knew. Those who say we didn't were asleep during the Bush years.

The subsequent reveals of our foreign espianoge (sp?) were just for spite and that is what lost his credibilty with me--not that he had much to start with.

He's simply a guy looking for fame and finding it. Too bad.

Now the russians and the chinese has everything he carries in his laptops. No use trying to argue otherwise - they aren't stupid and they have no reason to "respect the privacy of his belongings."

Is he a traitor or just really dumb? I know he's an IT whiz kid - but his actions here are either traitorous or just really stupid.

I doubt he's a whiz kid; he was given credentials that he abused. If he did this from his condo in Boca Raton, that would be a sign of some sort of talent.

He's a dumb traitor that deserves to spend a really long time in a really small cell; preferably next to Terry Nicholls and the guy who tried to light his shoes on fire and blow up an airplane. He's just as dangerous.
Were you folks asleep when DARPA and the bushii eavesdropping were disclosed? They've been datamining our cell phones and internet useage for close to a decade now. Suddenly Snowden is a hero? He publicized stuff that only the naive thought impossible. He embarrassed us overseas by publically stateing our spying on other govts that other goverments already knew about. The senate and FISA courts have not been end runned.

You may dislike what's going on. The RWers here may choose to ignore what bushii was doing to bash Obama. The LWers may be dismayed that Obama did a 180 from candidate obama on the issue. But Snowden's just a punk with a personal agenda. If there's a comparison to the pentagon papers its simply that we knew in the 70s that Vietnam was based on a lie, and Ellsworth confirmed what we already knew ... embarassing Nixon. But, Nixon's "crime" was covering up. Anyone who thought Ellsburg a hero was just a naive punk ... and they seem to be voting gop and attending tea party rallies nowadays.
It isn't so much the information he HAS released - it's the information in his possession.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that everything he has in his possession is now in the chinese and russians' possession.

Snowden really isn't in a position to prevent them from getting the stuff, they have the technology to get it off his laptops pretty quickly & effectively, and I'm sure they were interested in what he had in there.

And surely Snowden isn't stupid enough to not have forseen that??????????

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