Leave Trump alone, please!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

With his rhetoric Trump has positioned himself as anti-abortion, pro government regulation and very much pro regulating a woman's right to choose.

Please leave him be!!! He is helping Democrats!!! Having taken this anti-abortion position, being a very strong stand up guy, he cannot back down, since it would be a sign of weakness.

The Trump led Republican war against women will cost them big time in November and certainly will not help DeSantis in 2024. Bigly!!!

With his rhetoric Trump has positioned himself as anti-abortion, pro government regulation and very much pro regulating a woman's right to choose.

Please leave him be!!! He is helping Democrats!!! Having taken this anti-abortion position, being a very strong stand up guy, he cannot back down, since it would be a sign of weakness.

The Trump led Republican war against women will cost them big time in November and certainly will not help DeSantis in 2024. Bigly!!!
Democrats I thought said he was Hitler and broke all of the laws in the country, a clear danger to democracy, the nation, and the world

So yea, just let him be.

Sounds about right, much like the DNC financed Trump backed Republican Congressmen this November.

Trump hate is all you have, but you mean none of it. If you did mean what you say, they you as well as your party are traitors to the Republic for backing Trump and his candidates.

With his rhetoric Trump has positioned himself as anti-abortion, pro government regulation and very much pro regulating a woman's right to choose.

Please leave him be!!! He is helping Democrats!!! Having taken this anti-abortion position, being a very strong stand up guy, he cannot back down, since it would be a sign of weakness.

The Trump led Republican war against women will cost them big time in November and certainly will not help DeSantis in 2024. Bigly!!!

Normal human beings do not wish to dismember their offspring-to-be in the womb; and then there is your ilk, bloodthirsty and savage, who do. Care to put on different colored uniforms and fight it out?

War against women, huh? Forcing women and girls to accept biological men in their sports leagues, restrooms and locker rooms is an all out declaration of war on women and cancels women for being born female. You haven't got a brain in your head or a heart beating in your chest, now do you?

With his rhetoric Trump has positioned himself as anti-abortion, pro government regulation and very much pro regulating a woman's right to choose.

Please leave him be!!! He is helping Democrats!!! Having taken this anti-abortion position, being a very strong stand up guy, he cannot back down, since it would be a sign of weakness.

The Trump led Republican war against women will cost them big time in November and certainly will not help DeSantis in 2024. Bigly!!!
As usual, you have it backwards. You dips have and are helping Trump waaaay more than anything he says about not murdering babies could help you.
What's even weirder is their belief mass baby murder is good and wholesome while those who do not wish babies to be murdered are evil. What's up is now down, what's down is now up . . .

How about them crying about Dobbs, but at the same time pushing abortion up until the baby is on the table?

The sick cult baby killers can kill babies at will, but they are still not satisfied.

With his rhetoric Trump has positioned himself as anti-abortion, pro government regulation and very much pro regulating a woman's right to choose.

Please leave him be!!! He is helping Democrats!!! Having taken this anti-abortion position, being a very strong stand up guy, he cannot back down, since it would be a sign of weakness.

The Trump led Republican war against women will cost them big time in November and certainly will not help DeSantis in 2024. Bigly!!!
You will need professional counseling before you can "Leave Trump Be". Your world appears to revolve around him.
How about them crying about Dobbs, but at the same time pushing abortion up until the baby is on the table?

The sick cult baby killers can kill babies at will, but they are still not satisfied.

They have very nearly normalized the murder of the unborn in the minds of many Americans. Soon our young people will be so desensitized to the idea they don't even blink an eye over the practice.
They have very nearly normalized the murder of the unborn in the minds of many Americans. Soon our young people will be so desensitized to the idea they don't even blink an eye over the practice.

Its treated like birth control.

These limp wristed beta cucks have no pull out game.


Good Lord…we need PSAs on pulling out.
I'm not sure that the Abortion Racket is as popular with the people as you think.
Most folks are in the middle.

They honestly think it is none of the government's business if women and families want to end a pregnancy in the first three months.

When the left pushes the right's extreme ideologues, some of whom ARE running for office, to take a stand on this issue, it does hurt the GOP.

Younger voters who are single, or starting families, don't want that non-sense in office. It is the twenty-first century after all.

On the other hand? If the right runs a libertarian minded candidate that is satisfied with leaving this issue to the individual, while making it a crime to have an abortion when most sane folks know, that aborting after the pregnancy is already half over, and the mother has had plenty of time to make the moral choice?

Yeah, you are right, voters will see it is a racket. Things like crime and the economy are going to be more important to voters.

Worrying about where you going to live, and what you are going to eat, make accidental pregnancy seem a bit trivial by comparison.
regulating a woman's right to choose.
NO ONE has the "right to choose" life or death for another human being out of sheer inconvenience to their own actions.

The Republican war against women
Meantime, democrats lead the actual war against women, from saying that they cannot define what a woman even is to claiming that anyone can be a woman, claim to be a woman, even dress with, shower with and compete in woman's only sports.
NO ONE has the "right to choose" life or death for another human being out of sheer inconvenience to their own actions.

Meantime, democrats lead the actual war against women, from saying that they cannot define what a woman even is to claiming that anyone can be a woman, claim to be a woman, even dress with, shower with and compete in woman's only sports.
If you think this crazy shit is convincing anyone you’re crazier than I thought

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