Alaska Native Justice Center


Jan 23, 2018

Is this appropriate?

I hate specialty courts. In my hometown in the lower 48 there are several: Veterans Court, Drug Court, Mental Health Court, Immigration Court, Divorce Court to name a few.

It is always the same. Defense and Prosecution work together as a "team" for the offender's best interest and reconciliation to society. There is no adversarial due process, and no trial. It is always a "deal" contingent on pleading guilty to a "reduced" charge and forfeiting one's firearms rights for life for even the most minor misdemeanor offense.

Is this appropriate?

I hate specialty courts. In my hometown in the lower 48 there are several: Veterans Court, Drug Court, Mental Health Court, Immigration Court, Divorce Court to name a few.

It is always the same. Defense and Prosecution work together as a "team" for the offender's best interest and reconciliation to society. There is no adversarial due process, and no trial. It is always a "deal" contingent on pleading guilty to a "reduced" charge and forfeiting one's firearms rights for life for even the most minor misdemeanor offense.
You do realize the accused has the right to reject any "deal"........?

As for the Alaska Native Justice Center you do realize there's hundreds of diverse "Justice Centers" all over the country and that they are advocacy groups and not courts, right?
"Justice center" is not a court?

Err, it quacks like a duck, it looks like a duck, someone very important is sitting on the bench, and the defendants don't have the money to pay their fines, not with that kind of "history" anyways....

I'm not surprised it's "non-profit."
Is booze involved?

I'm sure it is. Other drugs, too. Prescription as well as street. Legal marijuana. I'm white, and I've been through the same wringer. Any kind of racial court, or a racialized jurisdiction outside of official reservation lands, only makes matters worse. This needs to be verboten.

BIA has run amok, like the rest of our white nationalist federal government. Specialized health care for natives? It sure as hell ain't the natives getting those doctorate degrees in medicine -- not after they grew up under that sort of court system.

I'm white. I can't get health care either. I do not believe others have it all that much better than I do, not at any rate under the present circumstances.

Is this appropriate?

I hate specialty courts. In my hometown in the lower 48 there are several: Veterans Court, Drug Court, Mental Health Court, Immigration Court, Divorce Court to name a few.

It is always the same. Defense and Prosecution work together as a "team" for the offender's best interest and reconciliation to society. There is no adversarial due process, and no trial. It is always a "deal" contingent on pleading guilty to a "reduced" charge and forfeiting one's firearms rights for life for even the most minor misdemeanor offense.
You do realize the accused has the right to reject any "deal"........?

As for the Alaska Native Justice Center you do realize there's hundreds of diverse "Justice Centers" all over the country and that they are advocacy groups and not courts, right?

And...if it works - who cares?

The one size fits all view often doesn't.
The one size fits all view often doesn't.

Cruel and unusual punishments are forbidden.

Take a rather inconsequential violation of etiquette or general politeness, twist it far out of proportion into a crime worthy of permanent record, find out what tribe and family the defendant belongs to, and mock him in front of his elders.

The courts are becoming far too specialized.
The one size fits all view often doesn't.

Cruel and unusual punishments are forbidden.

Take a rather inconsequential violation of etiquette or general politeness, twist it far out of proportion into a crime worthy of permanent record, find out what tribe and family the defendant belongs to, and mock him in front of his elders.

The courts are becoming far too specialized.

I agree with your first sentence, and the specialty courts can not be unconstitutional.

But they are often more effective - in particular, the drug courts have been, and also - mental health courts. If it's affective and voluntary (they can choose it over the traditional system) then I support it particularly if it helps people who are better helped out of jail then in jail.
mental health courts

The people running these courts need to have their heads shrunken and raised up on poles for all the world to behold as a just and fitting example, that the unjust and forcible practice of psychiatry would be eradicated from off the face of the earth, never again to reappear in any way, shape, or form, as long as the world stands.

We fought two world wars against these same atrocities which now, once again, to our horror and astonishment, rear their ugly head.
How about you?

Neither a wife nor a beater.

Anyways, back on topic, the trouble with these specialty courts is that the "deal" has already been made by defense attorneys to plea the vast majority of defendants guilty and waive their rights, leaving the defendant -- who is now presumptuously called the "offender" even before conviction -- with no options to raise any actual defense to the criminal charges laid against him.
Never heard of a veterans court...

Off Topic, but I just had a thought. How does a Felon get a gun to ward off Bears and stuff? You cant go to the outhouse up there unless carrying? Do they send all Felons to the city center?

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