King of Jordan is NOT a friend.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2010
Reynoldsburg, OH
Reference: Open Letter to President Elect Trump and the American People, the King of Jordan is not your friend.

At the same time that the US is boasting aid, the US gets this Open Letter.

• King Abdullah of Jordan is not who he appears to be. He is not a friend to the United States as well as American allies especially Israel. He is not out to fight terror but incite, encourage, and even supply terrorism.
If this is real, then should the US be considering further support --- and withdrawing the current support? Should the US cut aid to all nation that are not our allies?


The United States on Tuesday announced plans to increase annual aid to Jordan to $1 billion from $660 million to help it pay for the cost of housing refugees from Iraq and Syria and of fighting Islamic State militants.
IF it is essential that America contribute to the development of such an Arab State, THEN this money should be diverted to improving the region by going to a nation that knows how to use it (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
IF this is real. I'm pretty skeptical that our State Department, and government would know less than an anonymous "open letter" that may have it's own agenda. With all the fake news these days, I'd be pretty skeptical...
IF this is real. I'm pretty skeptical that our State Department, and government would know less than an anonymous "open letter" that may have it's own agenda. With all the fake news these days, I'd be pretty skeptical...
We write open letters here so its more of an OP/ED then a news story.
Jordan let's us use their air bases to launch drones that kill innocent people which in turn inspires more terrorism and makes us less safe at home.

I'd call that a friend

YES, this is something that needs vetted.

IF this is real. I'm pretty skeptical that our State Department, and government would know less than an anonymous "open letter" that may have it's own agenda. With all the fake news these days, I'd be pretty skeptical...

But then if it is not true, who has a motive --- or --- benefits the most from this>

Is it meant to widen the gap between the US and Israel?
Is it meant to widen the gap between the US and the Hashemite Kingdom?
Is it meant to widen the gap between Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom?

Who! WHY?

Most Respectfully,
Jordan let's us use their air bases to launch drones that kill innocent people which in turn inspires more terrorism and makes us less safe at home.

I'd call that a friend
The ONLY reason we are not safe at home is we have not killed enough islamics.
WRONG. We have not killed enough Christians. Christians are evil and they are the root of all problems.
I am so sick of Israel ragging on every country in the east. I figured sooner or later they would rag on Jordan.
What we do from your article: I am so sick of Israel, they are the instigators of everything in the ME. They are committing genocide and everyone just watches. We need to quit aid to them.

We use proactive multi-tiered approaches to:

  • Monitor, verify, and publicize facts/biases about current events, Jewish history, and Israel.
  • Expose propaganda that demonizes Israel and incites anti-Semitism against world Jewry.
  • Train and galvanize others to raise awareness and speak out against bias using multimedia approaches.
  • Respond to humanitarian needs within Israel and the Jewish community.
Jordan let's us use their air bases to launch drones that kill innocent people which in turn inspires more terrorism and makes us less safe at home.

I'd call that a friend
The ONLY reason we are not safe at home is we have not killed enough islamics.
WRONG. We have not killed enough Christians. Christians are evil and they are the root of all problems.
Well your fellow hook nosed pointy eared goat humpers just killed a bunch in Mousil. I figure you owe us one square mile of Tehran.
Their successes:

Facilitated activities against the dramatic rise in worldwide anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and the demonization of Israel and world Jewry.
  • Reported and shut down literally thousands of online social media hate pages and sites.
  • Sponsored and participated in rallies to counter media bias and propaganda.
  • Galvanized thousands of pro-Israel supporters.
  • Raised hundreds of dollars for IDF soldiers and pro-Israel causes.
  • Educated the public and brought international awareness to the global rise of violence and terror lodged against people of all faiths, races, and nations.

Yet its ok for Jews to have hate sites about everyone else, esp. Muslims.
Jordan let's us use their air bases to launch drones that kill innocent people which in turn inspires more terrorism and makes us less safe at home.

I'd call that a friend
The ONLY reason we are not safe at home is we have not killed enough islamics.
WRONG. We have not killed enough Christians. Christians are evil and they are the root of all problems.
Well your fellow hook nosed pointy eared goat humpers just killed a bunch in Mousil. I figure you owe us one square mile of Tehran.
Fair enough
Reference: Open Letter to President Elect Trump and the American People, the King of Jordan is not your friend.

At the same time that the US is boasting aid, the US gets this Open Letter.

• King Abdullah of Jordan is not who he appears to be. He is not a friend to the United States as well as American allies especially Israel. He is not out to fight terror but incite, encourage, and even supply terrorism.
If this is real, then should the US be considering further support --- and withdrawing the current support? Should the US cut aid to all nation that are not our allies?

The United States on Tuesday announced plans to increase annual aid to Jordan to $1 billion from $660 million to help it pay for the cost of housing refugees from Iraq and Syria and of fighting Islamic State militants.
IF it is essential that America contribute to the development of such an Arab State, THEN this money should be diverted to improving the region by going to a nation that knows how to use it (Israel).

Most Respectfully,

Oh bravo! the funniest thing I've read in ages, priceless.

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