Here’s why Lynne Patton is at today’s hearing, and it could be devastating for Michael Cohen

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered

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Scooplet: Longtime Trump aide Lynne Patton (who now serves as a HUD official) is attending hearing as a guest of Rep. Mark Meadows. Sources say Patton will sit behind Meadows during hearing. Patton, who is black, may do press to push back against testimony that Trump is racist

Patton tweeted this morning that she’s there “in support of @POTUS and in support of the truth, as Michael Cohen (knows that I know) it to be. And the truth is that it doesn’t take you 15 years to call someone a racist. Unless they’re not one”:

Full Facebook post of Patton’s here:

Dear Haters:

Since so many of you are asking, I am only going to say this ONCE, so please pay attention before any of you start breaking out the champagne:

1) I will be the first to concede that IF actual physical evidence exists that the President directly instructed Cohen to lie to Congress then, yes, it would be the ONLY accusation made against POTUS over the past three years that would worry me. Otherwise, it remains the word of one person over another with ZERO evidence. Period. One of whom is going to jail for perjury & fraud.

2) More notably, it should be known that Donald Trump does not use email and never has. Nor (up until his inauguration at least) does he text. Therefore, the likelihood of some “smoking gun” email or text is slim to none. It should also be known that any/all visitors to the West Wing must check their cell phones upon entry in a secure locker before meeting with the President. Omarosa was not a visitor.

3) Many of you may already know that I considered Michael Cohen to be one of my very best friends. Countless people can confirm that we were virtually inseparable during my employment at Trump – and that he is, single-handedly – responsible for introducing me to the Trump family and effectively changing my entire life. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my heart still breaks for him and for his family, with whom I had grown extremely close.

4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions – effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity.

5) Michael Cohen also told me (after they raided his apartment) that the reason why he elected to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 by using his home equity loan – effectively committing bank fraud – instead of easily using the over $5M+ cash he has sitting in various stateside bank accounts is because his wife controls their finances and he simply did not want her to notice the missing money, as many husbands wouldn’t considering to whom it went. Period. Moreover, he confessed to me that he never imagined in a million years that Donald Trump would actually win the Presidency and that the misappropriation of his home equity loan would ever be exposed, since thousands of Americans misuse this type line of credit to pay for colleges, boats, cars and vacations every single day.

6) By Cohen’s own admission, Trump ceased all interest and communication in constructing Trump Tower Moscow in June 2016. Over a month before officially being declared the Republican nominee for President. To that end, it is NOT ILLEGAL for him to explore – nor deny – any “for profit” construction projects during the campaign, as he was still a civilian global real estate mogul.

7) BuzzFeed, themselves, officially admitted on CNN this morning that they have yet to independently confirm or see ANY evidence that corroborates their story.

8.) Most significantly, Mueller refused to recommend any leniency, nor lack of jail time (as he did for Michael Flynn), for Michael Cohen when he was sentenced to 3+ years in federal prison just last month. This would lead most legal experts to reasonably conclude that the Special Counsel deems information gleaned from Michael Cohen of little consequence or contribution.

9) Lastly, given that Michael Cohen is barred from discussing the Russian investigation when he testifies before the House Oversight Committee, it’s safe to conclude that his testimony on February 7th will effectively amount to nothing more than political theater and partisan fodder for late night hosts simply to embarrass a sitting President over past behavior he may or may not have engaged in as a private citizen.

10) In closing, Michael Cohen always wanted to be famous. Sadly, he has gotten his wish. I personally stopped communicating with Michael when it became known in May 2018 that he was defrauding various companies (from a Korean defense firm to a global pharmaceutical company) for millions of dollars by falsely claiming he could leverage his connection with the President to their favor.

To me, that was the moment I knew our character, principles & loyalty to one another had finally diverged.

Much like the moment I ultimately realized that Omarosa Manigault Newman was lying to me about the existence of an “N-word” tape.

Like Cohen, it is no secret that Omarosa was one of my of very best friends. She and I developed the closest relationship out of everyone during the campaign, transition and newfound Administration.

From sharing hotel rooms to texting and speaking up to 80 times per day, I considered her to be like a sister. Michael Cohen was like my family.

While both of them often declared their loyalty to this President and his family in public, I realize now that neither of them FULLY understood the definition.

You don’t give loyalty to get loyalty in return.

You do it simply because it’s the right thing to do.

I am not a rich person. Nor am I poor.

People who have known the Trump family for less than a year are now signing multi-million dollar book deals. I have known them for 10. I know what’s written in their pre-nups & in their wills. I know what they think of certain people, the details of their family lives – good or bad. I know their medical histories & even the passcodes to their emails, credit cards, computers and homes.

NOT ONCE has it EVER crossed my mind to share that information in exchange for monetary gain. Not even in the multiple millions. Nor will it ever.

Feel free to call me either the dumbest loyalist on the face of the earth, or the poorest member of their inner circle.

I, on the other hand, simply choose to call myself a NORMAL FRIEND.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

Mueller is a soulless prick.

Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
Not even close. Mueller charges family members with made up fake crimes. Then challenges the person to prove him wrong. Mueller has unlimited funds. He counts on his victim bankrupting themselves to prove the charges baseless. This is what he did in the Arthur Anderson case . Eventually the entire prosecution was thrown out. By then the innocent accused had lost everything. Some were even pressured into prison sentences just to save a child. Then there was the malicious case Mueller pursued against Steven Hatfill. Mueller should have been disbarred for that one.

To say that Mueller had provable claims against Cohen's wife is an abortion of the facts.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
Not even close. Mueller charges family members with made up fake crimes. Then challenges the person to prove him wrong. Mueller has unlimited funds. He counts on his victim bankrupting themselves to prove the charges baseless. This is what he did in the Arthur Anderson case . Eventually the entire prosecution was thrown out. By then the innocent accused had lost everything. Some were even pressured into prison sentences just to save a child. Then there was the malicious case Mueller pursued against Steven Hatfill. Mueller should have been disbarred for that one.

To say that Mueller had provable claims against Cohen's wife is an abortion of the facts.

More conspiracy theory crap? How do you know what they did or did not have? You a member of the team?
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
Not even close. Mueller charges family members with made up fake crimes. Then challenges the person to prove him wrong. Mueller has unlimited funds. He counts on his victim bankrupting themselves to prove the charges baseless. This is what he did in the Arthur Anderson case . Eventually the entire prosecution was thrown out. By then the innocent accused had lost everything. Some were even pressured into prison sentences just to save a child. Then there was the malicious case Mueller pursued against Steven Hatfill. Mueller should have been disbarred for that one.

To say that Mueller had provable claims against Cohen's wife is an abortion of the facts.

Makes me more angry than many travesties of justice. The courtroom judges are not supposed to let this happen. But find an obammy judge.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
You can’t be that stupid.

I’d suggest you read The Art of the Deal and maybe you’ll be able to noodle things out.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
You can’t be that stupid.

I’d suggest you read The Art of the Deal and maybe you’ll be able to noodle things out.

Trump didn't write that book.
Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?

Prosecutorial Misconduct....using the threat of legal action to control and extort. She shouldn't be exempt even if her husband makes a deal for her freedom.

Mueller has a practice of threatening the family members of his targets. He threatened Michael Flynn's son. Mueller destroyed Arthur Anderson by threatening the children, spouses and parents of the Anderson principals.

So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
He probably didn’t think it was worth the bother, a ship full of rats...
Michael Cohen’s family will scatter like the rats they are...
So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?

It was not a crime at all, but a technical detail that could have allowed for harmful selective prosecution as extortion.
So Mueller could have charged Cohen's wife with a provable crime, but he didn't. Doesn't sound very heartless to me. Why should she be exempt from crimes she committed?
Problem is Cohen is still talking and a vocal critic of Trump. There is a lot of hostility between the two. Do not know about the wife thing but its clear that he was facing significant amount of jail time. As a lawyer he know that he had to make a deal for a lighter sentence.

He vows to be a vocal critic of Trump in 2018. Doesn't sound like he needed that much motivation to turn on Trump

. Cohen got 3 years only and most of it was home confinement

So there was a deal but Cohen made out as well. IF the story is true he probably would sacrifice himself for his wife.

HE appears to have gotten a very light sentence for his input and even today is still a vocal critic of Trump when he doesn't have to be.

Still when Trump was president he could have pardon his wife easily

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