Kenosis doctrine is heresy


Aug 22, 2011
The kenosis (kenotic) heresy leads people to the same trap which took place in Paradise when satan lied to Eve and Adam. The evil satan tempted them to commit sin, promising them that if she would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would know good and evil like God. Adam and Eve did not understand good and evil like God, from the Divine perspective, but from the human perspective. Throughout the history of man, evil satan has tried to deceive people by promising them that they would be God if only they abide by the will of satan. Of course, evil satan does not introduce himself as satan when he tries to lure people into aiming for divinity, but he lies to them, masquerading as a good angel, a spirit guide, the Holy Spirit, or God.

More info: Kenosis kenotic doctrine heresy
The lie of Satan - ye shall as like gods... Genesis 3:5

I didn't read the full article but God willing I will read it later on. I did note that the article lists Kenneth Copeland and Victoria Osteen as false teachers and that is true. The Osteens (husband and wife team) and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are some of the biggest false teachers in America today. This evil doctrine of being as gods is a lie. I remember a Sunday School teacher who was a false teacher who had crept into a church that I used to attend and deceived the congregation (most of it) including the Pastor. It turned out the Pastor was a Joel Osteen fan (originally I thought he was joking but he wasn't) and so when it was brought to his attention that the false teacher was teaching doctrines about being as gods - being equal to Jesus Christ - he never moved to confront the false teacher but chose to ignore it. Hosea 4:6 is a warning to all those who choose to forget the laws of God. You can warn them but if they don't listen you have to shake the dust off of your feet and leave.

We are living in a time of great deception. Jesus warned us of such a time in Matthew Chapter 24. New Age doctrines have crept into the churches and with it we are seeing a major shift from holy hymns sung out of the old hymnal books to removing those books from the sanctuary and replacing the music with what they call "Christian rock." It is an abomination and is opening the door for demonic delusions and counterfeiting of the presence of God. Rock music regardless of the lyrics is a magnet for demons. The witches and Satanists know this.

Hill Song United is a false church and their music is demonic. It's an abomination unto God (they are part of the NWO religion and approved by Papal Rome). They are using the music to draw in young people who do not know the Word of God and are being deceived with false teachings, false conversions and false worship. It's very disturbing to see what is happening but it is part of Rome's NWO religion agenda to unite all "religions" under one umbrella (theirs) in order to make war against the body of Christ who resists them and remains faithful to Jesus Christ and the Written Word of God in the KJV Holy Bible.

Their goal is satanic. Anyone who refuses to join them and refuses to part with their faith in the God of Israel - rejecting all other false gods / false doctrines - will become a target once they gain enough power and appoint their anti-Christ leader (Papal Rome) to rule (with UN approval). They have a doctrine called "The Global Ethic" which identifies true Believers as "not authentically human." 150 different religous leaders signed the document back in 1993. The satanic doctrine of "not authentically human" is not new. It was the same lie the Jesuits used to justify themselves in the mass murder of Jews during WWII.
Genesis' false Prophet:
Ezekiel 28 the fallen son of perdition (Lucifer) is called "an image" of a man who walked the garden of eden (ancient Persia). He'd be deemed the Christ (anointed) Nazarene (guardian=cherub) called perfect(sinless) until you see the inquities in his "created" (fabricated) image.
Remember Jesus fell to the pit(perdition)
acts 2:27&1peter 3:19,
claimed to be a god and died by the hands of the seas(Rome).
Genesis: taking the fruit from the tree that branches out and was rooted in the center of ancient Persia, where the rivers described meet to form the mark of the beast cross.
The serpent (false prophet) convinced Eve(the church) (second wife of Adam=Man) to partake of this forbidden teaching on the forbidden tree that mixed knowledge that is both good (Torah= tree of life) and Evil (mystery Babylon, Egyptian underworld, greek death cult of hades=tree of death).
The false prophet promises you will surely not die to feed off his fruit and bel-lie-eve in him and yet 50 million murders later Everyone still dies a cursed death with this deception that mixes good and the bad.
PEOPLE making excuses want you to believe just because they mixed in a few cultures mysteries and cults that Christianity is still good to drink and eat from. Wrong.
Just because someone hands you sewage water that contains good water mixed in it doesn't make it safe or drinkable.
How true... People just miss the obvious... You shall know them by their fruits( teachings) Today people complain about the " fruits" that the Muslims are bestowing( violence) But if they are truthfull what " fruits" did Christianity spread to the whole world.. These fruits were poisonous and they caused a lot of pain, suffering and cruelty wherever they went and they uprooted whole people's and subjected them and subdued them and broke up families and pitted them against each other and the list goes on and on... The fruit of Paul's teachings( since he supposedly wrote most of the New Testament) were bitter indeed but hey the aPAUL( Apple) didn't fall far from this tree of gaul( where they borrowed the man on the tree symbol of Esus pronounced Hesus) yup all in all it the fruits were to bitter to swallow indeed...

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