Keystone is over

Maybe they're more worried about their own new leader and not the possibility of ours. I'll guess the new liberal leader of Canada is an environmentalist. With emissions from oil-sand-crude are 12% higher than from conventional oil and the decreasing price of oil I'll guess they decided it is better to switch than fight, to paraphrase the old cigarette commercial.
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Canada is in a recession like a number of other countries at this point in time. The only thing differentiating us from them is indebtedness doesn't deter our spending money we don't have.
XL is a smidge. Just a small bypass to pick up North Dakota.

Keystone was done a couple of years ago. That's what makes all of this such a laugh to me.
Ok idiots lets play.

Keystone rocked it and has the pipeline all the way to the Gulf.

NOW YOU FUCKING STUPID IDIOTS have been just trying to block this by pass to pick up ND oil.

This is a jerk off by pass. The canuck oil has been going south.

Where is all the infrastructure improvement that was touted as shovel ready jobs? The money was allocated, and I've yet to see any of it.
There go lots of jobs down the drain.
But you are against creating new jobs by building infrastructure?
I recall the con artist in chief pitching us about the so called "hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs in the new energy sector". Perhaps he was shoveling more of his bullshit.
Thank you Nebraska Republicans for sticking to your guns and putting common sense and your own livelihoods ahead of short-sighted greed so that a Canadian company could primarily benefit from what would be the longest & largest tarsands pipeline on the planet.

A spill from a pipeline that wide (about 4 times larger than your average pipeline) would totally destroy Nebraska, and which of course would cost America money to clean up a Canadian mess. TransCanada is hoping a Republican wins next year so they can ask for their approval in 2017.

To correct the misinformed, very few Americans would actually get jobs due to this pipeline (fewer than 5,000 part-time positions) but American taxpayers would be on the hook for cleanup costs, which would eventually happen according to historical statistics.

Time to go the alternative energy route anyway.
They don't need the XL. Truly it was just a side issue for those who are actually dealing in economic issues.

The oil flows. Alberta to the Gulf. What part of your idiocy in the US doesn't understand this?

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