Let's discuss Eric Snowden

Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.

So you’re saying that there’s a possibility that Snowden is leaking this information (and more) in a malicious way to countries like Russia and China (in an attempt to hurt the American people)? I doubt those were his intentions because if he was simply here to harm our country he would be leaking this information in secret. Why the public spectacle?

I will note however that he likely is susceptible to leaking additional information to the Hong Kong gov’t now that they have some leverage on the guy (they hold the key to his freedom) and they know he’s willing to talk. That’s a fair point…

Yup, that is what I am saying. Why did he go public? Because he would eventually be arrested anyway, since the snoopers snoop and would have pinned him down somewhere down the road. So he ran off to China, got his 15 minutes of fame, then started opening his mouth to them about our secrets. In short...he is a snoop as well...and is now a rat fink.
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Sometimes truth brings forth injustice or worse.

If what Snowden has stated is true and our personal data has been collected for a decade or more, wouldn't there be evidence of people harmed? Wouldn't some of the media have disappeared? Keith Olbermann was very hard on GWB, but the government had nothing to do to have him canned by MSNBC or Gore's Network; likewise, Limbaugh has been over the top in his comments, seems he would be an easy target to end up in the morgue as a heart attack victim.

Is it really a surprise to you that the government snoops on us? I didn't mind him ratting out what is already known. What I have a problem with, is he is now telling OUR secrets to China. That shows he has other agendas other than just being a "Good American". Good Americans don't rat out their own country.

Points worthy of consideration.
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  • #24
Did you ever wonder what is purpose of a "News Show" is?

What point are you bringing to our table, BlindBoo?

You said you like certain Fox News shows and to me, news show are shows that discuss the news(and add spin) rather than report the news.

While that is true, I'm not sure where that plays in. Unlike people like Eric Snowden, I don't think FOX News. CNN, and MSNBC are able to reveal the kind of government deceit that he can. I don't think these biased channels have the same motivations that Snowden or Manning have. Heck, Bradley Manning even revealed a war crime where soldiers murdered foreign nationals. Yet he's in jail for revealing our government's cover-ups.

Our government is on a dangerous path. People like Snowden help rile up the Americans citizens to help prevent America from becoming no better than China or Russia.
Thanks to Snowden we now know just how expansive a system of national surveillance of the American public is. Each expansion of what we allow the government to do take us further down the road of increased oppression. So, when the government comes for your guns, and, they eventually will; they know who you are, what you have, where you are at, and the best time to come.

See how that works?
Thanks to Snowden we now know just how expansive a system of national surveillance of the American public is. Each expansion of what we allow the government to do take us further down the road of increased oppression. So, when the government comes for your guns, and, they eventually will; they know who you are, what you have, where you are at, and the best time to come.

See how that works?

Seems to me that someone worried about the government coming to take their guns wouldn't post what you and others have on a message board wherein you think but cannot be sure you are anonymous.
What point are you bringing to our table, BlindBoo?

You said you like certain Fox News shows and to me, news show are shows that discuss the news(and add spin) rather than report the news.

While that is true, I'm not sure where that plays in. Unlike people like Eric Snowden, I don't think FOX News. CNN, and MSNBC are able to reveal the kind of government deceit that he can. I don't think these biased channels have the same motivations that Snowden or Manning have. Heck, Bradley Manning even revealed a war crime where soldiers murdered foreign nationals. Yet he's in jail for revealing our government's cover-ups.

Our government is on a dangerous path. People like Snowden help rile up the Americans citizens to help prevent America from becoming no better than China or Russia.

This didn't start yesterday either. I don't know, for me it's just hard to forget something like

Online NewsHour: Debate | NSA Wire Tapping Program Revealed | May 11, 2006 | PBS

But I guess some people did or never learned about it. Also as I recall when people complained about war-crimes committed in Iraq during the war and first 5 or 6 years of the occupation anyway, they were called traitors and terrorist sympathizers.
Thanks to Snowden we now know just how expansive a system of national surveillance of the American public is. Each expansion of what we allow the government to do take us further down the road of increased oppression. So, when the government comes for your guns, and, they eventually will; they know who you are, what you have, where you are at, and the best time to come.

See how that works?

I'm not worried about them coming to get my guns. I am not a criminal and both are registered because I followed the law. The USA is so fucked up right now, but it is MY country and I would never betray it to another country.

It also doesn't help that everyone and their uncle is on Facebook giving out info like you wouldn't believe. Not including those cards for groceries you buy at the market that tracks your every move. WE are giving our rights away because we want to save a buck and visit with relatives from our computers instead of doing it like it was done in the 50's. WE are our own worst enemy when it comes to privacy. Wake up.
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You said you like certain Fox News shows and to me, news show are shows that discuss the news(and add spin) rather than report the news.

While that is true, I'm not sure where that plays in. Unlike people like Eric Snowden, I don't think FOX News. CNN, and MSNBC are able to reveal the kind of government deceit that he can. I don't think these biased channels have the same motivations that Snowden or Manning have. Heck, Bradley Manning even revealed a war crime where soldiers murdered foreign nationals. Yet he's in jail for revealing our government's cover-ups.

Our government is on a dangerous path. People like Snowden help rile up the Americans citizens to help prevent America from becoming no better than China or Russia.

This didn't start yesterday either. I don't know, for me it's just hard to forget something like

Online NewsHour: Debate | NSA Wire Tapping Program Revealed | May 11, 2006 | PBS

But I guess some people did or never learned about it. Also as I recall when people complained about war-crimes committed in Iraq during the war and first 5 or 6 years of the occupation anyway, they were called traitors and terrorist sympathizers.

I've heard of that as well, and George W. Bush's administration isn't innocent of this, either.
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Let's be fair, please. I don't think any of them leaked information about our surveillance government while working within it. Snowden is more credible than they are, because he's an insider—not a talking head, a politician, or the executive director of a political group. One thing we do know currently is that Eric Snowden is no political wingnut, unlike those you've mentioned.
It isn't the information he released; it's for the next guy who thinks "he knows best" and decides that we shouldn't be in country X and does what he/she can to undermine our position.

But that ought to be the point. If an American knows that our government is operating NOT in alignment with our Constitution, that American should do everything he or she can to speak truth to power. If you worked inside your government, and you learned that our nations had horrific, George Orwell 1984 designs that the people should know about, what would you do, candycorn? How else do we strike at the very heart and soul of beginning, oppressive tyranny?

It would be the right thing to do in accordance with our Constitution to shed light on these schemes to preserve our freedom and sovereignty.

Can't agree.

I think we've witnessed enough savagery by both homegrown as well as parasitic terrorists to know better.
Snowden signed a oath not release or reveal any of the information he had access to he broke that at the very least that is a criminal act he should have to come back here and answer for. When we start giving people free reign to decide for themselves what information should be released be it Snowden or Manning were starting down a very slippery slope I know full well the government can abuse power through classified programs but lets not forget people who leak information can be doing it for less than noble reasons.
This kid may be a computer genius, but acts like he was born yesterday. Anyone who pays attention knew the government had our telephone and e-mail RECORDS, and under Booosh didn't need warrants to check out content.

Now they DO, if you've been talking to terrorists. That would leave out Pub dupes, this idiot, and fools around the world. Many thanks to the cowardly, ratings mad media for blowing this out of scale, and of course the Pub Propaganda Machine for their usual bs hysteria and hate lol.
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At lest he is willing to admit what he is, a traitor. To be considered a whistle blower would require he approach congress with his findings, unfortunately he choose a much different path to travel. I guess to the highest bidder he goes.

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