Flaming Libs/Koranimals
He is a sick, delusional old coot and his open society B/S will never work...
George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back
Self-proclaimed “god” blames the United States, Europe and Israel.
January 5, 2016
Joseph Klein
Leftwing radical billionaire George Soros fancies himself as “some kind of god.” He believes in the delusion that he is endowed with special insight into what is best for the world, even as his declarations defy reality and any objective distinction between good and evil.
Soros’s latest example of self-righteous tripe was his op-ed article, appearing on December 28th in The Guardian, in which he blamed the “hysterical anti-Muslim reaction to terrorism” for helping jihadist groups recruit more fighters to their cause. He wrote that “the fear of death leads us and our leaders to think – and then behave – irrationally…when we are afraid for our lives, emotions take hold of our thoughts and actions, and we find it difficult to make rational judgments. Fear activates an older, more primitive part of the brain than that which formulates and sustains the abstract values and principles of open society.”
Sorry to pop Soros’s balloon, but open societies will not be “open” for long if the jihadists succeed in expanding their Islamic supremacist ideology to the West. It is both a rational judgment of free peoples and a perfectly understandable human emotion to want to fight and destroy those who want to kill us.
Yet Soros has claimed that “the war on terrorism cannot be won by waging war.” Winning the war on poverty and letting go of the idea of American exceptionalism, according to Soros, are the keys to ending the threat of jihadist-inspired terrorism. It is the United States that is the “main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared. “The rest of the world dances to the tune the United States is playing, and if that continues too long we are in danger of destroying our civilization. Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.”
The self-proclaimed Soros “god” is dead wrong. Global jihad is the primary danger today to Western civilization, not American efforts to defeat it. Soros wrongly assumes that jihadism is entirely a situational ideology that can be defeated with more economic opportunities and a more humble America, rather than one rooted in the fundamental tenets of sharia law. Success is what fuels the recruiting of more fighters to ISIS’s cause. And as long as we do not wage war on ISIS with the objective of complete victory, ISIS’s ranks will continue to swell.
When Soros has not been busy trying to neuter the United States in the face of the global jihadist threat, he has turned his focus to Europe and Israel.
“Islamophobia in Europe is an affront to inherent European values,” Soros tweeted. His concept of “European values” is that Europe agree to accept at least one million so-called “refugees” annually. The “refugees” would be free to go wherever they choose. And he wants the EU to provide nearly $17,000 a year for each of the first two years to support each “refugee.”
If some European countries want to protect their national sovereignty and borders, and resist shelling out billions of dollars in welfare payments to self-proclaimed “refugees,” that would amount to Islamophobia as far as Soros is concerned. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle,” Soros wrote in response to concerns raised by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back
George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back
Self-proclaimed “god” blames the United States, Europe and Israel.
January 5, 2016
Joseph Klein
Leftwing radical billionaire George Soros fancies himself as “some kind of god.” He believes in the delusion that he is endowed with special insight into what is best for the world, even as his declarations defy reality and any objective distinction between good and evil.
Soros’s latest example of self-righteous tripe was his op-ed article, appearing on December 28th in The Guardian, in which he blamed the “hysterical anti-Muslim reaction to terrorism” for helping jihadist groups recruit more fighters to their cause. He wrote that “the fear of death leads us and our leaders to think – and then behave – irrationally…when we are afraid for our lives, emotions take hold of our thoughts and actions, and we find it difficult to make rational judgments. Fear activates an older, more primitive part of the brain than that which formulates and sustains the abstract values and principles of open society.”
Sorry to pop Soros’s balloon, but open societies will not be “open” for long if the jihadists succeed in expanding their Islamic supremacist ideology to the West. It is both a rational judgment of free peoples and a perfectly understandable human emotion to want to fight and destroy those who want to kill us.
Yet Soros has claimed that “the war on terrorism cannot be won by waging war.” Winning the war on poverty and letting go of the idea of American exceptionalism, according to Soros, are the keys to ending the threat of jihadist-inspired terrorism. It is the United States that is the “main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared. “The rest of the world dances to the tune the United States is playing, and if that continues too long we are in danger of destroying our civilization. Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.”
The self-proclaimed Soros “god” is dead wrong. Global jihad is the primary danger today to Western civilization, not American efforts to defeat it. Soros wrongly assumes that jihadism is entirely a situational ideology that can be defeated with more economic opportunities and a more humble America, rather than one rooted in the fundamental tenets of sharia law. Success is what fuels the recruiting of more fighters to ISIS’s cause. And as long as we do not wage war on ISIS with the objective of complete victory, ISIS’s ranks will continue to swell.
When Soros has not been busy trying to neuter the United States in the face of the global jihadist threat, he has turned his focus to Europe and Israel.
“Islamophobia in Europe is an affront to inherent European values,” Soros tweeted. His concept of “European values” is that Europe agree to accept at least one million so-called “refugees” annually. The “refugees” would be free to go wherever they choose. And he wants the EU to provide nearly $17,000 a year for each of the first two years to support each “refugee.”
If some European countries want to protect their national sovereignty and borders, and resist shelling out billions of dollars in welfare payments to self-proclaimed “refugees,” that would amount to Islamophobia as far as Soros is concerned. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle,” Soros wrote in response to concerns raised by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back