Let’s Not Panic Over Romney’s Defeat

I think it is more along the lines of establishing what it is you actually stand for.

Take abortion. You start with the sensible notion that abortion isn't a good thing. Okay. Got it.

There are a lot of things you guys could advocate to reduce the number of abortions that you'd find common ground with moderates and liberals on.

But you can't leave good enough alone. Nope, abortion should be illegal in the cases of rape and incest. Life begins at conception. Women shouldn't get birth control as part of their health care if their employer's religion says that's bad. And if someone protests, your cheerleader on the radio screams she's a "slut' and a "prostitute". YOu insist on making women watch ultrasounds they didn't ask for- and pay for them. You want to see medical records to make sure that heart-breaking late abortion was heart-breaking enough.

In short, you end up taking folks you could have found common ground with and sent them screaming to the other side, running in a serpentine pattern.

NOthing wrong with standing your ground, but sometimes, you have to make sure it's a defensible position.

So, I get that your not in favor of individual free speech and baby killing turns you on..

On principle, I could never agree..

And the two Senatorial candidates who agree with you on rape and abortion lost elections they should have won.

So congratulations, you have an even more liberal Senate.

If that's your goal, good job. :clap2:

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?
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The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

Whose Panicking? I'm am tickled pink that so many got what they wanted. Soon they'll get what they deserve.
So, I get that your not in favor of individual free speech and baby killing turns you on..

On principle, I could never agree..

And the two Senatorial candidates who agree with you on rape and abortion lost elections they should have won.

So congratulations, you have an even more liberal Senate.

If that's your goal, good job. :clap2:

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

And what are Obama's principles? do not include integrity, honesty or loyalty or I'll just figure you're lying..

No, Obama is a secret Muslim Communist with a Marxist plan to impose Sharia Law and Socialism on us, and force women to have abortions.

Because I know the right really needs to believe this.

In other words, you don't demand or judge the principles of Democrat candidates but you do Republicans..:lol:.. that's honest and interesting at least.
And the two Senatorial candidates who agree with you on rape and abortion lost elections they should have won.

So congratulations, you have an even more liberal Senate.

If that's your goal, good job. :clap2:

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

Why in the fu... must you guys keep playing the same old song? I realize you don't have anything positive to say about Obama and must invent BS but come on no one is getting rid of abortion on the federal level, ain't gonna happen. Just becaue you want it to be a wedge issue doesn't mean it has to be.
I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

Why in the fu... must you guys keep playing the same old song? I realize you don't have anything positive to say about Obama and must invent BS but come on no one is getting rid of abortion on the federal level, ain't gonna happen. Just becaue you want it to be a wedge issue doesn't mean it has to be.

I voted for Romney and am against abortion.

Now, your point was what exactly?
And the two Senatorial candidates who agree with you on rape and abortion lost elections they should have won.

So congratulations, you have an even more liberal Senate.

If that's your goal, good job. :clap2:

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

I believe that abortion should be legal in cases of incest, rape or the actual threat to the life of the mother (within the first 3 mo.).

I would also consider the first 6 weeks of pregnancy... although I do believe a human life begins at conception and is completely innocent..
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And the two Senatorial candidates who agree with you on rape and abortion lost elections they should have won.

So congratulations, you have an even more liberal Senate.

If that's your goal, good job. :clap2:

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

I think abortion is a state issue and the federal government should stay out of the issue altogether.
Just as gay marriage is a state issue the feds should stay out of that also.
This is sensible, and a path that most GOP can follow.

I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

I believe that abortion should be legal in cases of incest, rape or the actual threat to the life of the mother (within the first 3 mo.).

I would also consider the first 6 weeks of pregnancy... although I do believe a human life begins at conception and is completely innocent..
The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

Let's face it Freewill, Mitt Romney was "B. Hussein Obama lite". The Republicans have to quit trying to be more like demoncrats, and more like real conservatives.

They lost when they put up moderates like Gerald Ford, Bob Dole and John McLame, what makes you think they'd win with a liberal like Mitt Romney?

Liberal vultures drooling over another liberal

I can agree with that, there wasn't much difference. But I will say rewarding politicians for what Obama has done for the last 4 years has to stop. I am disappointed in the American people.
I don't recall talking about rape, where did that come from?

So they lost their elections but held to their personal principles according to you.

Are you saying our Senators are better off unprincipled?

I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

I believe that abortion should be legal in cases of incest, rape or the actual threat to the life of the mother (within the first 3 mo.).

I would also consider the first 6 weeks of pregnancy... although I do believe a human life begins at conception and is completely innocent..


Republicans have now nominated four extremist candidates for the Senate who lost in states they should have won - NV DE MO IN.

The party is getting smaller, not bigger. Unless this party wants to become a permanent minority party made up of True Believers, it will have to expand beyond the Small Tent it has become.

As for the "Democrats are doing it too" argument, that may be but it is nowhere as bad as the GOP. Last I checked, "DINO" isn't being used as a pejorative term.
Winning the popular vote is pretty much a tie from Reagan on funny how the liberals like to parse things.
I'm saying that Republicans shouldn't nominate extremists.

Do you or do you not think abortion should be illegal if a woman is pregnant because she is raped?

I believe that abortion should be legal in cases of incest, rape or the actual threat to the life of the mother (within the first 3 mo.).

I would also consider the first 6 weeks of pregnancy... although I do believe a human life begins at conception and is completely innocent..


Republicans have now nominated four extremist candidates for the Senate who lost in states they should have won - NV DE MO IN.

The party is getting smaller, not bigger. Unless this party wants to become a permanent minority party made up of True Believers, it will have to expand beyond the Small Tent it has become.

As for the "Democrats are doing it too" argument, that may be but it is nowhere as bad as the GOP. Last I checked, "DINO" isn't being used as a pejorative term.

DINO equates to blue dog or Reagan democrats.

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