*KEN* Paxton Will Rise Above!*

But that is the reality. 99.9% of us joined the BLM movement because cops are murdering black citizens. And whites too! They need to stop abusing us. They've been too militarized. What ever happened to protect and serve?

Did you see the 11 year old unarmed black boy the cop shot? He said, "if anyone is in the house come out now". Little boy walks out and cop shoots him.

This is what the BLM movement is about for 99.9% of us.

If the founder and the website has expanded to discuss other things, that is their platform. If they like socialism, that's new to 99.9% of us. We were just supporting the movement that said cops need to stop murdering black men when they would not do the same to a white man. BLM too!!!
It is a clever name with a rightous clause.

But, it is much darker than the name and "mission" told to the public.

And I have had very personal experiences with the police, justice system, and african americans. One or two sentences does not describe all the dynamics at play
I would rather talk about reality

But that is the reality. 99.9% of us joined the BLM movement because cops are murdering black citizens. And whites too! They need to stop abusing us. They've been too militarized. What ever happened to protect and serve?

Did you see the 11 year old unarmed black boy the cop shot? He said, "if anyone is in the house come out now". Little boy walks out and cop shoots him.

This is what the BLM movement is about for 99.9% of us.

If the founder and the website has expanded to discuss other things, that is their platform. If they like socialism, that's new to 99.9% of us. We were just supporting the movement that said cops need to stop murdering black men when they would not do the same to a white man. BLM too!!!
It is a clever name with a rightous clause.

But, it is much darker than the name and "mission" told to the public.

And I have had very personal experiences with the police, justice system, and african americans. One or two sentences does not describe all the dynamics at play
I'll give you this. You don't treat citizens in a high crime area the same as you do citizens in a low crime area.

I'll bring it back to the 11 year old boy who the cop shot. That's a great example of how white America is afraid of black men.
Paxton and Phelan, two examples of the lowered bar that comes with being in an overwhelmingly dominant party. GOPers have gone so long without viable opposition to sharpen themselves against that what remains id dull witted and corrupt.
But that is the reality. 99.9% of us joined the BLM movement because cops are murdering black citizens. And whites too! They need to stop abusing us. They've been too militarized. What ever happened to protect and serve?

Did you see the 11 year old unarmed black boy the cop shot? He said, "if anyone is in the house come out now". Little boy walks out and cop shoots him.

This is what the BLM movement is about for 99.9% of us.

If the founder and the website has expanded to discuss other things, that is their platform. If they like socialism, that's new to 99.9% of us. We were just supporting the movement that said cops need to stop murdering black men when they would not do the same to a white man. BLM too!!!
The movement and the organization are separate things, and the organization is high jacking the movement.
The movement and the organization are separate things, and the organization is high jacking the movement.

Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps.

Also keep this in mind. Perhaps the other side has successfully demonized the organization, or movement. Most people don't know the difference. They disagreed with BLM long before the organization came to be. Why? Do you now agree with the movement? Or have you always agreed with the movement but stopped supporting BLM when the organization appeared?

They/you didn't get it. You said all lives matter. Which means you didn't get the movement.
Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps.

Also keep this in mind. Perhaps the other side has successfully demonized the organization, or movement. Most people don't know the difference. They disagreed with BLM long before the organization came to be. Why? Do you now agree with the movement? Or have you always agreed with the movement but stopped supporting BLM when the organization appeared?

They/you didn't get it. You said all lives matter. Which means you didn't get the movement.
When the leaders of the movement become very wealthy and the lives of those they claim to support don't change at all, something's very wrong. Answer this, are the lives of urban ghetto dwelling black people any better now than before BLM started rioting and destroying cities?
Sorry bout that,

1. Just a reminder this thread is about Ken Paxton.
2. Just follow along with my posts.
3. Why this has going for BLM is beyond me.
4. Try to kept up please .
5. I will try to kept up future post.

When the leaders of the movement become very wealthy and the lives of those they claim to support don't change at all, something's very wrong. Answer this, are the lives of urban ghetto dwelling black people any better now than before BLM started rioting and destroying cities?

I believe police and our government have implemented some reforms on how cops treat suspects. And they have to wear body cams. And cops now go to jail or are held accountable where before they weren't.

Have these policies been in place long enough for you to make that determination?

Every black who hasn't been murdered by a cop since BLM, their lives have gotten better. But this 11 year old victim tells us we have a long way to go. BLM is or was about cops murdering black men. MURDERing.
The organization, Black Lives Matter, does not matter and is a literal criminal organization. Rioting, stealing, and the assault of people, is criminal.

So tell us, why do black lives, matter.
Are you really this stupid. You actually asked which I was talking about (black lives) then respond about the group (BLM). Is English not your first language?
I gave you my answer, I can not help that you are too stupid to recognize it.

Either way, you are not here to engage in a discussion, you are trolling, nothing more. You can quit your act of indignation.
You did not answer my question.
I am not in the habit of answering questions from trolls. Why would you ask such a stupid question, and then flame me when I ask for clarification.

Why ask such a question?
I'm not a troll. You're trolling me and going on ignore.
I'm not a troll. You're trolling me and going on ignore.
why cant you ask such a simple question, why would you ask if, black lives matter, using the same name of an organization that is responsible for riots, destruction, and assault and battery to americans.

asking and answering is a two way street, why should I answer you when you simply flame and insult me when I ask more about your question

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