Leftwing billionaire George Soros and what makes him tick


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
He is a sick, delusional old coot and his open society B/S will never work...

George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back
Self-proclaimed “god” blames the United States, Europe and Israel.
January 5, 2016
Joseph Klein


Leftwing radical billionaire George Soros fancies himself as “some kind of god.” He believes in the delusion that he is endowed with special insight into what is best for the world, even as his declarations defy reality and any objective distinction between good and evil.

Soros’s latest example of self-righteous tripe was his op-ed article, appearing on December 28th in The Guardian, in which he blamed the “hysterical anti-Muslim reaction to terrorism” for helping jihadist groups recruit more fighters to their cause. He wrote that “the fear of death leads us and our leaders to think – and then behave – irrationally…when we are afraid for our lives, emotions take hold of our thoughts and actions, and we find it difficult to make rational judgments. Fear activates an older, more primitive part of the brain than that which formulates and sustains the abstract values and principles of open society.”

Sorry to pop Soros’s balloon, but open societies will not be “open” for long if the jihadists succeed in expanding their Islamic supremacist ideology to the West. It is both a rational judgment of free peoples and a perfectly understandable human emotion to want to fight and destroy those who want to kill us.

Yet Soros has claimed that “the war on terrorism cannot be won by waging war.” Winning the war on poverty and letting go of the idea of American exceptionalism, according to Soros, are the keys to ending the threat of jihadist-inspired terrorism. It is the United States that is the “main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared. “The rest of the world dances to the tune the United States is playing, and if that continues too long we are in danger of destroying our civilization. Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.”

The self-proclaimed Soros “god” is dead wrong. Global jihad is the primary danger today to Western civilization, not American efforts to defeat it. Soros wrongly assumes that jihadism is entirely a situational ideology that can be defeated with more economic opportunities and a more humble America, rather than one rooted in the fundamental tenets of sharia law. Success is what fuels the recruiting of more fighters to ISIS’s cause. And as long as we do not wage war on ISIS with the objective of complete victory, ISIS’s ranks will continue to swell.

When Soros has not been busy trying to neuter the United States in the face of the global jihadist threat, he has turned his focus to Europe and Israel.

“Islamophobia in Europe is an affront to inherent European values,” Soros tweeted. His concept of “European values” is that Europe agree to accept at least one million so-called “refugees” annually. The “refugees” would be free to go wherever they choose. And he wants the EU to provide nearly $17,000 a year for each of the first two years to support each “refugee.”

If some European countries want to protect their national sovereignty and borders, and resist shelling out billions of dollars in welfare payments to self-proclaimed “refugees,” that would amount to Islamophobia as far as Soros is concerned. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle,” Soros wrote in response to concerns raised by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back
Billionaire George Soros funds $15M effort to stop Trump, mobilize Latinos
Published March 10, 2016

Donald Trump often notes that he has plenty of millions to battle his way to the Oval Office.

But now another billionaire New Yorker is putting up his own millions to prevent Trump from winning the presidency and is calling on Latinos to be part of that effort.

Financier George Soros is launching, along with other donors, a $15 million campaign to achieve the largest Latino and immigrant participation at the polls, the New York Times reported.

Through a new super PAC named Immigrant Voters Win, the campaign is funding organizations in states such as Florida, Nevada and Colorado, which have large or growing Latino and Asian communities, in the hope of influencing turnout in November, the Times reported.

Trump shot to the front of the Republican presidential field last year by proposing a hard-line immigration policy. The Hungarian-born Soros is contributing $5 million of his own money to the campaign.


Billionaire George Soros funds $15M effort to stop Trump, mobilize Latinos

I'M happy to see soros throw his money away, one day the old coot might starves to death, penny-less yet...:crybaby:
He is wasting his ill gotten gains Trump is going to be the next president of the United States Of America.

Everything you want to know about the libtart cocksucker...
  • Multi-billionaire funder of leftwing causes and groups
  • Founder of the Open Society Institute
  • The prime mover behind the Democratic "Shadow Party" network

See also: Guide to the George Soros Network

Organizations Funded by George Soros and his Open Society Institute

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama

Open Society Institute Democracy Alliance Shadow Party


New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.

Much of Soros's influence derives from his $13 billion personal fortune,1 which is further leveraged by at least another $25 billion in investor assets controlled by his firm, Soros Fund Management.2 An equally significant source of Soros's power, however, is his passionate messianic zeal. Soros views himself as a missionary with something of a divine mandate to transform the world and its institutions into something better—as he sees it.

Over the years, Soros has given voice to this sense of grandiosity many times and in a variety of different ways. In his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance, for instance, he wrote: “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein.”3 Expanding on this theme in his 1991 book Underwriting Democracy, Soros said: “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood,” fantasies which “I wanted to indulge … to the extent that I could afford.”4 In a June 1993 interview with The Independent, Soros, who is an atheist,5 said he saw himself as “some kind of god, the creator of everything.”6 In an interview two years later, he portrayed himself as someone who shared numerous attributes with “God in the Old Testament” — “[Y]ou know, like invisible. I was pretty invisible. Benevolent. I was pretty benevolent. All-seeing. I tried to be all-seeing.”7 Soros told his biographer Michael Kaufman that his “goal” was nothing less ambitious than “to become the conscience of the world” by using his charitable foundations,8 which will be discussed at length in this pamphlet, to bankroll organizations and causes that he deems worthwhile.

“I realized [as a young man] that it's money that makes the world go round,” says Soros, “so I might as well make money.… But having made it, I could then indulge my social concerns.”9 Invariably, those concerns center around a desire to change the world generally—and America particularly—into something new, something consistent with his vision of “social justice.” Claiming to be “driven” by “illusions, or perhaps delusions, of grandeur,”10 Soros has humorously described himself as “a kind of nut who wants to have an impact” on the workings of the world.11 The billionaire's longtime friend Byron Wien, currently the vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Services, offers this insight: “You must understand [Soros] thinks he’s been anointed by God to solve insoluble problems. The proof is that he has been so successful at making so much [money]. He therefore thinks he has a responsibility to give money away”—to causes that are consistent with his values and agendas.12



George Soros - Discover the Networks

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The Right doesn't know what truth is, they exist on made up stories.
I'm growing legitimately worried about the right... some of those nutters are wound up worse than Bin Laden these days.
Hey libtart, someone looking for you...
Bull Ring - emilynghiem to TheOldSchool: Show me ONE example (and I'll correct it!)
Whaaaat??? O snap Emily?! I've gone big time!!! :rofl:
George Soros, people here link to his websites all the time. The Billionaire is actively seeking to destroy our economy, the Billionaire is seeking and has caused our standard of living to be much more expensive.

First, Soros repeats the lie, that Scientists agree there is Man-Made Climate change, then in another article, Soros says the problem is the USA and the food we produce, or agriculture, and the solution is for the government to tax more and spend more money!

Thinkprogress.org which is funded by Soros and ran by Leon Panetta who has worked for Clinton and Obama. Take a look at the stories.

Soros must destroy the USA's ability to make energy, energy is the most important thing in life, in our world, for society to survive, so that we can enjoy a vacation or simply if we want a steak dinner on an outdoor BBQ. Make Energy expensive and our people will be poor. We pay more for food now than ever before in our history. Make Energy intermittent and in the state of emergency, or War, you will not have the energy we need to save ourselves.

There is a War against the our way of life, how the middle class lives, and Energy is the Key, take away cheap, clean, energy, and make the USA weak. As we fail in our energy policy, China is building 25 nuclear reactors! We are shutting our Nuclear reactors down, scheduling blackouts, and transferring our Nuclear technology to China!

And if you go to a Soros site, you see much of his strategy is to attack our ability to make energy.

Here’s One Way The Media Confuses The Public About Climate Change
The overwhelming majority of climate scientists — some 97 percent — have concluded that humans are the primary cause of climate change, as many studies have shown. And every major nation in the world accepted that scientific conclusion back in 2013.

Yet the public has the impression there is considerable scientific debate on a subject where there isn’t, as polling has found

Agriculture Wasn’t Included In The Paris Climate Deal, But It Will Be Crucial To Meeting Its Goals
Agriculture Wasn’t Included In The Paris Climate Deal, But It Will Be Crucial To Meeting Its Goals
"We also need policies that encourage the implementation of these — subsidies, carbon taxes where appropriate. We need a package of good policy, technology, and investment to get us there."

There's some indication that countries are already moving to ramp up their commitment to reducing agricultural emissions. Some of the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitters, like the United States

Trump’s Newest Enemy: Environmentalists

Trump’s Newest Enemy: Environmentalists
The billionaire and presumptive Republican presidential nominee fired first shots on Friday, when he announced his key energy policy adviser: U.S. Congressman Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican who loves drilling for oil and denies human-caused climate change. Cramer is staunchly opposed to president Obama’s landmark climate change regulations, and is widely expected to advise Trump to repeal them.
Millions of Jews are anti-Semitic for calling out an anti-Semite.
July 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


He was booed when he undermined the presentation of an award to a Holocaust survivor by comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. Elie Wiesel had declared in disgust, “I heard what happened. If I’d been there—and you can quote me—I would have walked out.”

That same year, Soros blamed the Israeli government for a “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe”. He might have been more honest if he took responsibility considering his funding of groups that traffic in anti-Semitic smears. And his own anti-Semitic allegations that “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."

Soros has defended Hamas and Hezbollah who have called for the extermination of the Jews. He championed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt despite or because of its support for Hitler. Yusuf al-Qaradawi had claimed that Hitler had been sent by Allah to punish the Jews. “Allah willing,” the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader said, “the next time will be at the hands of the believers (Muslims)."

There’s no denying that George Soros is a warped and twisted man. Especially when it comes to the Jews. But he’s also the money man behind a great deal of leftist activism. Especially anti-Israel activism.

And so he must be defended.


The Jewashing of George Soros
Millions of Jews are anti-Semitic for calling out an anti-Semite.
July 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


He was booed when he undermined the presentation of an award to a Holocaust survivor by comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. Elie Wiesel had declared in disgust, “I heard what happened. If I’d been there—and you can quote me—I would have walked out.”

That same year, Soros blamed the Israeli government for a “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe”. He might have been more honest if he took responsibility considering his funding of groups that traffic in anti-Semitic smears. And his own anti-Semitic allegations that “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."

Soros has defended Hamas and Hezbollah who have called for the extermination of the Jews. He championed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt despite or because of its support for Hitler. Yusuf al-Qaradawi had claimed that Hitler had been sent by Allah to punish the Jews. “Allah willing,” the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader said, “the next time will be at the hands of the believers (Muslims)."

There’s no denying that George Soros is a warped and twisted man. Especially when it comes to the Jews. But he’s also the money man behind a great deal of leftist activism. Especially anti-Israel activism.

And so he must be defended.


The Jewashing of George Soros
Are you a big fan of Zionism, so that Jesus will return and damn all the Jews to Hell for rejecting him?

And just what makes you afraid of what he promotes - freedom, democracy, and capitalism?
Millions of Jews are anti-Semitic for calling out an anti-Semite.
July 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


He was booed when he undermined the presentation of an award to a Holocaust survivor by comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. Elie Wiesel had declared in disgust, “I heard what happened. If I’d been there—and you can quote me—I would have walked out.”

That same year, Soros blamed the Israeli government for a “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe”. He might have been more honest if he took responsibility considering his funding of groups that traffic in anti-Semitic smears. And his own anti-Semitic allegations that “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."

Soros has defended Hamas and Hezbollah who have called for the extermination of the Jews. He championed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt despite or because of its support for Hitler. Yusuf al-Qaradawi had claimed that Hitler had been sent by Allah to punish the Jews. “Allah willing,” the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader said, “the next time will be at the hands of the believers (Muslims)."

There’s no denying that George Soros is a warped and twisted man. Especially when it comes to the Jews. But he’s also the money man behind a great deal of leftist activism. Especially anti-Israel activism.

And so he must be defended.


The Jewashing of George Soros
Are you a big fan of Zionism, so that Jesus will return and damn all the Jews to Hell for rejecting him?
R U...
Millions of Jews are anti-Semitic for calling out an anti-Semite.
July 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


He was booed when he undermined the presentation of an award to a Holocaust survivor by comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. Elie Wiesel had declared in disgust, “I heard what happened. If I’d been there—and you can quote me—I would have walked out.”

That same year, Soros blamed the Israeli government for a “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe”. He might have been more honest if he took responsibility considering his funding of groups that traffic in anti-Semitic smears. And his own anti-Semitic allegations that “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."

Soros has defended Hamas and Hezbollah who have called for the extermination of the Jews. He championed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt despite or because of its support for Hitler. Yusuf al-Qaradawi had claimed that Hitler had been sent by Allah to punish the Jews. “Allah willing,” the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader said, “the next time will be at the hands of the believers (Muslims)."

There’s no denying that George Soros is a warped and twisted man. Especially when it comes to the Jews. But he’s also the money man behind a great deal of leftist activism. Especially anti-Israel activism.

And so he must be defended.


The Jewashing of George Soros
Are you a big fan of Zionism, so that Jesus will return and damn all the Jews to Hell for rejecting him?
R U...
Zionists are Nazis. And the modern state of Israel should be back where it belongs - in the history books.

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