Zone1 legalisation of hard drugs : bad idea?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
ofcourse, some pro-legalization enthusiasts say 'but what if we dose it right and fight illegal distribution?'

bad idea, coz you'd be offering a legal way into getting more and more hooked on all sorts of other hard drugs, legal or not.
and long term use even at light doses can lead to psychosis, i believe.
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Found via World Headlines on

in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
i doubt anyone here will defend opiates or addiction, but i do think the addicts should be treated humanely and that treatment MUST be part of their sentence. .

the crime and insanity that cluster around a "dope fiend" is usually how addicts are identified, just a guess.
Legalization will knock off the cartels.
no, because hard drugs is designed to make you want to use more and more.
you'll be getting the doses and dope-types that your government doesn't allow you, from the cartels again.

the only way this can be prevented is with massive propaganda effort in favor of nearly-complete abstinence from all fun drugs except dopamine (human-genome-natural happiness as the result of some type of work that's done).
in much the same way as the gays are now selling their ideas to young kids.
in young kids' schools.
with tests that they have to pass.
and repititon while young, which does give the best lessons for later in life.
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Being one who lost a brother to hard drugs and once having an addition problem myself, bad idea.

You can become addicted to some of those from the first time you try them.
tell me about it.
tried hash once, liked it, never stopped liking it.
did a lot of it.
even got hooked on tobacco after the shrinks advised that to me..

life's tough on this planet.
but it certainly has it's highly fun moments too :D
ofcourse, some pro-legalization enthusiasts say 'but what if we dose it right and fight illegal distribution?'

bad idea, coz you'd be offering a legal way into getting more and more hooked on all sorts of other hard drugs, legal or not.
and long term use even at light doses can lead to psychosis, i believe.

Just do real enforcement against cartels, gangs. and dealers and the problem will largely go away in a month or two. About 10 well placed missiles will pretty much disrupt the Mexican cartels, followed up by a few assassinations and raids, then do it again in every narco state for the next 6 months.
Why not -

1 - Hold a legal binding referendum of what the US population want

2 - On the referendum, options are -
  • Decriminalise drugs, offer alternatives from drug stores at prices below street prices
  • Keep the system as it is, lock up offenders
  • Execute drug pushers and users
  • Other
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Found via World Headlines on

in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
There is nothing that won't be abused by some people. I'm more an advocate of education than criminalization. When it comes to drugs, I think a lot of the problems people have are because they are illegal and therefore very expensive.
There is nothing that won't be abused by some people. I'm more an advocate of education than criminalization. When it comes to drugs, I think a lot of the problems people have are because they are illegal and therefore very expensive.

Most addicts are pretty well-educated about what their drugs are doing to them, and the drugs being expensive never seems to stop them because they can rob, steal, and sell their bodies to get them.
Most addicts are pretty well-educated about what their drugs are doing to them, and the drugs being expensive never seems to stop them because they can rob, steal, and sell their bodies to get them.
So it is the expense of the drugs, solely because they are illegal, that creates criminals and crime? I agree and that makes no sense to me. If an adult wants to harm themselves, let them and just make sure no one else is harmed and they know there is help available.
‘Horrific: Perry’s ex reveals his desperate attempt to stop drugs
Tragic Friends star Matthew Perry resorted to gluing his hands to his knees to stop himself taking more drugs, former girlfriend Kayti Edwards has revealed.

Remote : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Local : 2023-12-24(Sunday) 10 : 50 : 16
Found via World Headlines on

in my humble opinion, hard drugs just drives a person towards criminality, insanity, or a little of both.
what's your thoughts on this topic?
If they didn't have to hide more would seek help.

Legalize everything.
Some users become Maintenance addicts. They can dose up (Heroin for example) and function OK. Maybe even hold a job For a long time possibly better than an alcoholic would.

I know first hand there are other types, other drugs. A person shooting Coke will binge for days and days. Willing to do anything to keep from the crash upon “running out”. To death I will assume. Get up and drive out to get more with bloody arms, sweaty….not eating.
There is nothing that won't be abused by some people. I'm more an advocate of education than criminalization. When it comes to drugs, I think a lot of the problems people have are because they are illegal and therefore very expensive.
well, without some very stiff enforcement policies backing your education experiment, that experiment will go nowhere.
Some Drugs have much different characteristics. Each drug needs to be decided on its own merits.

People are so much different using certain drugs.

what im trying to say, Legalizing any drug is on a a case by case (per drug, per person) I would think?

You may not care if many die off quickly, but you can’t have it so non-users could be harmed by crazy, out of control users. Some users sold off their daughters to “get more Coke“ I believe.
If they didn't have to hide more would seek help.
that's just wishful thinking.
once you cross the line into criminality or other forms of illegality or sheer insanity due to illegal substance abuse,
the damage is already done.
Legalize everything.
NO. society and especially children, teens and 20-somethings have to be PROTECTED against this insane Democratic voter-loyalty issue.

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