Kyle Rittenhouse Is Extradited To Face Homicide Charges In Wisconsin


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
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Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
Right... for self-defense when idiots committed suicide by attacking a scared kid with a gun? Any decent attorney will get him off easily. Maybe the Burn Loot Murder thugs shouldn't go off on emo rages and they'd still be alive.
Sorry the dies but sometimes, criminals gotta face the consequences of their actions
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
Yeah, cant wait till they bring you up on charges of Treason, you know aiding and abetting a known criminal, like Joe the money laundering Biden....
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
So do you believe that all kids who defend themselves when they are attacked by suicidal maniac child molesters should be thrown in prison for life?

Or just Kyle?
Seventeen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who's charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin following the ruling of Lake County Judge Paul Novak.

Novak denied Rittenhouse's request to remain in Illinois, according to The Associated Press, noting that the defense had characterized the charges as politically motivated. "This Illinois court shall not examine any potential political impact a Wisconsin District Attorney potentially considered in his charging decision," Novak's ruling read.

Until Friday, Rittenhouse had been held in Lake County, Ill., which borders Kenosha, where the shootings took place on Aug. 25. He is now in Wisconsin where he faces life imprisonment if convicted of his most serious crime, first degree intentional homicide. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted intentional homicide as well as underage possession of a firearm.

Life in prison. No parole.
Treasonous bitches should see the gallows
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Right... for self-defense when idiots committed suicide by attacking a scared kid with a gun? Any decent attorney will get him off easily. Maybe the Burn Loot Murder thugs shouldn't go off on emo rages and they'd still be alive.
Sorry the dies but sometimes, criminals gotta face the consequences of their actions

I agree... Rittenhouse needs to face the consequences of his actions....

Lucky for him, WI doesn't have a DP.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

He drove 22 miles with a gun to where he knew riots were going on, and lied about being an EMT.

The kid conserved ammo and is a great shot under pressure.
He was only defending himself from scumbags. It's all there on film.

Which is why he is going to jail. The last thing people in WI want is a bunch of FISH (Fucking Illinois Shitheads) coming up to their state shooting people.

They'll probalby just convict him for being from IL>
Q: What's the difference between Jacob Blake and Kyle Rittenhouse?

A: Rittenhouse will walk.

Right... for self-defense when idiots committed suicide by attacking a scared kid with a gun? Any decent attorney will get him off easily. Maybe the Burn Loot Murder thugs shouldn't go off on emo rages and they'd still be alive.
Sorry the dies but sometimes, criminals gotta face the consequences of their actions

I agree... Rittenhouse needs to face the consequences of his actions....

Lucky for him, WI doesn't have a DP.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

He drove 22 miles with a gun to where he knew riots were going on, and lied about being an EMT.

The kid conserved ammo and is a great shot under pressure.
He was only defending himself from scumbags. It's all there on film.

Which is why he is going to jail. The last thing people in WI want is a bunch of FISH (Fucking Illinois Shitheads) coming up to their state shooting people.

They'll probalby just convict him for being from IL>
Look dude, you may not like it but when violent thugs chase & attack you, you absolutely have the right to self defense. A 1st year attorney could win this case easily. Don't want to get shot by a scared kid with a gun running for his life? Don't chase & attack him. Just let him get back to protection.
Why is it never the thugs fault when they commit suicide?
Right... for self-defense when idiots committed suicide by attacking a scared kid with a gun? Any decent attorney will get him off easily. Maybe the Burn Loot Murder thugs shouldn't go off on emo rages and they'd still be alive.
Sorry the dies but sometimes, criminals gotta face the consequences of their actions

I agree... Rittenhouse needs to face the consequences of his actions....

Lucky for him, WI doesn't have a DP.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

He drove 22 miles with a gun to where he knew riots were going on, and lied about being an EMT.

The kid conserved ammo and is a great shot under pressure.
He was only defending himself from scumbags. It's all there on film.

Which is why he is going to jail. The last thing people in WI want is a bunch of FISH (Fucking Illinois Shitheads) coming up to their state shooting people.

They'll probalby just convict him for being from IL>

You say 22 miles like it’s some vast distance.

I drive 20 miles to get to Walmart.

Get out of the city every now and then and open your fucking eyes.
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Going heavily armed into a place experiencing civil unrest is enough to prove premeditation. He had no valid reason to be there in the first place. An example will be made of him.
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Going heavily armed into a place experiencing civil unrest is enough to prove premeditation. He had no valid reason to be there in the first place. An example will be made of him.

You realize guns were present on both sides, right?
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Going heavily armed into a place experiencing civil unrest is enough to prove premeditation. He had no valid reason to be there in the first place. An example will be made of him.
Nah, he's going to be fine. May even get a settlement.
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Going heavily armed into a place experiencing civil unrest is enough to prove premeditation. He had no valid reason to be there in the first place. An example will be made of him.
Carrying a single small caliber firearm is not "heavily armed" by any stretch of the imagination.

The reason he was there was to protect private property from a violent mob...As valid a reason as thee ever could be.

The video evidence is clear in showing he was attaced and responded in self-defense....He will be acquitted in minutes.
There is the fact that there was a lot of premeditation involved. He traveled to another state to get neck deep in civil unrest he had no personal stake in and then walked around acting like a jackass. He was not protecting his property nor did anyone ask him to protect their property. He was just a dumbass thug looking for trouble. He decided to take the law into his own hands but now looks to the law to exonerate him for murder. The law is necessarily hostile to vigilantism and this stupid asshole is going down.

You are really confused. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

He was not there to start any trouble. There are pictures of him cleaning up the mess caused by the Communist assholes. He was chased and ran down by the Communist assholes for helping to put out a fire.

His shootings were all self defense. Thanks god he had the AR-15 for protection or else the Communists would have killed him.
Going heavily armed into a place experiencing civil unrest is enough to prove premeditation. He had no valid reason to be there in the first place. An example will be made of him.

You realize guns were present on both sides, right?
I realize Kyle could have stayed home and played WoW and there would be two people alive today. His actions caused this. His finger pulled the trigger. He will bear the full responsibility for his actions.

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