Labelling teenagers as children

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA


  1. a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
Conservatives, when referring to a child, seem to prefer the first part of the definition: “a young human being below the age of puberty,” a definition associated with the “innocence of childhood.” Liberals seem more likely to adhere to the wider definition “below the legal age of majority,” which could be 18 to 21.

Many conservatives seem to think liberals use the broader term to give an air of innocence to “children” who are hardly innocent, such as teenage gangbangers.

Perhaps the word “child,” especially in the context of criminal activity, should be used exclusively for those below the age of puberty, “teenager” should be used for those 13 to 19 years of age, and “minor” could be used for anyone below the legal age of majority, which would vary by jurisdiction. But I doubt there would be a consensus on that suggestion.

I recently viewed an episode of Vienna Blood, in which a teenager at a military academy points a gun at a bully, who had overseen initiation rituals involving branding and playing Russian roulette with a pistol. The psychoanalyst tells the teen to look at his tormentor: “Look at him. He’s just a boy.”

A similar issue involves misuse of the word “pedophile,” but I would leave that for another thread.

child definition - Bing
Well, the left loves to label things to fit their narrative. Conservatives call children children and teens teens. Even call young adults young adults. The left is always trying to push a political agenda, and they'll use kids to do that without hesitation. Their definition of "child" is whatever is most prudent to push whatever agenda they are trying to push at that time.

So the lefts definition of child is simple. "Political pawn."

Bidens definition of child is also simple. "Dessert."
A great, current example of liberals using the broad age range is with the statistic that the leading cause of death for children are firearms. The results are skewed to manipulate the narrative.

Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.

Firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (ages 1-18) in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database. Nearly 3,600 children died in gun-related incidents that year. That’s about five children lost for every 100,000 children in the United States. In no other comparable country are firearms within the top four causes of mortality among children, according to a KFF analysis.


  1. a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
Conservatives, when referring to a child, seem to prefer the first part of the definition: “a young human being below the age of puberty,” a definition associated with the “innocence of childhood.” Liberals seem more likely to adhere to the wider definition “below the legal age of majority,” which could be 18 to 21.

Many conservatives seem to think liberals use the broader term to give an air of innocence to “children” who are hardly innocent, such as teenage gangbangers.

Perhaps the word “child,” especially in the context of criminal activity, should be used exclusively for those below the age of puberty, “teenager” should be used for those 13 to 19 years of age, and “minor” could be used for anyone below the legal age of majority, which would vary by jurisdiction. But I doubt there would be a consensus on that suggestion.

I recently viewed an episode of Vienna Blood, in which a teenager at a military academy points a gun at a bully, who had overseen initiation rituals involving branding and playing Russian roulette with a pistol. The psychoanalyst tells the teen to look at his tormentor: “Look at him. He’s just a boy.”

A similar issue involves misuse of the word “pedophile,” but I would leave that for another thread.

child definition - Bing

Yes, Trayvon Martin was a "child", even a "baby" according to some. But the left wants us to believe 5 year-olds are capable of deciding what sex they want to be.
I just received Microsoft’s updated terms of use which states:

If you are a parent or guardian, you are responsible for your child’s or teenager’s use of Microsoft products and services, including purchases.

So apparently, Microsoft believes children and teenagers are two separate groups.
I just received Microsoft’s updated terms of use which states:

If you are a parent or guardian, you are responsible for your child’s or teenager’s use of Microsoft products and services, including purchases.

So apparently, Microsoft believes children and teenagers are two separate groups.
As much as they want to, Microsoft doesn't get to determine social norms.
It's all contextual.

They are teenagers if they want their dick cut off and fake hormones...but children when they commit violent crime.
It is not for nothing that Catholics and jews have their adult-initiation rituals at approximately the age of 14. At that age, most people are full-grown (if not necessarily to their ultimate height), they are capable of assuming responsibilities, and certainly capable of human reproduction. It is not so many generation ago that when a person was 14, they either went to the university, started working on the family farm, entered into an apprenticeship, or took a full-time job, The very concept of "adolescence" is quite new in human history, and that concept - that there is a time between being fully grown and assuming adult responsibilities - has expanded generation after generation until we now see people in their thirties who, by any reasonable definition, are still adolescents - living with parents, no responsibilities, etc.

There is no good reason why anyone over age 14 should be excused for criminal behavior due to his or her youth. It may be appropriate to incarcerate them in a special environment - away from adult men, mainly - but culpability should be full and complete.

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