Time To Learn Some Judaism.


Oct 6, 2016
To me, all religions are filth. Islam is the worst. Christianity is also pretty screwed up. But wait till you see some of the vile crap that it sprang from. Judaism. I will include four pages of jewish religious teachings. I could have included much more. But these should do. If you aren't jewish, YOU tell ME how much they appeal to you. All jews aren't screwed up. Just most of them are. After reading these things, you might want to reconsider supporting or being friends with them.
judaism 1.jpg
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judaism 4.jpg
Ironic this topic is called
"time to learn Judaism" and the poster learned about Judaism from one of the mocked faiths that bastardized it's precepts thus not only deceiving it's followers, but also the non believers who use their failed and false definitions and precepts.

Proof; they claim Christianity sprung up from Judaism when the founders admit it sprang up from paganism.

Picturing the OP running to the other side of the street in fear everytime a Jew walks towards their path. *L*
To me, all religions are filth. Islam is the worst. Christianity is also pretty screwed up. But wait till you see some of the vile crap that it sprang from. Judaism. I will include four pages of jewish religious teachings. I could have included much more. But these should do. If you aren't jewish, YOU tell ME how much they appeal to you. All jews aren't screwed up. Just most of them are. After reading these things, you might want to reconsider supporting or being friends with them.
Unlike Catholicism, there is no single person that speaks for Judaism. So what you have, assuming it is even accurate, are quotes from Jews, nothing more. I'd guess that if you cherry-picked quotes from 2000 years of Christian writings you could put together a similarly revolting list.
To me, all religions are filth.

I feel the same way about Progressivism, central planners, and all collectivist notions of society.

The filthiest religion of all is those that worship at the alter of big government.

And I ASSURE you, far more innocent people have died at the hands of these tyrants than those that fight for a god.

Conversely, I have no problem with Jews other than the occasional cultural annoyance.
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.

Is this a serious post?

The Jews were around LONG before the Roman empire.
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)

If you look closely to the post there are a lot of added in words taking the liberty to insist what it's talking about and yet the actual Talmud in it's original language is not posted to fact check nor commentary or context. But yes you are right, how they behave or reason in ancient times can not be compared to present day morality and ethics least they admit Judaism works to progress the most out of that archaic age nonsense compared to the other least evolved faiths.
1)Talmud is not the Torah, not standard in Judaism, many never read it.
2)Acharya is an Atheist Archeologist not a theologian. Her archeology studies help expose Christianity's pagan influence, but her ability to study texts and comment on them is skewed by lack of understanding the meaning especially of Biblical age slang.
3)South Korea would not make the Talmud standard school reading if it was racist.
4)anti-semitic groups and propagandists would have used the texts to help their propaganda, and only online hate groups use their own rewrites placing words in the text like this did. Acharya is not a racist and I don't know if this is Acharyas work or not, someone might have put her name on racist propaganda to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. People write some awful B.S. in others name to get them attacked, in this case Acharya could have been attacked by Christians insulted by her work or her personal choices. I don't remember her ever writing this stuff or debating the subject.
Ironic this topic is called
"time to learn Judaism" and the poster learned about Judaism from one of the mocked faiths that bastardized it's precepts thus not only deceiving it's followers, but also the non believers who use their failed and false definitions and precepts.

Proof; they claim Christianity sprung up from Judaism when the founders admit it sprang up from paganism.

Picturing the OP running to the other side of the street in fear everytime a Jew walks towards their path. *L*

You must have read some different bible than I did. In the bible, it says that Jesus was descended from David. Was king David a pagan or a jew.
To me, all religions are filth. Islam is the worst. Christianity is also pretty screwed up. But wait till you see some of the vile crap that it sprang from. Judaism. I will include four pages of jewish religious teachings. I could have included much more. But these should do. If you aren't jewish, YOU tell ME how much they appeal to you. All jews aren't screwed up. Just most of them are. After reading these things, you might want to reconsider supporting or being friends with them.
Unlike Catholicism, there is no single person that speaks for Judaism. So what you have, assuming it is even accurate, are quotes from Jews, nothing more. I'd guess that if you cherry-picked quotes from 2000 years of Christian writings you could put together a similarly revolting list.

Oh how misinformed you are! Or maybe you are just a liar. Didn't you know that Jews had a messiah? Apparently they needed one to, according to their scriptures, reform the country of Israel. I saw a picture of him on TV. He was some old jewish guy. If I had to guess, I would say he probably died some time in the 1970's. I'll bet he spoke for judaism.

Also, as you probably know, there are many different sects of Christianity. They ALL speak for Christianity. Some may dunk and others sprinkle when it comes to baptism. The practitioners of one are even known to handle poisonous snakes. But they all basically believe the same sorts of things.

Next, having read the bible, I don't remember anything in it that endorses screwing babies. But the talmud does. It says, "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood."

To even allow men to be married to girls that young is disgusting. To allow them to screw those girls is beyond vile.
To me, all religions are filth.

I feel the same way about Progressivism, central planners, and all collectivist notions of society.

The filthiest religion of all is those that worship at the alter of big government.

And I ASSURE you, far more innocent people have died at the hands of these tyrants than those that fight for a god.

Conversely, I have no problem with Jews other than the occasional cultural annoyance.

Do you have a time machine? Because for what you say about government, I could swear that I am listening to a French Aristocrat from before the French Revolution.

Next, did you not read the judaic religious teachings I added? How could you not have a problem with it. Maybe you are the type who has no problem with having a dick up his ass. Other than the occasional case of hemorrhoids.
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)

How would you know what jews think or don't think. Do you think they are going to tell you the truth about anything? It's against their religion!

Also, Israel used to have a prime minister named Menechem Begin. In his youth, he was just another bomb planting sand negro terrorist. I will include a picture of him and a quote of something he said. See if it reminds you at all of the four pages of jewish religious teachings I included in my thread.
menechem begin.jpg
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)

If you look closely to the post there are a lot of added in words taking the liberty to insist what it's talking about and yet the actual Talmud in it's original language is not posted to fact check nor commentary or context. But yes you are right, how they behave or reason in ancient times can not be compared to present day morality and ethics least they admit Judaism works to progress the most out of that archaic age nonsense compared to the other least evolved faiths.
1)Talmud is not the Torah, not standard in Judaism, many never read it.
2)Acharya is an Atheist Archeologist not a theologian. Her archeology studies help expose Christianity's pagan influence, but her ability to study texts and comment on them is skewed by lack of understanding the meaning especially of Biblical age slang.
3)South Korea would not make the Talmud standard school reading if it was racist.
4)anti-semitic groups and propagandists would have used the texts to help their propaganda, and only online hate groups use their own rewrites placing words in the text like this did. Acharya is not a racist and I don't know if this is Acharyas work or not, someone might have put her name on racist propaganda to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. People write some awful B.S. in others name to get them attacked, in this case Acharya could have been attacked by Christians insulted by her work or her personal choices. I don't remember her ever writing this stuff or debating the subject.

Does somebody pay you to write such crap? I will include a couple pictures with quotes. In one, there was a statement by the jew in the newspaper article that was below his picture. It didn't show up when I printed it. But it said, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity." Rabbi Baruch Efrati: Jewish school head in West Bank.
Jewish scum.jpg
menechem begin.jpg
Ironic this topic is called
"time to learn Judaism" and the poster learned about Judaism from one of the mocked faiths that bastardized it's precepts thus not only deceiving it's followers, but also the non believers who use their failed and false definitions and precepts.

Proof; they claim Christianity sprung up from Judaism when the founders admit it sprang up from paganism.

Picturing the OP running to the other side of the street in fear everytime a Jew walks towards their path. *L*

You must have read some different bible than I did. In the bible, it says that Jesus was descended from David. Was king David a pagan or a jew.

The lineage the Nt gives Jesus is through all the Biblical Harlots and their use of the mother Harlot Mary of 100bc is probably why the other christ cults deemed Rome's adoption as the Harlot church.
That Mary had Yeshu through a fling with a ROMAN soldier named Panthera(s) which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly.
IF you deny Pantheras was the father then you still have issues with Josephcs lineage whereby Rahab is a Canaanite woman.
But this is all irrelevant because the charaxyer has nothing to do with if it's Judaic or not.
Fact is The Nazarenes were teaching Luciferian beliefs and death cultism not Judaism and the one world religion forms from all cultures cults became a mixture of Abrahamic love they neighbor teachings mixed with harvest seed scams of Baal worship, Mithraic, Zoroastrianism, Krishna, Esus trinity god, Dagon worship etc..
Christianity is more pagan then Judaic influenced as they were trying to convert revolters to Baal worship.

Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.

In Matthew 1:19 he states Joseph didn't want to expose her to public disgrace, so he had a mind to divorce her (Mary) quietly (as to not get her stoned).

Deut. 23:2 disqualifies Jesus from entering the Temple let alone leading it.
Plus there's a little known rule about n0t listening to political prisoners that prevents following any of the captured christs and even Paul.

Your other posts exposed you and your intent. May I remind you that you come from the side of these forbidden prisoners, thus why we have had thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in your insistance to ignore good sound advice.
Jesuits, Paulines, Napolean, Pol Pot,Stalin, Idi Amin, Arafat, Saddam, etc all political prisoners who have that same racist hatred as you deflect. =
THE PROBLEM IS YOU and your thinking.
Ironic this topic is called
"time to learn Judaism" and the poster learned about Judaism from one of the mocked faiths that bastardized it's precepts thus not only deceiving it's followers, but also the non believers who use their failed and false definitions and precepts.

Proof; they claim Christianity sprung up from Judaism when the founders admit it sprang up from paganism.

Picturing the OP running to the other side of the street in fear everytime a Jew walks towards their path. *L*

You must have read some different bible than I did. In the bible, it says that Jesus was descended from David. Was king David a pagan or a jew.

The lineage the Nt gives Jesus is through all the Biblical Harlots and their use of the mother Harlot Mary of 100bc is probably why the other christ cults deemed Rome's adoption as the Harlot church.
That Mary had Yeshu through a fling with a ROMAN soldier named Panthera(s) which is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly.
IF you deny Pantheras was the father then you still have issues with Josephcs lineage whereby Rahab is a Canaanite woman.
But this is all irrelevant because the charaxyer has nothing to do with if it's Judaic or not.
Fact is The Nazarenes were teaching Luciferian beliefs and death cultism not Judaism and the one world religion forms from all cultures cults became a mixture of Abrahamic love they neighbor teachings mixed with harvest seed scams of Baal worship, Mithraic, Zoroastrianism, Krishna, Esus trinity god, Dagon worship etc..
Christianity is more pagan then Judaic influenced as they were trying to convert revolters to Baal worship.

Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.

In Matthew 1:19 he states Joseph didn't want to expose her to public disgrace, so he had a mind to divorce her (Mary) quietly (as to not get her stoned).

Deut. 23:2 disqualifies Jesus from entering the Temple let alone leading it.
Plus there's a little known rule about n0t listening to political prisoners that prevents following any of the captured christs and even Paul.

Your other posts exposed you and your intent. May I remind you that you come from the side of these forbidden prisoners, thus why we have had thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in your insistance to ignore good sound advice.
Jesuits, Paulines, Napolean, Pol Pot,Stalin, Idi Amin, Arafat, Saddam, etc all political prisoners who have that same racist hatred as you deflect. =
THE PROBLEM IS YOU and your thinking.

You have a knack for saying a whole hell of a lot without saying anything. If you have anything to say about the bible other than what it says, I would suggest that you speak of it in the conspiracy theory section.
Oh how misinformed you are! Or maybe you are just a liar. Didn't you know that Jews had a messiah? Apparently they needed one to, according to their scriptures, reform the country of Israel. I saw a picture of him on TV. He was some old jewish guy. If I had to guess, I would say he probably died some time in the 1970's. I'll bet he spoke for Judaism.

Jews have been waiting for the messiah for millennia and they are still waiting. Many have claimed or been put forward but no one has fulfilled the role. I have no idea who this guy was you mentioned but I know he didn't speak for Judaism.

Also, as you probably know, there are many different sects of Christianity. They ALL speak for Christianity. Some may dunk and others sprinkle when it comes to baptism. The practitioners of one are even known to handle poisonous snakes. But they all basically believe the same sorts of things.

Really? Do they all consider each other as Christians? How about Eastern Orthodox, Catholics, and Mormons? Were David Koresh and Jim Jones Christian?

Next, having read the bible, I don't remember anything in it that endorses screwing babies. But the talmud does. It says, "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood."

To even allow men to be married to girls that young is disgusting. To allow them to screw those girls is beyond vile.
I couldn't agree more. What you must remember, however, is that the Talmud goes back to the time of the Babylonian exile, well over 2,000 years ago. Can we judge them by our standards? Was Paul evil because he told slaves to accept their lot in life? Were some of the founding fathers vile and immoral because they kept slaves?
Ironic this topic is called
"time to learn Judaism" and the poster learned about Judaism from one of the mocked faiths that bastardized it's precepts thus not only deceiving it's followers, but also the non believers who use their failed and false definitions and precepts.

Proof; they claim Christianity sprung up from Judaism when the founders admit it sprang up from paganism.

Picturing the OP running to the other side of the street in fear everytime a Jew walks towards their path. *L*

You must have read some different bible than I did. In the bible, it says that Jesus was descended from David. Was king David a pagan or a jew.

you should read the NT again----In fact it describes a lineage for JOSEPH-----as a descendant from King David----not for
Jesus. Try to focus---Joseph was not the father of Jesus
Plus Joseph's lineage did not go through all Jews. They goofed trying to place the idol character through Biblical characters.
Wish the person would stick to one posting name. ;-)
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)

How would you know what jews think or don't think. Do you think they are going to tell you the truth about anything? It's against their religion!

Also, Israel used to have a prime minister named Menechem Begin. In his youth, he was just another bomb planting sand negro terrorist. I will include a picture of him and a quote of something he said. See if it reminds you at all of the four pages of jewish religious teachings I included in my thread.
View attachment 92530
Kreed aka Unfrack aka Mudda I'm guessing,
Using your same Hamas Propaganda source I found a quote from you there too:

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