Let’s assume Trump/Biden loses...How/why did he lose?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.
Of course, he will lose. (Sob!)

His enemies have done a magnificent job in demonizing him as another Herr Hitler and, of course, calling him the R-word.

For some crazy reason, enough voters have apparently bought the party line that today's Euro Americans should feel guilt about slavery & segregation. So those voters are going to vote for (Vice) President Harris to prove to themselves that they are not R-word.

Gotta give the Devil His/Her due. He/She really got to those voters, many of whom are going to soooooooooo regret their support for the Dems.
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.
The campaign is/was not the issue. The problem is/was the candidate. The dumb bastard hosed himself!
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.
Bad candidate, carrying too much baggage of statements made and not made, actions, support of unpopular foreign powers, the above the law self projected image, actions that damaged the government and reflected badly on the United State and himself at home and abroad.
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.
He had no national plan. Bigotry as foreign policy is not better than no foreign policy at all. Right wingers are all Talk about free market Capitalism (especially in socialism threads) and prefer Big Government socialism on an international basis like trade wars at every opportunity. Domestic policy is worse. All the right wing had was nothing but Repeal of the black guy's healthcare reform not any better solution at lower cost or any solution at all after nearly four years. Right wingers don't care about the general welfare only the general warfare.
This is why he SHOULD lose:

.......Is it the $1.1 million his businesses charged the Secret Service for rooms and services at his various clubs, from New Jersey to Glasgow, Scotland?

Is it playing golf 266 days, an average of once every 4.92 days, usually at a golf course he owns (and charges tax payers to use), instead of working?

Is it the throttling of Brian Murphy, the senior DHS official in charge of intelligence, for reporting on the threat of Russian interference in the 2020 election?

Is it threatening witnesses like Laura Cooper of the Pentagon for testifying against Trump during the impeachment trial?

Is it proposing to loosen regulations outlawing health care companies from exchanging bribes and kickbacks for patient referrals?

Is it when he withheld military aid to Ukraine unless they investigated Hunter?

Is it abandoning Kurds on the battlefield in Syria, fighters who had already suffered 11,000 dead and 24,000 wounded in a war that we asked them to fight,?

Is it calling US military war dead “suckers” and “losers”?

Is it the indictments of seven Trump advisors (Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Micahel Cohen) as well as 27 others?

Is it the 5400 children separated from their parents at the border (over a thousand of whom have suffered sexual abuse) “to keep people out of this country — namely Central American migrants” according to Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller?

Is it the 545 children, now permanently orphaned because their parents can’t be located, that Trump says are “so well-taken care of”?

Is it his telling “Proud Boy” terrorists to “stand back and stand by”?

Is it his putting a top donor to his campaign in charge of the Post Office then watching him deliberately slow delivery of mail-in ballots by cutting hours and tossing sorting machines?

Is it his calling mail-in ballots “a scam” and “fraud”, because if the United States switched to all-mail voting, “you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again?”

Is it paying no US taxes for 10 out of 15 years, then $750 in 2016, but paying $188,561 over two years in taxes to China?

Is it his refusal to acknowledge climate change, something 11,000 scientists around the world endorse, even as the US west is burning?

Is it his total non-management of the Covid 19 pandemic, causing 8,680,611 cases and 226,171 dead and counting?

Is it his his no mask, no social distancing Super Spreader events at the White House and around the country?

Is it his effort to prevent DHS, the CDC, WHO and other agencies from telling the truth about COVID 19?

Is it appointing a Secretary of Education who never attended a public school and doesn’t believe in the public school system?

Is it Attorney General Barr assigning Justice Department lawyers to defend a defamation suit against Trump, firing US Attorney Geoffrey Berman for investigating Trump, and minimizing the Mueller investigation?

Is It Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s abuse of power in firing his Inspector General, using his office to punish Trump critics, and using staff for personal errands?

Is it his cozying up to Putin and defending him at every step?

Is it his support for the Saudis and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in murdering Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi?

Is it his attempt to get rid of Obamacare thus eliminating healthcare for 19 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic?

Is it the new healthcare plan he claims to have but can’t produce?

Is it his stacking the Supreme Court 6-3 with Amy Coney Barrett so she can “look at the ballots” in what he calls a rigged election, as well as kill Obamacare?

Is it all the lies – over 20,000 and counting?

Is it all the insults he’s thrown at US allies?......"""

It would have nothing to do with his campaign.

Has he become a different person since 2016?
Hasn’t he been everything he said he’d be all along?
"I have the best people,"

How many were indicted, convicted and sentenced?

"It's going away. Like a miracle, it will just go away."

And we still lose 1,000 of us every day.

"There were very fine people on both sides."

And the FBI says White Supremacy groups pose the greatest terrorist threat.

...and defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic."

While he tells Proud Boys to stand back and stand by. While he ignores Putin putting bounties on American service women and men.

"Pre-existing conditions will be protected."

While he sues in the Supreme Court to overturn the ACA.
Has he become a different person since 2016?
Hasn’t he been everything he said he’d be all along?

I believe that 2016 wasn't about Trump. I believe 2016 was about Clinton.

I'll give Trump full credit for winning in 2016. He told people how he would win whereas most professionals said he couldn't, and he did exactly that. But I believe 2016 was about getting rid of the Clintons forever.

Why? Because in exit polls, when asked "Did you vote for your candidate or against the other candidate?" 56% of Trump voters said "Against the other candidate." Trump also won people won undecided voters by about 3:2. The reason why he won those going into the ballot box undecided according to pollsters was because people were sick of Clinton and wanted to give the new guy a chance.

Now they've seen the new guy for four years and they're recoiling. This has been consistent for about three years. For three years, his approval numbers have barely budged, and they've always been negative since.

Trump has a very solid hardcore base. But they are a minority in the country. Then there are the Republicans who will vote for any Republican. Add those up and that's north of 40%. But not much more. Trump spent zero effort to reach out to voters who weren't his core supporters. It was always about his base 24/7.

Trump probably had an even chance to win the election prior to the pandemic. There would have been a lot of voters who would have voted for Trump because of the economy. But the economy is bad now. Voters have consistently told pollsters that Trump has badly mismanaged the pandemic. They've also told pollsters that he worsened race relations in the summer. None of this should surprise people if they've actually been paying attention to how Trump has been running things in the White House. Trump may be a great speaker and showman, but he's a horrible manager. Person after person coming out of the White House who've worked for Trump have said the same thing. But you don't hear that in the adoring right-wing media bubble.

His support in the suburbs has collapsed. His support amongst rural white women is also way down. I can't think of a single state where they've done any meaningful polling where he is up compared to 2016. The district polls - the ones the parties use but don't publish - are showing that Trump's support is down almost uniformly across the country by 5-10%.

I think this is going to be a slaughter.
If Trump loses then it'll mostly be that his act finally wore out. I think he's done a pretty good job policy-wise, I'm not agreeing with everything he's done, like the tariffs. But under the circumstances and the lack of much help from Congress he has done very well IMHO. Others will disagree and that's fine; we're all entitled to our own opinions.

But sometimes the man alienates people when he says certain things. He can't keep his mouth shut sometimes and he says or tweets things that are somewhat politically inadvisable. And so IMHO if he loses it'll be his own fault, how a president carries himself does have some gravitas and Trump doesn't always come across as likeable like Biden does. Biden is not exactly trustworthy or authentic, but sometimes people want a change for personal reasons. Trump's act wore out.
He blew up at Leslie Stahl when she simply asked what his priorities were for his next term if he won.
Then he walked out.
He's the biggest pussy of them all.
A girly man dressed up like a bully.
They have all their excuses lined up, ready to go.

If Trump loses, they'll drag them all out. Fine with me. It won't change a thing. Trump will still be a buffoon, and they'll still be fooled.
Joe Biden will lose, because he is an old white guy who is obviously campaigning only to hide his corruption, and does not have a reorganization plan that can be compared to Trump's record of economic prosperity in the midst of Democrat coup attempts and mainstream media bias contempt.
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.

The campaign didn’t goof. Nothing should have been done differently. The American voters no longer have any sense of what they are supposed to be doing. They have no concept of civics or history. They have no Minds or Souls.
Where did his campaign goof up? What didn’t they do? What should they have done differently?
Should he lose, it will be fun to visit this thread after all the data is in...We’ll know who’s opinion was most accurate.

His supporters act like the worst type of garbage.
If Trump loses, it will because you guys drove away anyone who ever said, "Yeah, but..." when asked about supporting a Trump policy.

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