Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate

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Now, for some reality checks on the fake science; they both come from links, too, which is all that is needed to establish proof right, links n stuff?

The Research on Same-Sex Parenting: “No Differences” No More

In its 2004 endorsement of what is commonly referred to as the “no differences” theory, the American Psychological Association (APA) declared that “there is no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children,” and “research has shown that the adjustment, development, and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual orientation and that the children of lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of heterosexual parents to flourish.”[1]

These conclusions have been cited in numerous amicus briefs filed in court cases, including Obergefell v. Hodges,[2] the marriage case scheduled to be argued before the Supreme Court on April 28, 2015. In recent years, however, this position has been contradicted by more rigorous studies indicating that children raised by parents in a same-sex relationship face greater emotional, developmental, and other difficulties than those raised by mothers and fathers, particularly by their married biological parents.

Flawed Early Studies Found No Differences
It is well understood in experimental design that the preferred method is to conduct (1) a blind experiment (2) on a representative sample (3) using a statistically powerful hypothesis test. Early studies of parents in a same-sex relationship were lacking in at least one of these three design criteria, and most such studies were lacking in all of them.[3]

First, the participants were aware that the purpose was to investigate same-sex parenting and may have biased their responses in order to produce the desired result.

Second, participants were recruited through networks of friends or through advocacy organizations, resulting in a sample of same-sex parents of higher socioeconomic status than is typical of parents in a same-sex relationship generally.

Third, on average, samples of fewer than 40 children of parents in a same-sex relationship virtually guaranteed findings of no statistically significant differences between groups.

While many individual authors acknowledged the difficulties of studying a group that is relatively rare and difficult to identify through typical survey methods, the APA nonetheless used these flawed studies as a whole to support the “no differences” theory.

Even the more enlightened sociopaths at Slate find these sudden surges of 'Homos Are Wonderful!!! fake studeis being publiched all at once, usually just in time for some propaganda campaign or other, elections, SCOTUS cirucuses, et al.

Does It Really Make No Difference If Your Parents Are Straight or Gay?

And, the main reason these outfits like the APA never have a study that contradicts the Official PC Line is they have the same policy the HY Times and most other MSM media outlets, have, and that they deliberately refuse to publish anything at all that contradicts their political agendas. It's that simple, and yet another fine example of how all that 'scientific rationalism' works in the real world.
This clap trap is put out by the ultra conservative Heritage Foundation. The same Heritage Foundation that published This tripe:

Heritage Foundation: Gay marriage means less marriage and more abortions - AMERICAblog News

As the argument goes, allowing for same-sex marriage dilutes the norm of marriage being between one man and one woman, which leads fewer men and women to bother getting married. And since unmarried women have more abortions than married women…voila! All of those straight women who would otherwise get married and have babies are instead going to get knocked up and have abortions JUST BECAUSE the gays are getting married.

They just make this crap up. And if I'm not mistaken, YOU PEOPLE accused liberals of using biased sources. What a joke. I'm sure that they're lying about the APA study as well but I can't find a copy of the actual study. I'm not finished here though
How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.
How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.
I don't suppose that you would have anything remotely intelligent to say in response to my post 120 and 121. Looks like Picaro has left the building as they say. :290968001256257790-final:
Now, for some reality checks on the fake science; they both come from links, too, which is all that is needed to establish proof right, links n stuff?

The Research on Same-Sex Parenting: “No Differences” No More

In its 2004 endorsement of what is commonly referred to as the “no differences” theory, the American Psychological Association (APA) declared that “there is no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children,” and “research has shown that the adjustment, development, and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual orientation and that the children of lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of heterosexual parents to flourish.”[1]

These conclusions have been cited in numerous amicus briefs filed in court cases, including Obergefell v. Hodges,[2] the marriage case scheduled to be argued before the Supreme Court on April 28, 2015. In recent years, however, this position has been contradicted by more rigorous studies indicating that children raised by parents in a same-sex relationship face greater emotional, developmental, and other difficulties than those raised by mothers and fathers, particularly by their married biological parents.

Flawed Early Studies Found No Differences
It is well understood in experimental design that the preferred method is to conduct (1) a blind experiment (2) on a representative sample (3) using a statistically powerful hypothesis test. Early studies of parents in a same-sex relationship were lacking in at least one of these three design criteria, and most such studies were lacking in all of them.[3]

First, the participants were aware that the purpose was to investigate same-sex parenting and may have biased their responses in order to produce the desired result.

Second, participants were recruited through networks of friends or through advocacy organizations, resulting in a sample of same-sex parents of higher socioeconomic status than is typical of parents in a same-sex relationship generally.

Third, on average, samples of fewer than 40 children of parents in a same-sex relationship virtually guaranteed findings of no statistically significant differences between groups.

While many individual authors acknowledged the difficulties of studying a group that is relatively rare and difficult to identify through typical survey methods, the APA nonetheless used these flawed studies as a whole to support the “no differences” theory.

Even the more enlightened sociopaths at Slate find these sudden surges of 'Homos Are Wonderful!!! fake studeis being publiched all at once, usually just in time for some propaganda campaign or other, elections, SCOTUS cirucuses, et al.

Does It Really Make No Difference If Your Parents Are Straight or Gay?

And, the main reason these outfits like the APA never have a study that contradicts the Official PC Line is they have the same policy the HY Times and most other MSM media outlets, have, and that they deliberately refuse to publish anything at all that contradicts their political agendas. It's that simple, and yet another fine example of how all that 'scientific rationalism' works in the real world.
This has got to be a joke! First of all you are doing what you complained that I did -posting summaries of studies with out the actual study.

But aside from that, do you think that I do not know who Mark Regnerus is. Do you think that I don't know who Paul Sullins is. Do you think that I don't know what the American College of Pediatrics is.?

I'm just going to deal with Regnerus. He is a charlatan who was KICKED OUT OF COURT in Michigan becase the judge saw right through his horseshit I compiled this a while ago:

Here is a clear example of the lengths to which opponents of same sex marriage, and child rearing by gays will go in order to manipulate data and distort evidence to support their narrow minded and bigoted agenda. If there was a body of credible evidence to show that having gay parents was in any way detrimental to children, this would not be necessary!

Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Take Bad-for-Children Argument to Court 2.22.14 Selected excerpts follow….the full article can be found at

Scholars testifying in defense of Michigan’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage aim to sow doubt about the wisdom of change. They brandish a few sharply disputed recent studies — the fruits of a concerted and expensive effort by conservatives to sponsor research by sympathetic scholars — to suggest that children of same-sex couples do not fare as well as those raised by married heterosexuals.

That view will be challenged in court by longtime scholars in the field, backed by major professional organizations, who call those studies fatally flawed. These scholars will describe a near consensus that, other factors like income and stability being equal, children of same-sex couples do just as well as those of heterosexual couples.

In meetings hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington in late 2010, opponents of same-sex marriage discussed the urgent need to generate new studies on family structures and children, according to recent pretrial depositions of two witnesses in the Michigan trial and other participants. One result was the marshaling of $785,000 for a large-scale study by Mark HYPERLINK ""Regnerus, a meeting participant and a sociologist at the University of Texas who will testify in Michigan.

………four social science researchers, all of whom attended at least one of the Heritage Foundation meetings and went on to publish new reports, are scheduled to testify in favor of Michigan’s ban.

The most prominent is Dr. Regnerus. His study, published in 2012, was condemned by leading social scientists as misleading and irrelevant, but some conservatives call it the best of its kind and continue to cite it in speeches and court cases.

Dr. Regnerus found that the subjects in that category fared worse based on a host of behavioral and psychological measures than those who grew up in intact traditional families. The study, Dr. Regnerus wrote, “clearly reveals” that children are most apt to succeed when they grow up “with their married mother and father.”

But professional rejections of Dr. Regnerus’s conclusions were swift and severe. In a friend of the court brief the Supreme Court last year in two same-sex marriage cases, a report by the 14,000-member American Sociological Association noted that more than half the subjects whom Dr. Regnerus had described as children of “lesbian mothers” and “gay fathers” were the offspring of failed opposite-sex marriages in which a parent later engaged in same-sex behavior, and that many others never lived with same-sex parents.

If any conclusion can be reached from Regnerus’s study,” the association said, “it is that family stability is predictive of child well-being.”

I have plenty more on all of this other crap that posted but lucky for you I'm busy today and for the next few days. I will end for now by saying that the stupidest part of this is that using the issue of children to fight same sex marriage makes no sense.Gay folks have had child long before anyone thought that would be able to marry. Not allowing them to marry only ensures that those kids will not have two legal parents. I'm not done with you!

Still no links to studies. And, we know you've never actually read them, either, so quit trying to pretend you know what they actually say; you know they're crap as well, don't you? lol
How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.

No, he doesn't, he know full well tey're mentally ill; he's just a liar, is all. He can't post a link to any study, because he's never actually read one, and he knows they're crap methodologies, too, so he's now reduced to sniveling about my link. lol

If they weren't mentally ill, and there was all this 'science' to prove it, the the American Psychiatric Association's vote in 1973 wouldn't have been some 5,800 'for' removing it from the mental disorder classification ,3,800 opposed, and 10,000 refusing to vote either way, and this after a three year campaign of death threats, mau-mauing, and threats to shut down private practices of those who publicly opposed their extortion and threats of violence. So much for the cred of these 'mental health professionals' and their 'studies', when they will cave to such tactics and pander to the sickos.

So much for the 'rationalists' idiotic claims of being 'all about science' and their Xian bashing rubbish. The real science clearly proves they are indeed a bunch of neurotic fetishists and deviants, and they should be kept away from children altogether, and we know they're a major public health menace as well. They like to peddle the rubbish that it's 'just the Xians fault' they're rightly fully regarded as sickos, and have been for thousands of years. That makes them sound good to the other dope addled deviants, and clueless women, who think they're all just a bunch of harmless funny hairdressers n stuff.
Last edited:
You shouldn't put children with parents that don't reflect their own culture, heritage, and beliefs.
No child should be denied a loving permanent home because a perfect cultural match could not be found. And what "beliefs does " does a toddler have? What does any of this have to do with the case at hand?
You don't stick christian children with Lesbians. Common sense man.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in college admissions?
Or do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in hiring and promotions?
Racial? You realize that most who take advantage of AA are white women?
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in college admissions?
Or do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in hiring and promotions?
Racial? You realize that most who take advantage of AA are white women?
Oh, you mean Left's support for gender discrimination in employment and education. OK
Now, for some reality checks on the fake science; they both come from links, too, which is all that is needed to establish proof right, links n stuff?

The Research on Same-Sex Parenting: “No Differences” No More

In its 2004 endorsement of what is commonly referred to as the “no differences” theory, the American Psychological Association (APA) declared that “there is no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children,” and “research has shown that the adjustment, development, and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual orientation and that the children of lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of heterosexual parents to flourish.”[1]

These conclusions have been cited in numerous amicus briefs filed in court cases, including Obergefell v. Hodges,[2] the marriage case scheduled to be argued before the Supreme Court on April 28, 2015. In recent years, however, this position has been contradicted by more rigorous studies indicating that children raised by parents in a same-sex relationship face greater emotional, developmental, and other difficulties than those raised by mothers and fathers, particularly by their married biological parents.

Flawed Early Studies Found No Differences
It is well understood in experimental design that the preferred method is to conduct (1) a blind experiment (2) on a representative sample (3) using a statistically powerful hypothesis test. Early studies of parents in a same-sex relationship were lacking in at least one of these three design criteria, and most such studies were lacking in all of them.[3]

First, the participants were aware that the purpose was to investigate same-sex parenting and may have biased their responses in order to produce the desired result.

Second, participants were recruited through networks of friends or through advocacy organizations, resulting in a sample of same-sex parents of higher socioeconomic status than is typical of parents in a same-sex relationship generally.

Third, on average, samples of fewer than 40 children of parents in a same-sex relationship virtually guaranteed findings of no statistically significant differences between groups.

While many individual authors acknowledged the difficulties of studying a group that is relatively rare and difficult to identify through typical survey methods, the APA nonetheless used these flawed studies as a whole to support the “no differences” theory.

Even the more enlightened sociopaths at Slate find these sudden surges of 'Homos Are Wonderful!!! fake studeis being publiched all at once, usually just in time for some propaganda campaign or other, elections, SCOTUS cirucuses, et al.

Does It Really Make No Difference If Your Parents Are Straight or Gay?

And, the main reason these outfits like the APA never have a study that contradicts the Official PC Line is they have the same policy the HY Times and most other MSM media outlets, have, and that they deliberately refuse to publish anything at all that contradicts their political agendas. It's that simple, and yet another fine example of how all that 'scientific rationalism' works in the real world.
This has got to be a joke! First of all you are doing what you complained that I did -posting summaries of studies with out the actual study.

But aside from that, do you think that I do not know who Mark Regnerus is. Do you think that I don't know who Paul Sullins is. Do you think that I don't know what the American College of Pediatrics is.?

I'm just going to deal with Regnerus. He is a charlatan who was KICKED OUT OF COURT in Michigan becase the judge saw right through his horseshit I compiled this a while ago:

Here is a clear example of the lengths to which opponents of same sex marriage, and child rearing by gays will go in order to manipulate data and distort evidence to support their narrow minded and bigoted agenda. If there was a body of credible evidence to show that having gay parents was in any way detrimental to children, this would not be necessary!

Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Take Bad-for-Children Argument to Court 2.22.14 Selected excerpts follow….the full article can be found at

Scholars testifying in defense of Michigan’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage aim to sow doubt about the wisdom of change. They brandish a few sharply disputed recent studies — the fruits of a concerted and expensive effort by conservatives to sponsor research by sympathetic scholars — to suggest that children of same-sex couples do not fare as well as those raised by married heterosexuals.

That view will be challenged in court by longtime scholars in the field, backed by major professional organizations, who call those studies fatally flawed. These scholars will describe a near consensus that, other factors like income and stability being equal, children of same-sex couples do just as well as those of heterosexual couples.

In meetings hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington in late 2010, opponents of same-sex marriage discussed the urgent need to generate new studies on family structures and children, according to recent pretrial depositions of two witnesses in the Michigan trial and other participants. One result was the marshaling of $785,000 for a large-scale study by Mark HYPERLINK ""Regnerus, a meeting participant and a sociologist at the University of Texas who will testify in Michigan.

………four social science researchers, all of whom attended at least one of the Heritage Foundation meetings and went on to publish new reports, are scheduled to testify in favor of Michigan’s ban.

The most prominent is Dr. Regnerus. His study, published in 2012, was condemned by leading social scientists as misleading and irrelevant, but some conservatives call it the best of its kind and continue to cite it in speeches and court cases.

Dr. Regnerus found that the subjects in that category fared worse based on a host of behavioral and psychological measures than those who grew up in intact traditional families. The study, Dr. Regnerus wrote, “clearly reveals” that children are most apt to succeed when they grow up “with their married mother and father.”

But professional rejections of Dr. Regnerus’s conclusions were swift and severe. In a friend of the court brief the Supreme Court last year in two same-sex marriage cases, a report by the 14,000-member American Sociological Association noted that more than half the subjects whom Dr. Regnerus had described as children of “lesbian mothers” and “gay fathers” were the offspring of failed opposite-sex marriages in which a parent later engaged in same-sex behavior, and that many others never lived with same-sex parents.

If any conclusion can be reached from Regnerus’s study,” the association said, “it is that family stability is predictive of child well-being.”

I have plenty more on all of this other crap that posted but lucky for you I'm busy today and for the next few days. I will end for now by saying that the stupidest part of this is that using the issue of children to fight same sex marriage makes no sense.Gay folks have had child long before anyone thought that would be able to marry. Not allowing them to marry only ensures that those kids will not have two legal parents. I'm not done with you!

Still no links to studies. And, we know you've never actually read them, either, so quit trying to pretend you know what they actually say; you know they're crap as well, don't you? lol
I'm back. Watch out!! Where are YOUR links to studies that prove what ever it is that you want to prove. ?? Even your post citing the charlatans Regnerious and Sullins did not provide links to the actual studies, that -as I documented- were discredited and thrown out of court. You never answered this. WHY it there was a credible body of evidence to show that children fare less well with gay and Lesbian parents- did the state of Michigan hire someone who made shit up and was disavowed by his own University? Deal with it or shut up.
How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.
to a seriously obsessed and disturbed individual who actually believes his own bullshit

How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.

No, he doesn't, he know full well tey're mentally ill; he's just a liar, is all. He can't post a link to any study, because he's never actually read one, and he knows they're crap methodologies, too, so he's now reduced to sniveling about my link. lol

If they weren't mentally ill, and there was all this 'science' to prove it, the the American Psychiatric Association's vote in 1973 wouldn't have been some 5,800 'for' removing it from the mental disorder classification ,3,800 opposed, and 10,000 refusing to vote either way, and this after a three year campaign of death threats, mau-mauing, and threats to shut down private practices of those who publicly opposed their extortion and threats of violence. So much for the cred of these 'mental health professionals' and their 'studies', when they will cave to such tactics and pander to the sickos.

So much for the 'rationalists' idiotic claims of being 'all about science' and their Xian bashing rubbish. The real science clearly proves they are indeed a bunch of neurotic fetishists and deviants, and they should be kept away from children altogether, and we know they're a major public health menace as well. They like to peddle the rubbish that it's 'just the Xians fault' they're rightly fully regarded as sickos, and have been for thousands of years. That makes them sound good to the other dope addled deviants, and clueless women, who think they're all just a bunch of harmless funny hairdressers n stuff.
That is quite the unhinged , moronic rant that has nothing to do with the topic. You and Bob really should do something about those voices in your head

How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.

No, he doesn't, he know full well tey're mentally ill; he's just a liar, is all. He can't post a link to any study, because he's never actually read one, and he knows they're crap methodologies, too, so he's now reduced to sniveling about my link. lol

If they weren't mentally ill, and there was all this 'science' to prove it, the the American Psychiatric Association's vote in 1973 wouldn't have been some 5,800 'for' removing it from the mental disorder classification ,3,800 opposed, and 10,000 refusing to vote either way, and this after a three year campaign of death threats, mau-mauing, and threats to shut down private practices of those who publicly opposed their extortion and threats of violence. So much for the cred of these 'mental health professionals' and their 'studies', when they will cave to such tactics and pander to the sickos.

So much for the 'rationalists' idiotic claims of being 'all about science' and their Xian bashing rubbish. The real science clearly proves they are indeed a bunch of neurotic fetishists and deviants, and they should be kept away from children altogether, and we know they're a major public health menace as well. They like to peddle the rubbish that it's 'just the Xians fault' they're rightly fully regarded as sickos, and have been for thousands of years. That makes them sound good to the other dope addled deviants, and clueless women, who think they're all just a bunch of harmless funny hairdressers n stuff.
That is quite the unhinged , moronic rant that has nothing to do with the topic. You and Bob really should do something about those voices in your head

You claim to not be a homo so why are all your posts about homos?
Damn these liberals commy bastards, They all aliens from area 51, AKA Mexicoooooo!

"They all aliens from area 51, AKA Mexicoooooo!"

AKA Third World Shit Hole :smoke:

How did you grow up to be another drug addled neurotic with considerable sexual identity issues? Were you parents gay?

Oh look, Officer Pedo-Friendly plays the old 'reverse psychobabble' gimmick. why is this always their 2nd or 3rd response, proving they have zero genuine arguments? lol

Pretty much standard TheRegressivePervert behavior. He starts a thread, taking a position that is overtly perverted, insane, or even outright evil, and gets very angry when only other fellow pervert-loving freaks will agree with him. The thread seldom takes long to devolve into him screaming random, gratuitous insults at everyone who dares to call his filth for what it is. And he blames us for turning his thread into a sh••storm.

What has happened here is what has happened in nearly every other thread that he's started. And somehow, in his degenerate madness, he thinks that the rest of us are the problem.

No, he doesn't, he know full well tey're mentally ill; he's just a liar, is all. He can't post a link to any study, because he's never actually read one, and he knows they're crap methodologies, too, so he's now reduced to sniveling about my link. lol

If they weren't mentally ill, and there was all this 'science' to prove it, the the American Psychiatric Association's vote in 1973 wouldn't have been some 5,800 'for' removing it from the mental disorder classification ,3,800 opposed, and 10,000 refusing to vote either way, and this after a three year campaign of death threats, mau-mauing, and threats to shut down private practices of those who publicly opposed their extortion and threats of violence. So much for the cred of these 'mental health professionals' and their 'studies', when they will cave to such tactics and pander to the sickos.

So much for the 'rationalists' idiotic claims of being 'all about science' and their Xian bashing rubbish. The real science clearly proves they are indeed a bunch of neurotic fetishists and deviants, and they should be kept away from children altogether, and we know they're a major public health menace as well. They like to peddle the rubbish that it's 'just the Xians fault' they're rightly fully regarded as sickos, and have been for thousands of years. That makes them sound good to the other dope addled deviants, and clueless women, who think they're all just a bunch of harmless funny hairdressers n stuff.
That is quite the unhinged , moronic rant that has nothing to do with the topic. You and Bob really should do something about those voices in your head

You claim to not be a homo so why are all your posts about homos?
I never claimed to be or to not be anything. What I am is none of you business - or anybody's business, unless they're looking for a date. Whenever someone makes assumptions about my sexuality based on my politics or interests, they immediately loose whatever credibility they might have had
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says


Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the

What drives this case ?

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Your post screams insecurity. To say that someone doesn't have a moral objection independent of religion is to be a FOOL
and legally a fool. SCOTUS ruled on that in the atheist conscientious objector case. The poor refugee girl has had enough suffering without cursing her with dyke fake parents--- and that is what everybody will think and many will say. Then --- because this usually happens --- the lesbians will use the girl as a sob when In fact they are ruining her life.

Compared with off-spring from married, intact mother/father homes, children raised in same-sex homes are markedly more likely to…

  • Experience poor educational attainment
  • Report overall lower levels of happiness, mental and physical health.
  • Have impulsive behavior
  • Be in counseling or mental health therapy (2xs)
  • Suffer from depression (by large margins)
  • Have recently thought of suicide (significantly)
  • Identify as bisexual, lesbian or gay
  • Have male on male or female on female sex partners (dramatically higher)
  • Currently be in a same-sex romantic relationship (2x to 3x more likely)
  • Be asexual (females with lesbian parents)
  • As adults, be unmarried; much more likely to cohabit
  • As adults, more likely to be unfaithful in married or cohabiting relationships
  • Have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • Be sexually molested (both inappropriate touching and forced sexual act)
  • Feel relationally isolated from bio-mother and -father (Although lesbian-parented children do feel close to their bio-mom – not surprisingly – they are not as close as children with a bio-mom married to father)
  • Be unemployed or part-time employed as young adults
  • As adults, currently be on public assistance or sometime in their childhood
  • Live in homes with lower income levels
  • Drink with intention of getting drunk
  • To smoke tobacco and marijuana
  • Spend more time watching TV
  • Have frequency of arrests
  • Have pled guilty to minor legal offense
a CURSE on perverts that make kids their explosive sniffing dogs to shame people who KNOW that parents are a MAN and a WOMAN.

It is an abomination that people like Buttigieg are committing and infuriates people who love children
I never claimed to be or to not be anything. What I am is none of you business - or anybody's business, unless they're looking for a date. Whenever someone makes assumptions about my sexuality based on my politics or interests, they immediately loose whatever credibility they might have had
Better tighten up the loose credibility. We wouldn't want to lose it!

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