Last night on Charlie Rose, Al Sharpton demanded the Jefferson Memorial be removed from DC.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
He owned slaves and had sex with his slaves.

So Sharpton says the we should get rid of the Jefferson Memorial.

I say we rid ourselves of it ALL then. Presidents, civil war, slavery. And those who died to change it. All gone.
No Lincoln Memorial. No Martin Luther King day. Blow up Mt. Rushmore. Burn the History books, so no one will ever face being offended by anything, ever again.
Give our kids a better history, said Obama.
So, no history prior to the year 2008, when we were really created, with brown sugar and spice and everything nice, and white bread is turned into toast. :rofl:
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He owned slaves and had sex with his slaves.

So Sharpton says the we should get rid of the Jefferson Memorial.

Just the other day, a pseudocon tried to diminish Martin Luther King's achievements by calling him a whoremonger.

What goes around, comes around.
As the writer of the Declaration of Independence, which contains the words "all men are created equal", Thomas Jefferson deserves a high place for the ages.

I don't think Martin Luther King would call for Jefferson's memorial to be torn down. Al Sharpton is way off the path if he actually said it should be torn down. I'd like to see the actual words he said.

From MLK's "I Have A Dream Speech":

In a sense we've come to our nation's Capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration of Independence and I Have A Dream are bookends which encompass everything great about our country.
Last night on Charlie Rose, Al Sharpton demanded the Jefferson Memorial be removed from DC.
I just watched the entire video of Sharpton on Charlie Rose, which I provided above. Your lazy fucking ass clearly did not watch it.

Sharpton did not demand the Jefferson Memorial be removed from DC.

Being the typical parroting tard you are, you drank someone's piss and rushed here to regurgitate it.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

And you will get right back in line to be lied to. You fucking lazy parroting motherfuckers always do.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
At one point during the interview, Charlie Rose raises the question with Sharpton if the Jefferson Memorial should be taken down.

Sharpton did not bring it up. Rose did.

Sharpton responded that slavery was personal to him and to black people all over America. He mentioned Strom Thurmond's ancestors owned his great-grandfather. Sharpton talked about the forced rape and forced marriages of slaves.

Rose once again asked if the Memorial should be torn down.

Sharpton responded it should be supported with private funds, not public money.
George Washington owned slaves. We need to rename Washington, DC!!!!!

Washington DC is racist!!

Fuck....Washing your car is racist!!
George Washington owned slaves. We need to rename Washington, DC!!!!!

Washington DC is racist!!

Fuck....Washing your car is racist!!
You got busted lying your ass off, and now you're going to spaz out? :lol:
He owned slaves and had sex with his slaves.

So Sharpton says the we should get rid of the Jefferson Memorial.

Just the other day, a pseudocon tried to diminish Martin Luther King's achievements by calling him a whoremonger.

What goes around, comes around.
Are you trying to suggest King didn't like women?
He owned slaves and had sex with his slaves.

So Sharpton says the we should get rid of the Jefferson Memorial.

Just the other day, a pseudocon tried to diminish Martin Luther King's achievements by calling him a whoremonger.

What goes around, comes around.
Are you trying to suggest King didn't like women?
I don't think the point could have traveled over your head any more than it just did!

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