Kim Jong Un tells South Korean leaders he won’t attack; commits to de-nuke talks with US


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They are now saying they will talk with the U.S and consider giving up nukes. This would require some serious inspection or trust, so I dont know how they obtain this, I doubt the Hermits allow UN onto their land.

They are stating that they do not need nukes if their security is guaranteed. If this is successful, the world owes Trump. He has gone after N Korea with sanctions and now the tariff on steel and aluminum, which impacts China greatly. Remember, some of the steel coming into the U.S from other countries, is in fact, Chinese steel. Noone knows better about this than Ross.

They are worried Trump is going to expand these tariffs, hit China even harder directly and indirectly. Without America, the Chinese economy becomes drastically smaller and less profitable.

North Korea promises no nuclear weapons use against South, hold talks with US
North Korea has a longstanding pattern of behavior. It threatens to do outrageous things, then demands various forms of "tribute" to refrain from doing them.

Their eventual "promise" to stop being bad will be accompanied by demands for food, technology, and various forms of economic aid.

Are "we" dumb enough to go along with it? Again?
North Korea has a longstanding pattern of behavior. It threatens to do outrageous things, then demands various forms of "tribute" to refrain from doing them.

Their eventual "promise" to stop being bad will be accompanied by demands for food, technology, and various forms of economic aid.

Are "we" dumb enough to go along with it? Again?

That's the problem with the West. I am listening to the British parliament this morning talking tough about Russia after another spy was attacked, and I was thinking, "you're full of shyte, all bluster and talk, no action". We are seeing a Western hemisphere of Chamberlains, while Russia, China and their allies work to crush the West.

There will be no consequences for Russia. None. If North Korea avoids consequences, they will find a way to get their nukes. It's a tough spot and should have been dealt with long ago, but it's precarious certainly.

Oh, and an important aside, this is exactly how China and other socialists exploit America. They KNOW that leaders will back down on promises and threats, especially when they economically take advantage of America.

If I see Trump go forward with the steel tariffs, I will personally reach out to help him get re-elected. There will be MANY against him, they are the Chamberlains. Watch and see, how they flip Trump, and it will cost them 2020. Guaranteed.
North Korea has a longstanding pattern of behavior. It threatens to do outrageous things, then demands various forms of "tribute" to refrain from doing them.

Their eventual "promise" to stop being bad will be accompanied by demands for food, technology, and various forms of economic aid.

Are "we" dumb enough to go along with it? Again?
Who knows? Those that want a resolution should pursue it. I don't think Kim will manipulate Trump as he did the previous wimps.
The Great Douche will do an Art of the Deal, LOL! FFS? The Douche in the mix...


Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?
Then why did he spend all dat money...

... developing nuclear capability?

I ain't buyin' it.
The US does not talk to countries they consider defenseless. The Korean nukes may actually be the path to peace, even if that sounds moronic.
The nukes make sure that North Korea is heard in Washington because they are a real threat. North Korea´s interest is certainly the end of the sanctions on their major companies and the end of the isolation. If North Korea could place their products on the world market, like quality CNC machines, batteries, ect, the situation in the country would improve.
The Great Douche will do an Art of the Deal, LOL! FFS? The Douche in the mix...


Does Hannity have a double standard on North Korea?
No. He has a double standard on Presidents.

Obama would have bowed and kissed Kim's dick while sliding $100Billion or so under the table.

Trump will convince little Kim that if he doesn't comply, we will wipe his ass out of existence. If we keep tightening the sanctions, the people will revolt and kill his entire family.

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