Lara Logan admits liberal media bias

Not a shock of course, as anyone with a brain knows there is a bias. It is a shock however to see this kind of admission.

60 Minutes' Lara Logan slams the 'mostly liberal' media for its coverage of Trump which she calls a 'distortion' of real life, as the award-winning CBS journalist admits she is 'committing professional suicide'

CBS's Lara Logan says she is committing 'professional suicide', admits the media Is 'mostly liberal' | Daily Mail Online
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare

An estimated 4.7 million people received healthcare insurance cancellations after the Affordable Care Act was passed because their existing insurance plan didn't meet arbitrary standards imposed by liberals in order to force more people to enroll in ObamaCare. For those people...Barack Obama told a bald faced lie! He knew that would happen and deceived American citizens into believing it wouldn't!
Good for her.

I can think of three (3) people in my 18 years in that business who were conservative. I can picture their faces.

Baby steps. Somebody has to create, and then sustain, a momentum on this stuff.

Has it occurred to you that conservatives are largely too stupid to be journalists? You have to understand Science and History and stuff.

Heck Logan was a liberal until she wandered into the middle of a riot and some brown people copped a feel.
No need to burnish you reputation as the form's most insolent, haughty, and self-absorbed peckehead poster....You title is safe.
The media is too soft on President Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies and unprofessional behavior that our President has.

What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare

An estimated 4.7 million people received healthcare insurance cancellations after the Affordable Care Act was passed because their existing insurance plan didn't meet arbitrary standards imposed by liberals in order to force more people to enroll in ObamaCare. For those people...Barack Obama told a bald faced lie! He knew that would happen and deceived American citizens into believing it wouldn't!
4.7 million out of 330 million people
Less than two percent of the population had to change.

Meanwhile, Republican lies about Obamacare included Death Panels, everyone would have to take Obamacare, Government takeover and an economic collapse.

Who was closer to the truth?
To discover you are, indeed, a moron
Still waiting for your math on your unsourced claims. Try being less of a dick!

Why do conservatives suck at math?
What's he "gotten away with" ? The MSM constantly rebukes him each time he exaggerates something. They beat him over the head all day long. What more do you want ?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare

An estimated 4.7 million people received healthcare insurance cancellations after the Affordable Care Act was passed because their existing insurance plan didn't meet arbitrary standards imposed by liberals in order to force more people to enroll in ObamaCare. For those people...Barack Obama told a bald faced lie! He knew that would happen and deceived American citizens into believing it wouldn't!
4.7 million out of 330 million people
Less than two percent of the population had to change.

Meanwhile, Republican lies about Obamacare included Death Panels, everyone would have to take Obamacare, Government takeover and an economic collapse.

Who was closer to the truth?
So Obama ignored nearly 5,000,000 Americans? Why didn't he say that most of you can keep your plan if you like it? Is it something lie the 57 state thing?
4.7 million out of 330 million people
Less than two percent of the population had to change.
There aren't even 330 million people in the country, let alone 330 million people carrying health insurance!
I already pointed this out to you. Stop your dishonest bullshit!
God, I love Multi-Quote.... Saves so much time.

Lara Logan is talking about media bias you dummy. Not Trump.

I know your entire focus is on Trump(because you only consume DNCMSM news), but we are debating media bias.

Good lord TDS has poisoned your mind.

Lara Logan has no credibility talking about media bias, given she was FIRED FOR FILING INACCURATE REPORTS. And so was Dan Rather.. So the system worked.

Because those guys haven't gotten any traction in decades.

And there is a secular reason to oppose abortion, not just religious.

True, some of them are just misogynists..

Juan Roberts is a right wing shill? God, you're an idiot! LOL

The term I was looking for was "Pathetic Uncle Tom", but never mind.

He also hates anyone religious, especially Mormons.

Yes, cults started by Child Molesters tend to annoy me.
God, I love Multi-Quote.... Saves so much time.

Lara Logan is talking about media bias you dummy. Not Trump.

I know your entire focus is on Trump(because you only consume DNCMSM news), but we are debating media bias.

Good lord TDS has poisoned your mind.

Lara Logan has no credibility talking about media bias, given she was FIRED FOR FILING INACCURATE REPORTS. And so was Dan Rather.. So the system worked.

Because those guys haven't gotten any traction in decades.

And there is a secular reason to oppose abortion, not just religious.

True, some of them are just misogynists..

Juan Roberts is a right wing shill? God, you're an idiot! LOL

The term I was looking for was "Pathetic Uncle Tom", but never mind.

He also hates anyone religious, especially Mormons.

Yes, cults started by Child Molesters tend to annoy me.

Lara Logan has no credibility? You clearly do not even know who she is.
Good for her.

I can think of three (3) people in my 18 years in that business who were conservative. I can picture their faces.

Baby steps. Somebody has to create, and then sustain, a momentum on this stuff.

Has it occurred to you that conservatives are largely too stupid to be journalists? You have to understand Science and History and stuff.

Heck Logan was a liberal until she wandered into the middle of a riot and some brown people copped a feel.

Way to defend Muslim rapists.
Who is raping Muslims?
Lara Logan has no credibility? You clearly do not even know who she is.

I know exactly who she is. She's the person 60 Minutes fired for filing an inaccurate report on Benghazi

On 8 November 2013, Logan went on CBS This Morning to apologize for an inaccurate 60 Minutes report about the Benghazi attack, which had aired on 27 October. She indicated that an investigation uncovered that the source of much of her reporting was inaccurate and blamed it on Dylan Davies, manager of the local guard force at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. Logan said he lied about information but insisted they looked into his credibility and relied on such things as photographs and documents he supplied. In hindsight, Logan said they learned that the story told by Davies didn't match what he told federal investigators. "You know the most important thing to every person at 60 Minutes is the truth," she said in the on-air apology on the morning show. "And today the truth is we made a mistake. And that's ah ... that's very disappointing for any journalist. That's very disappointing for me." Logan went on to add, "Nobody likes to admit they made a mistake. But if you do, you have to stand up and take responsibility – and you have to say you were wrong. And in this case we were wrong."[26] She was criticized for this apology by Jeremy Holden of Media Matters for America and Michael Calderone of The Huffington Post, who saw the apology as inadequate.[27][28]

On 26 November 2013, Logan was forced to take a leave of absence due to the errors in the Benghazi report.[9][29] Al Ortiz, Executive Director of Standards and Practices for CBS News, wrote in a memo, "Logan made a speech in which she took a strong public position arguing that the U.S. Government was misrepresenting the threat from Al Qaeda, and urging actions that the U.S. should take in response to the Benghazi attack. From a CBS News Standards perspective, there is a conflict in taking a public position on the government’s handling of Benghazi and Al Qaeda, while continuing to report on the story."[30][31]
Lara Logan has no credibility? You clearly do not even know who she is.

I know exactly who she is. She's the person 60 Minutes fired for filing an inaccurate report on Benghazi

On 8 November 2013, Logan went on CBS This Morning to apologize for an inaccurate 60 Minutes report about the Benghazi attack, which had aired on 27 October. She indicated that an investigation uncovered that the source of much of her reporting was inaccurate and blamed it on Dylan Davies, manager of the local guard force at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. Logan said he lied about information but insisted they looked into his credibility and relied on such things as photographs and documents he supplied. In hindsight, Logan said they learned that the story told by Davies didn't match what he told federal investigators. "You know the most important thing to every person at 60 Minutes is the truth," she said in the on-air apology on the morning show. "And today the truth is we made a mistake. And that's ah ... that's very disappointing for any journalist. That's very disappointing for me." Logan went on to add, "Nobody likes to admit they made a mistake. But if you do, you have to stand up and take responsibility – and you have to say you were wrong. And in this case we were wrong."[26] She was criticized for this apology by Jeremy Holden of Media Matters for America and Michael Calderone of The Huffington Post, who saw the apology as inadequate.[27][28]

On 26 November 2013, Logan was forced to take a leave of absence due to the errors in the Benghazi report.[9][29] Al Ortiz, Executive Director of Standards and Practices for CBS News, wrote in a memo, "Logan made a speech in which she took a strong public position arguing that the U.S. Government was misrepresenting the threat from Al Qaeda, and urging actions that the U.S. should take in response to the Benghazi attack. From a CBS News Standards perspective, there is a conflict in taking a public position on the government’s handling of Benghazi and Al Qaeda, while continuing to report on the story."[30][31]

No, this:

Reporting from Egypt and sexual assault
Logan and her CBS crew were arrested and detained for one night by the Egyptian Armyon 3 February 2011, while covering the Egyptian revolution. She said the crew was blindfolded and handcuffed at gunpoint, and their driver beaten. They were advised to leave the country, but were later released.[18][19]

On 15 February 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually assaulted on 11 February, while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Squarefollowing Hosni Mubarak's resignation.[20] CBS 60 Minutes broadcast an interview with her about it on 1 May 2011; she said she was speaking out because of the prevalence of mass sexual assault in Egypt, and to break the silence about the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs.[21][22][23]

She said the incident involved 200 to 300 men and lasted around 25 minutes. She had been reporting the celebrations for an hour without incident when her camera battery failed. One of the Egyptian CBS crew suggested they leave, telling her later he heard the crowd make inappropriate sexual comments about her. She felt hands touching her, and can be heard shouting "stop", just as the camera died. One of the crowd shouted that she was an Israeli, a Jew, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a "match to gasoline". She went on to say that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. Believing she was dying, she was dragged along the square to where the crowd was stopped by a fence, alongside which a group of women were camping. One woman wearing a chador put her arms around Logan, and the others closed ranks around her, while some men who were with the women threw water at the crowd. A group of soldiers appeared, beat back the crowd with batons, and one of them threw Logan over his shoulder. She was flown back to the U.S. the next day, where she spent four days in the hospital.[21][22] She was contacted by President Obama when she arrived home.[24] CBS said it remained unclear who the attackers were, and unlikely that any will be prosecuted.[21][22]

Lara Logan - Wikipedia
To discover you are, indeed, a moron
Still waiting for your math on your unsourced claims. Try being less of a dick!

Why do conservatives suck at math?
If one other President had told lies in the frequency or magnitude of Trump, they would be hounded till they resign. With Trump, they just report it, shrug, and move on to the next lie

Obama told probably the biggest and most blatant lie ever issued by a US President when he told the American people that if Obamacare passed that if they liked their healthcare plan they could keep it...that if they liked their doctor they could keep on seeing them...and the MSM stood up and cheered!
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The big LIE came from Republicans who fear mongered and told people everyone would have to give up their healthcare and be forced to take Obamacare

An estimated 4.7 million people received healthcare insurance cancellations after the Affordable Care Act was passed because their existing insurance plan didn't meet arbitrary standards imposed by liberals in order to force more people to enroll in ObamaCare. For those people...Barack Obama told a bald faced lie! He knew that would happen and deceived American citizens into believing it wouldn't!
4.7 million out of 330 million people
Less than two percent of the population had to change.

Meanwhile, Republican lies about Obamacare included Death Panels, everyone would have to take Obamacare, Government takeover and an economic collapse.

Who was closer to the truth?
So Obama ignored nearly 5,000,000 Americans? Why didn't he say that most of you can keep your plan if you like it? Is it something lie the 57 state thing?

They were all offered better policies and 20 million got policies who didn’t have coverage before

5 million have lost coverage under Trump
Media is biased, yeah it has been since inception in the US, what's new?
Is that what you are going with? The media is not professional. And most of the need to be held accountable and worse if the worse happens.

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