Keggers and KJB .... the aftermath.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
What both "sides" got was their 2022 talking points. "The gop will end legal abortion (and Missouri is actually trying so it's not just a scare tactic) and progressives will try to use the courts to push transgender "rights" and CRT.

"Neither side is blameless in the politicization of the confirmation process," the newspaper concluded. "But, particularly after they iced out then-Judge Merrick Garland in 2016, Republicans have done the most damage. The clownish performances by Mr. Graham and others continue them on that trajectory."

Mitch played the joker card he held, and here we are. These hearings are circuses. Kavanaugh is respectful of women, and KJB does not like pedos any more than other mainstream district judges. Both have judicial philosophies that differ. Kavanaugh may actually be a bit more moderate, but after Ginny Thomas .... well KJB is probably no more extreme that Alito.
And what the gop - with all of it's phobia of queers and chicks in drag and blacks wanting our shit (and who will never get it unless we're too stupid to earn it on our own) NEVER FUCKING ASKED THE NICE LADY

And it is Mitch's fault, because the only reason he didn't confirm Merrick Garland was he wanted to keep citizen's united on a purely ideological - not legal - basis.
Both parties have done equal amounts of damage to the confirmation process. There is no side that is worse than the other.
no, it took a dark turn with Bork, but it's now just a circus. We talked judicial philosophy and constitutional principles with roberts, alito, kagan and sontmayor.
no, it took a dark turn with Bork, but it's now just a circus. We talked judicial philosophy and constitutional principles with roberts, alito, kagan and sontmayor.
It did not. That is an incorrect interpretation of events.
What both "sides" got was their 2022 talking points. "The gop will end legal abortion (and Missouri is actually trying so it's not just a scare tactic) and progressives will try to use the courts to push transgender "rights" and CRT.

"Neither side is blameless in the politicization of the confirmation process," the newspaper concluded. "But, particularly after they iced out then-Judge Merrick Garland in 2016, Republicans have done the most damage. The clownish performances by Mr. Graham and others continue them on that trajectory."

Mitch played the joker card he held, and here we are. These hearings are circuses. Kavanaugh is respectful of women, and KJB does not like pedos any more than other mainstream district judges. Both have judicial philosophies that differ. Kavanaugh may actually be a bit more moderate, but after Ginny Thomas .... well KJB is probably no more extreme that Alito.
Yes, Missouri will try to keep people from getting abortions in other states...

Of Missouri's 114 counties, 78 saw population decline reported in the 2020 Census. Ripley County in southeastern Missouri saw the biggest population decline, losing 24% over the past decade. Mary Hendrickson, rural sociologist with the University of Missouri, says each community has its own factors to consider.Oct 29, 2021

Census shows falling population trends in rural Missouri - Ag ...​


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