Lena Dunham says it is ok for an older white dude to rape a young black woman as long as he is a dem

This white guy finds her very attractive.

some black women are totally unattractive. Not her. She is definitely eye candy.

you may find her blackness a turn off. so do I somewhat. But she is able to overcome that.

Be that as it may, she was raped by a powerful white dude and a woman I don't trust says because she is black she is not to be given the credence a white woman would get.
Rape does not care if the woman is attractive or not. It is not about romance, it is a power trip, it is you are small and week and I can crunch you and submit to me. being ugly is no defence against rape, a glock or a knife is the only defence against rape

She was raped. The racial aspect is because Lena Dunham pretends she doesn't believe her.

American standards is always has been black ancestry of 1% she is totally black. I didn't set this up, it has been this way forever. It is good you are willing to take her into the white tent, even though she is attractive because of her black ancestry to you.
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Actress Aurora Perrineau, who starred in “Jem and the Holograms,” accused writer Murray Miller of raping her in 2012, when she was 17-years-old. Dunham rose to his defense. Aurora had a polygraph which she passed on the rape claim.
How is this white girl black?

How is she white? She's biracial from what I can tell. Her father is a black actor, her mother is a white model. I know her father, Harold Perrineau, from his character in Lost, although I've seen him in other stuff.


I believe this photo is of Aurora Perrineau's parents.

Of course, the young woman's race is immaterial to the question of whether she was sexually assaulted or not.
Idk what difference her race matters, rape is rape. Dunham is worse than pond scum and a fool listens to her BS
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