Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
From the mouth of a Palestinian. Perhaps he should hide out before the others go after him for speaking out.

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
by Mudar Zahran
June 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

You cannot be running TV, social media and newspapers encouraging terror and the murdering of Jews and then claim you are innocent when acts of terror happen.

The PA is now officially united with Hamas, a terror organization that pledges to destroy a sovereign nation and establish a Muslim caliphate. Financing the PA is therefore financing terrorism. PA terror has become a major industry. Is this what the West is so breathless to support?

Would the U.S. or Europe agree to give its cities and parts of its soil for a terrorist organization to establish a country the way U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been pushing Israel to give up most of the West Bank and return to pre-1967 borders?

Can we Palestinians blame Israel when the wall never existed before Hamas and the PLO started launching terror attacks on Israel on a daily basis?

Continue reading at:

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
Thank you Sally. Where are the others? Why isn't amity and tinmore in brillo in here? this article was written by a muslim and I plan on reading more of his articles later today ... .
et al,

To some degree it is "eerie."

Eerie isn't it?

What was the purpose for the kidnapping? What objective or goal does it serve?

Is the objective to spark a backlash in violence between the two cultures?

Most Respectfully,
The purpose is to generate an Israeli military action so that they can whine about the "use of overwhelming force", and to derail any type of peace negotiations. Killing two birds in ine stone. I guess Hamas is itching for an ass kicking.
et al,

To some degree it is "eerie."

Eerie isn't it?

What was the purpose for the kidnapping? What objective or goal does it serve?

Is the objective to spark a backlash in violence between the two cultures?

Most Respectfully,

The purpose could have been to kidnap them for prisoner releases.


the lesson is "NEVER CAPITULATE TO BLACK MAIL"---<<< it whets the appetite of
the extortionist
et al,

To some degree it is "eerie."


What was the purpose for the kidnapping? What objective or goal does it serve?

Is the objective to spark a backlash in violence between the two cultures?

Most Respectfully,

The purpose could have been to kidnap them for prisoner releases.


the lesson is "NEVER CAPITULATE TO BLACK MAIL"---<<< it whets the appetite of
the extortionist

Not only that but notice the amount of bad-mouthing of Israel since Israel lost its backbone and has acted in a weak manner. Israel used to have respect for being strong, but not now. It lets Arab MKs speak treason, it gives back land, it releases convicted murderers and terrorists etc.
Not only that but notice the amount of bad-mouthing of Israel since Israel lost its backbone and has acted in a weak manner. Israel used to have respect for being strong, but not now. It lets Arab MKs speak treason, it gives back land, it releases convicted murderers and terrorists etc.

An admission that Land was taken :eusa_clap:
Not only that but notice the amount of bad-mouthing of Israel since Israel lost its backbone and has acted in a weak manner. Israel used to have respect for being strong, but not now. It lets Arab MKs speak treason, it gives back land, it releases convicted murderers and terrorists etc.

An admission that Land was taken :eusa_clap:

No, it was Israel's in the first place, then Jordan captured it, and Israel recaptured it. You should learn history.
"Giving back Land" infers that it was taken, was the Land given back to Jordan?
Israel was established in 1948, "You should learn history"
From the mouth of a Palestinian. Perhaps he should hide out before the others go after him for speaking out.

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
by Mudar Zahran
June 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

You cannot be running TV, social media and newspapers encouraging terror and the murdering of Jews and then claim you are innocent when acts of terror happen.

The PA is now officially united with Hamas, a terror organization that pledges to destroy a sovereign nation and establish a Muslim caliphate. Financing the PA is therefore financing terrorism. PA terror has become a major industry. Is this what the West is so breathless to support?

Would the U.S. or Europe agree to give its cities and parts of its soil for a terrorist organization to establish a country the way U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been pushing Israel to give up most of the West Bank and return to pre-1967 borders?

Can we Palestinians blame Israel when the wall never existed before Hamas and the PLO started launching terror attacks on Israel on a daily basis?

Continue reading at:

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
Yes you can blame Israel because none of this shit would be going on if it wasn't for the occupation itself.

And the Israeli's are completely to blame for that.
From the mouth of a Palestinian. Perhaps he should hide out before the others go after him for speaking out.

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
by Mudar Zahran
June 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

You cannot be running TV, social media and newspapers encouraging terror and the murdering of Jews and then claim you are innocent when acts of terror happen.

The PA is now officially united with Hamas, a terror organization that pledges to destroy a sovereign nation and establish a Muslim caliphate. Financing the PA is therefore financing terrorism. PA terror has become a major industry. Is this what the West is so breathless to support?

Would the U.S. or Europe agree to give its cities and parts of its soil for a terrorist organization to establish a country the way U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been pushing Israel to give up most of the West Bank and return to pre-1967 borders?

Can we Palestinians blame Israel when the wall never existed before Hamas and the PLO started launching terror attacks on Israel on a daily basis?

Continue reading at:

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
Yes you can blame Israel because none of this shit would be going on if it wasn't for the occupation itself.

And the Israeli's are completely to blame for that.

Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan when they attacked Israel.
Get your facts straight
From the mouth of a Palestinian. Perhaps he should hide out before the others go after him for speaking out.

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
by Mudar Zahran
June 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

You cannot be running TV, social media and newspapers encouraging terror and the murdering of Jews and then claim you are innocent when acts of terror happen.

The PA is now officially united with Hamas, a terror organization that pledges to destroy a sovereign nation and establish a Muslim caliphate. Financing the PA is therefore financing terrorism. PA terror has become a major industry. Is this what the West is so breathless to support?

Would the U.S. or Europe agree to give its cities and parts of its soil for a terrorist organization to establish a country the way U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been pushing Israel to give up most of the West Bank and return to pre-1967 borders?

Can we Palestinians blame Israel when the wall never existed before Hamas and the PLO started launching terror attacks on Israel on a daily basis?

Continue reading at:

Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers - A Palestinian View
Yes you can blame Israel because none of this shit would be going on if it wasn't for the occupation itself.

And the Israeli's are completely to blame for that.

Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan when they attacked Israel.
Get your facts straight

I don't pay to much attention to what that penny-ante anti-Semite has to say. If Israel happened to be governed by the Hindus, Buddhists, or even the Shias over the majority Sunni, he wouldn't even be interested in what is going on.
Billo_Really, toastman; et al,

I think that our friend "toastman" would agree that "occupied" would have been a better choice of words.

Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan when they attacked Israel.
Get your facts straight
How many times do I have to fucking tell you conquer by conquest has been outlawed since the end of WWII?

The "key point" our friend "toastman" was making, is that it was Jordanian Territory (annex on April 11, 1950), and not Palestinian Territory. And that on 31 July, 1988, when HM King Hussein "announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank" --- HM the King, left (abandon) it in the hands of the Israelis, the Occupation Power since 1967. There was no other governmental authority in which to hand it.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Eerie isn't it?

The below is actually why I posted the above.

Thank you Sally. Where are the others? Why isn't amity and tinmore in brillo in here? this article was written by a muslim and I plan on reading more of his articles later today ... .

But brillo did come on in here. Still wondering about the others. And brillo blamed it on the occupation. I am going to assume you mean occupation by the Israelis. Is it the occupation of the West Bank, or any portion of the country brillo?
Eerie isn't it?

The below is actually why I posted the above.

Thank you Sally. Where are the others? Why isn't amity and tinmore in brillo in here? this article was written by a muslim and I plan on reading more of his articles later today ... .

But brillo did come on in here. Still wondering about the others. And brillo blamed it on the occupation. I am going to assume you mean occupation by the Israelis. Is it the occupation of the West Bank, or any portion of the country brillo?

I still think that this thread is eerily silent of the usual supporters of the Palestinians . . . . .

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