Let's discuss Eric Snowden


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
This whole issue about Eric Snowden and the NSA leaks is a bit frustrating.

Though I like certain FOX News shows, they're doing their little thing where they start turning against someone the heads of the news organization dislikes. Eric Bolling from The Five was absolutely right in his support for Eric Snowden, too, and it's incredibly funny to see someone like Dick Cheney railing against Eric Snowden for bringing light to this issue.

The worst thing, though, is calling him a traitor and then using the information he brought to the table. How ungrateful.

If it weren't for Snowden, we wouldn't have known that OUR government is spying on US, while lying about it to our faces. Yeah, you, Intelligence Chief James Clapper. And you wonder why people don't trust their government officials. We learn about war crimes on innocent civiliians through Bradley Manning, and we learn about a Surveillance State-like government through Eric Snowden.

Good for Eric. However, the only thing I'm truly wary about is him possible selling secrets to China (if he is). Besides that, Americans have the right to know, and if I had the resources and the abilities to release what Eric did and much more, I would.

Do you really think we can trust what our government tells us? I don't.

The IRS, NSA, Benghazi, accusations of covering up prostitution and pedophilia, spying on the AP, etc.

America needs people like Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden to help keep the American people informed. What else do we not know that we really, really should?

Just the
of a simple man.
This whole issue about Eric Snowden and the NSA leaks is a bit frustrating.

Though I like certain FOX News shows, they're doing their little thing where they start turning against someone the heads of the news organization dislikes. Eric Bolling from The Five was absolutely right in his support for Eric Snowden, too, and it's incredibly funny to see someone like Dick Cheney railing against Eric Snowden for bringing light to this issue.

The worst thing, though, is calling him a traitor and then using the information he brought to the table. How ungrateful.

If it weren't for Snowden, we wouldn't have known that OUR government is spying on US, while lying about it to our faces. Yeah, you, Intelligence Chief James Clapper. And you wonder why people don't trust their government officials. We learn about war crimes on innocent civiliians through Bradley Manning, and we learn about a Surveillance State-like government through Eric Snowden.

Good for Eric. However, the only thing I'm truly wary about is him possible selling secrets to China (if he is). Besides that, Americans have the right to know, and if I had the resources and the abilities to release what Eric did and much more, I would.

Do you really think we can trust what our government tells us? I don't.

The IRS, NSA, Benghazi, accusations of covering up prostitution and pedophilia, spying on the AP, etc.

America needs people like Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden to help keep the American people informed. What else do we not know that we really, really should?

Just the
of a simple man.

I disagree.

I don't know how you hang someone by their thumbs but I think we should find out with this guy.

It isn't the information he released; it's for the next guy who thinks "he knows best" and decides that we shouldn't be in country X and does what he/she can to undermine our position.

It's much the same argument as those who don't want to build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville because they say it won't prevent illegal immigration. It may not. But it's a lot harder to smuggle in a nuke through Skyharbor Airport than it is to drive it across an unprotected border. It's not for what has happened; it's for what might happen.
It isn't the information he released it's for the next president who thinks he can disregard the bill of rights.
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It isn't the information he released; it's for the next guy who thinks "he knows best" and decides that we shouldn't be in country X and does what he/she can to undermine our position.

But that ought to be the point. If an American knows that our government is operating NOT in alignment with our Constitution, that American should do everything he or she can to speak truth to power. If you worked inside your government, and you learned that our nations had horrific, George Orwell 1984 designs that the people should know about, what would you do, candycorn? How else do we strike at the very heart and soul of beginning, oppressive tyranny?

It would be the right thing to do in accordance with our Constitution to shed light on these schemes to preserve our freedom and sovereignty.

It isn't the information he released it's for the next president who thinks he can disregard the bill of rights.

Our presidents need to respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. These politicians keep thinking they can trample all over our rights in secret, but Ibelieve the people—the people—will some day have enough.
It isn't the information he released it's for the next president who thinks he can disregard the bill of rights.

Our presidents need to respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. These politicians keep thinking they can trample all over our rights in secret, but Ibelieve the people—the people—will some day have enough.

What makes you believe that someday the people will have enough?
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It isn't the information he released it's for the next president who thinks he can disregard the bill of rights.

Our presidents need to respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. These politicians keep thinking they can trample all over our rights in secret, but Ibelieve the people—the people—will some day have enough.

What makes you believe that someday the people will have enough?

Throughout history there have been revolutions across the world. I'm not socialist, but I think there comes a time when the people get good and ticked off with all this deceit and bureaucratic BS. Maybe, some day, the people will know more about the secret working of their government, and/or finally get fed up with being lied to.

There are quite a few Americans out here already who distrust and resent their secretive and deceitful government.
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If it weren't for Eric Snowden, we Americans wouldn't have known that our government was spying on us. I believe we should be grateful for this.
If it weren't for Eric Snowden, we Americans wouldn't have known that our government was spying on us. I believe we should be grateful for this.

Well, I would be, were in not for the fact that he has put the lives of every member of the CIA in danger, exposed government secrets to terrorists and political rivals overseas, and is leaking more information as we speak.
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If it weren't for Eric Snowden, we Americans wouldn't have known that our government was spying on us. I believe we should be grateful for this.

Well, I would be, were in not for the fact that he has put the lives of every member of the CIA in danger, exposed government secrets to terrorists and political rivals overseas, and is leaking more information as we speak.

Our government leaves no other choice. I think terrorists already know that we, in general, want them dead and have means for doing so.

On the facet of Snowden putting CIA lives in danger, I'm not sure exactly how that is. If that is in addition and seperate to our own government creating huge systems and structures to spy on us, that is unfortunate.

As for him leaking information to the Chinese for, presumably, asylum... I don't know what to think of that.
I think when you have a situation where (a) the executive branch is knowingly overstepping its boundaries (in secret), (b) there’s minimal transparency/controls set in place, and (c) there are no avenues to change the wrongdoings taking place legally, you’re going to end up with the Edward Snowdens. It’s inevitable because it’s the only avenue (at this point) for concerned folks to make some real meaningful change.

Love him or hate him, I don’t think the info dump is going to hurt Americans.
Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.
If it weren't for Eric Snowden, we Americans wouldn't have known that our government was spying on us. I believe we should be grateful for this.

Well, I would be, were in not for the fact that he has put the lives of every member of the CIA in danger, exposed government secrets to terrorists and political rivals overseas, and is leaking more information as we speak.

He hasn't put the lives of anyone in the CIA in danger, the government secrets he exposed were details of the extent of government spying on the people.

I know he's still leaking such secrets. He just exposed James Clapper for having lied to Senator Wyden. Snowden hasn't put lives at risk, just political careers.
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Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.


I dunno.

If Snowden didn't do what he did, we'd never have known our government was going Matrix on us. These people in high positions of powers routinely lie to us because they think we're stupid, and that the only good they think we're worth is our votes.

They have been lying to us constantly. They are the traitors who roost in their ivory towers while vomiting down upon us their lies. A man ought to raise his pointed finger to the heavens and reveal to us what it is that is truly happening.

It is our pursuit of freedom, truth, and justice.
It isn't the information he released it's for the next president who thinks he can disregard the bill of rights.

LOL, where in the Bill of Rights is it written that the right to privacy of every citizen cannot be infringed? You claim to be a lawyer, I don't believe it and I don't believe you could spell LSAT, let alone pass it.

Privacy is implied in the first, third, fourth, and ninth Amendments to the COTUS, but only by inference can you make a claim that privacy is guaranteed in the B. of Rights.
Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.

So you’re saying that there’s a possibility that Snowden is leaking this information (and more) in a malicious way to countries like Russia and China (in an attempt to hurt the American people)? I doubt those were his intentions because if he was simply here to harm our country he would be leaking this information in secret. Why the public spectacle?

I will note however that he likely is susceptible to leaking additional information to the Hong Kong gov’t now that they have some leverage on the guy (they hold the key to his freedom) and they know he’s willing to talk. That’s a fair point…
Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.


I dunno.

If Snowden didn't do what he did, we'd never have known our government was going Matrix on us. These people in high positions of powers routinely lie to us because they think we're stupid, and that the only good they think we're worth is our votes.

They have been lying to us constantly. They are the traitors who roost in their ivory towers while vomiting down upon us their lies. A man ought to raise his pointed finger to the heavens and reveal to us what it is that is truly happening.

It is our pursuit of freedom, truth, and justice.

Sometimes truth brings forth injustice or worse.

If what Snowden has stated is true and our personal data has been collected for a decade or more, wouldn't there be evidence of people harmed? Wouldn't some of the media have disappeared? Keith Olbermann was very hard on GWB, but the government had nothing to do to have him canned by MSNBC or Gore's Network; likewise, Limbaugh has been over the top in his comments, seems he would be an easy target to end up in the morgue as a heart attack victim.
Daddy always said that if someone you know is constantly telling secrets about their friends to you, what makes you think they are not telling other friends all YOUR secrets?

Snowden is a traitor.


I dunno.

If Snowden didn't do what he did, we'd never have known our government was going Matrix on us. These people in high positions of powers routinely lie to us because they think we're stupid, and that the only good they think we're worth is our votes.

They have been lying to us constantly. They are the traitors who roost in their ivory towers while vomiting down upon us their lies. A man ought to raise his pointed finger to the heavens and reveal to us what it is that is truly happening.

It is our pursuit of freedom, truth, and justice.

Is it really a surprise to you that the government snoops on us? I didn't mind him ratting out what is already known. What I have a problem with, is he is now telling OUR secrets to China. That shows he has other agendas other than just being a "Good American". Good Americans don't rat out their own country.

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