Lessons From Sodom

The bible condemns a lot of stuff, but no one seems to pay mind to those passages.
There are rules. There are exceptions to rules. It takes self-discipline to follow the rules. This is why everyone wants to be the exception to the rule. Yet it is in discipline that we free ourselves and in the lack of discipline we bind ourselves to limitations, never achieving what we could.
Wow, nothing like refusing to live in the modern world...

So the Bible says homosexuality is a sin... an ancient book written by men... let's see... here are a few things the Bible says are okay, perhaps we should work them into modern society...

Death to those that commit adultery.

If an man and woman have sex during the time the woman is having a period they shall be punished by the community.

That if a man thinks his pregnant wife was unfaithful that he should bring her to the priest to be poisoned causing a miscarriage as a test to see if she really was unfaithful.

That it is appropriate to kill your rebellious children.

That not only is it OK to own slaves but that you can beat them to the point where as long as they don't die with 48 hours then you aren't guilty of anything.

That you can sell your daughters to others as a sex slave.

That a woman should be forced to marry a man that rapes her and the man has to pay her father money.

That it is OK for have sex with your daughters if "they got you drunk enough."

If a woman doesn't yell loud enough when being raped she should be put to death. But only if the woman is married, aka the property, of another man.

That's just a few of the glorious things...

Funny that the Bible condemns homosexuality between men, calling for their death, but make no mention of lesbians. Must be they're okay... I guess we know what kind of porn the men who wrote the book enjoyed...

All things being equal, I say we let the gays stay.
It’s nearly impossible to impose the death penalty due to the conditions required by the Torah; your web sites leave that little fact out.
It’s nearly impossible to impose the death penalty due to the conditions required by the Torah; your web sites leave that little fact out.

I'm interested in the subject of the death penalty, not sure what you mean here.

  1. Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.
    1. There was a post-sanhedrin period of rabbis being opposed to the death penalty. But this was in reaction to Rome’s gratuitous slaughter via crucifixion. And, of course, there was no nation of Israel at the time.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

Leviticus 24:17 and 21

Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

Deuteronomy 19:11-13
I'm interested in the subject of the death penalty, not sure what you mean here.

  1. Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.
    1. There was a post-sanhedrin period of rabbis being opposed to the death penalty. But this was in reaction to Rome’s gratuitous slaughter via crucifixion. And, of course, there was no nation of Israel at the time.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

Leviticus 24:17 and 21

Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

Deuteronomy 19:11-13
2 witnesses who can’t see each other during the crime.
The witnesses cannot be related.
They must know where they were at the time the crime was committed and the direction I when they were in relation to the perpetrator and victim.
They must know the exact time of day and the condition of the weather and sky.
They must each twice quote the verse to the perpetrator and the perpetrator must also know the verse and respond
Twice that he/she knows the law but is going to commit the trespass anyway.
The witnesses must be able to describe exactly what the perpetrator wore.
Each witness is to be interrogated by a court of at least 7 judges known to be experts in law.
If every judge says, “Guilty”, the perpetrator goes free.
The perpetrator can only be punished by a majority of 2 judges.
There are many more qualifications that I don’t know offhand.
2 witnesses who can’t see each other during the crime.
The witnesses cannot be related.
They must know where they were at the time the crime was committed and the direction I when they were in relation to the perpetrator and victim.
They must know the exact time of day and the condition of the weather and sky.
They must each twice quote the verse to the perpetrator and the perpetrator must also know the verse and respond
Twice that he/she knows the law but is going to commit the trespass anyway.
The witnesses must be able to describe exactly what the perpetrator wore.
Each witness is to be interrogated by a court of at least 7 judges known to be experts in law.
If every judge says, “Guilty”, the perpetrator goes free.
The perpetrator can only be punished by a majority of 2 judges.
There are many more qualifications that I don’t know offhand.

Where do you find that in either the Old or New Testament?
Where do you find that in either the Old or New Testament?
Talmud...Tractate Sanhedrin.
Every letter and word is analyzed by the Rabbis.
The point of the Rabbis of the Talmud is to reduce the severity of accidental and purposeful sin and punishment.
It's not any different from any time period where every letter of a legal document is analyzed and argued by a team of attorneys.
Talmud...Tractate Sanhedrin.
Every letter and word is analyzed by the Rabbis.
The point of the Rabbis of the Talmud is to reduce the severity of accidental and purposeful sin and punishment.
It's not any different from any time period where every letter of a legal document is analyzed and argued by a team of attorneys.

Can you quote it from either the Old or New Testament?

If not, the five quotes I provided take precedence.

The Bible was not written by attorneys.

I don't have any desire to reduce the severity; I favor the sanctity of innocent lives.
Can you quote it from either the Old or New Testament?

If not, the five quotes I provided take precedence.

The Bible was not written by attorneys.

I don't have any desire to reduce the severity; I favor the sanctity of innocent lives.
There is no one verse to point out.

When I mentioned attorneys I was trying to stress the importance of every letter, word, phrase and "verse" in the Torah.
The Rabbis used the commonality of these elements throughout the Torah to minimize the level of severity for infractions against God.

For instance, if a word is mentioned in 2 or more places, the features of the verses can be used to determine how in increase the severity or lack thereof of another verse.
For example, 2 verses can be used to clarify a 3rd verse.
If a word has a prefix in one case and no prefix in another case, the verses which contain the word are interpreted to cover different laws.
If a word has a suffix in one case and no prefix in another case, the verses which contain the word are interpreted to cover different laws.
If a verse refers to a human, animal or inanimate object in one case and another verse refers to a different human, animal or inanimate object in another verse the Rabbis determined these differences to cover different laws.

There is a phrase used by people who study Talmud...in order to know one thing you must know everything.
The Talmud is a series of theological discussions intended to steer the Jews in the right direction of how to live life.
That's why the Rabbis may state that the path to follow is like Rabbi X but very few arguments are rejected as silly.
There is no one verse to point out.

When I mentioned attorneys I was trying to stress the importance of every letter, word, phrase and "verse" in the Torah.
The Rabbis used the commonality of these elements throughout the Torah to minimize the level of severity for infractions against God.

For instance, if a word is mentioned in 2 or more places, the features of the verses can be used to determine how in increase the severity or lack thereof of another verse.
For example, 2 verses can be used to clarify a 3rd verse.
If a word has a prefix in one case and no prefix in another case, the verses which contain the word are interpreted to cover different laws.
If a word has a suffix in one case and no prefix in another case, the verses which contain the word are interpreted to cover different laws.
If a verse refers to a human, animal or inanimate object in one case and another verse refers to a different human, animal or inanimate object in another verse the Rabbis determined these differences to cover different laws.

There is a phrase used by people who study Talmud...in order to know one thing you must know everything.
The Talmud is a series of theological discussions intended to steer the Jews in the right direction of how to live life.
That's why the Rabbis may state that the path to follow is like Rabbi X but very few arguments are rejected as silly.

Exactly my point.

I provided specific verses.

The result of attorney's and obfuscation results in this:

Seven nurses slaughtered by this:

Exactly my point.

I provided specific verses.

The result of attorney's and obfuscation results in this:

Seven nurses slaughtered by this:

Unfortunately, the sole aim of any attorney is to win, regardless of how slimy they have to be in order to attain that goal.
We have LibTard attorney in my community who will come close to committing suicide to exonerate a rapist or murderer.
America.....circling the drain.
I am nauseated by LibTard Orthodox Jews (They keep kosher and shabbos and memorize all the sports statistics but rarely learn any Torah at all) who will always claim a criminal was tricked into committing a crime.
There seems to be no cure for this mental illness.

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