Keep that Atheism to Yourself

No one should be allowed to use coercive government to push their personal beliefs on others.

So, keep your religion out of our faces and all will be well.

Keep your government out of our faces and it will be likewise.
Why is the Irish government in your face?

For that matter, what government is in his face about his religion?
Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners?

Because they're USMB members? It's a sign-up requirement, isn't it?

Guess I missed that question ...

Actually, many people believe their religious beliefs are personal and private. They don't need to have their beliefs validated or reinforced by a bully mentality.

The title of this thread says it all - Some believe that christians should be allowed to be intrusive and loud while atheists should keep their beliefs to themselves.
Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners?

Because they're USMB members? It's a sign-up requirement, isn't it?

Guess I missed that question ...

Actually, many people believe their religious beliefs are personal and private. They don't need to have their beliefs validated or reinforced by a bully mentality.

OH. that. I was just referring to the angry, miserable, hostile, entitled whiners part. That seems to sum us all up pretty well. ;)
First of all, this has nothing to with what I posted.

Secondly, give up the poor persecuted Christians nonsense. It's just silly. Christians are not be persecuted by atheists any more than atheists are being persecuted by Christians.

I directly addressed it. "You seem to have more of an issue with it than I do." I just explained why I do have an issue with it. Please read more carefully, sir.

And, you can look to the implementation of Obamacare and its abortion mandate. Our government bore down on those of faith to provide for a procedure that went against their religious beliefs. A school in my state caved in to the complaints of an Atheist group who sued and had them remove a monument at the entrance of their football field.

Here's more for you. A Colonel in the US Military has his column removed for mentioning "Faith", "Jesus,":

Does the military have a problem with Jesus Fox News

In Houston, openly gay mayor Annise Parker tried to subpoena the sermons of five pastors. She caved under pressure and backed down.

In the State of Idaho, the government there told pastors to perform gay weddings or go to jail. They then backed off (tell me doc, do you see the government telling Atheists to convert to Christianity or go to jail?).

Last month, Twitter censored a faith based campaign, Faith Based Consumer and its petition asking Houston Mayor Annise Parker to rescind subpoenas of Pastors sermons. As with the others, they reversed the block.

In California, seven Churches were forced to provide abortion coverage. They have since filed a Federal Civil Rights appeal.

In New York, a high school prevents 20 teens from forming a Christian themed club, two years running. Again, they were forced to reverse their decision.

In Arizona, a high school football coach is suspended for two weeks for holding prayers with his team.

That all happened within the past oh, two and a half months. So, how are Atheists persecuted in this manner?

None of those are examples of Christians being "persecuted" - and I'd avoid using Todd Starnes as a source if I were you, he's a nutjob with a proven track record of lying who has made a career out of playing the "persecuted Christians" card. It'd be the same as me using Louis Farrakhan as a source to "prove" that all white people are evil.

Christians don't have some special right that allows them to break laws or force publications to publish their opinions.

But they are given tacit permission to trespass at will. Even non-fundies will support and/or defend groups of them, spreading out through entire neighborhoods, forcing their publications on people who are too well bred and polite to do what they would like to do.

Yes, they are. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't want the publication, don't take it. If you don't want to listen to them, don't listen. If you want to tell them why they are wrong, tell them. You have the same rights as they do, even though there are people on both sides who would like to see that change. This is not a situation to bemoan, it is one to celebrate and defend.

I agree. So why don't christians do that? Why don't christians celebrate and defend the religious rights of others as they demand and expect their own to be defended?

This isn't a rant on TemplarKormac. He's just a teenager who lives in a fantasy world of comic book heroes and video games. He's certainly not the only one who openly says he would take the rights away from others that he himself enjoys. We get this same anti-Constitution crap from self-described "christians" here every day.

Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners? Christians here seem to hate everyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Some actually wish death on anyone who dares to disagree with them. Recently, several celebrated the murder of a young man who was killed for practicing the oldest and most benign religion in the history of our planet - Wicca. They despise Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and have, in various threads, wished the worst on all of them. Some have gone so far as to wish Ebola on liberals and on our president.

Believing seems to make some christians very unhappy and defensive. They don't post about the serenity and peace it gives them. Instead, constantly harangue at others, beg for proof that their invisible, imaginary friend (and enemy - Let's not forget the devil) is real and demand that others be denied the Constitutional right to practice their own religion or lack of religion.

If (editorial) you are so unhappy with your faith, maybe you should look inward instead of attacking others for their beliefs.

I don't go door-to-door or accost people in public places to preach at them. That would be incredibly rude, hateful and intrusive. More than that, it would be completely disrespectful and insensitive to other people. Its not unreasonable to expect that same courtesy and respect from god-believers. You have hundreds of thousands of tax-free churches - you don't also get our schools, government property and my front porch.

Are all christians like what we read here? Are they all rude and hostile and defensive? I always say that I don't believe they are and that some really do get something positive from their beliefs but really, I don't know.

I don't grill people I know. I don't butt into their private and personal beliefs because what others choose to believe is none of my business. So, while I would hope not, for all I know, all christians are like what we see here.

So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others? Why must they constantly meddle in the most personal and private aspects of our lives? Why do they consistently oppose Constitutionally-guaranteed equality? Why do they demand religious freedom for themselves why supporting their own vicious brand of sharia law?

You're more than welcome to whatever you choose to believe.

I have read the Constitution many times and I can't find anywhere in it that says you have the right to be respected. You have the freedom to speak your mind, and you don't have to do it with respect. You have the right to go door-to-door to express yourself just like anyone else. Of course, if the sign says No Trespassing you have to pay attention, just like everyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from speech. In a free society, it gets noisy.

Now, if you can point to someone denying you, or anyone else, the right to express themselves, then I will certainly come down on your side. Within the bounds of reason, of course.
I directly addressed it. "You seem to have more of an issue with it than I do." I just explained why I do have an issue with it. Please read more carefully, sir.

And, you can look to the implementation of Obamacare and its abortion mandate. Our government bore down on those of faith to provide for a procedure that went against their religious beliefs. A school in my state caved in to the complaints of an Atheist group who sued and had them remove a monument at the entrance of their football field.

Here's more for you. A Colonel in the US Military has his column removed for mentioning "Faith", "Jesus,":

Does the military have a problem with Jesus Fox News

In Houston, openly gay mayor Annise Parker tried to subpoena the sermons of five pastors. She caved under pressure and backed down.

In the State of Idaho, the government there told pastors to perform gay weddings or go to jail. They then backed off (tell me doc, do you see the government telling Atheists to convert to Christianity or go to jail?).

Last month, Twitter censored a faith based campaign, Faith Based Consumer and its petition asking Houston Mayor Annise Parker to rescind subpoenas of Pastors sermons. As with the others, they reversed the block.

In California, seven Churches were forced to provide abortion coverage. They have since filed a Federal Civil Rights appeal.

In New York, a high school prevents 20 teens from forming a Christian themed club, two years running. Again, they were forced to reverse their decision.

In Arizona, a high school football coach is suspended for two weeks for holding prayers with his team.

That all happened within the past oh, two and a half months. So, how are Atheists persecuted in this manner?

None of those are examples of Christians being "persecuted" - and I'd avoid using Todd Starnes as a source if I were you, he's a nutjob with a proven track record of lying who has made a career out of playing the "persecuted Christians" card. It'd be the same as me using Louis Farrakhan as a source to "prove" that all white people are evil.

Christians don't have some special right that allows them to break laws or force publications to publish their opinions.

But they are given tacit permission to trespass at will. Even non-fundies will support and/or defend groups of them, spreading out through entire neighborhoods, forcing their publications on people who are too well bred and polite to do what they would like to do.

Yes, they are. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't want the publication, don't take it. If you don't want to listen to them, don't listen. If you want to tell them why they are wrong, tell them. You have the same rights as they do, even though there are people on both sides who would like to see that change. This is not a situation to bemoan, it is one to celebrate and defend.

I agree. So why don't christians do that? Why don't christians celebrate and defend the religious rights of others as they demand and expect their own to be defended?

This isn't a rant on TemplarKormac. He's just a teenager who lives in a fantasy world of comic book heroes and video games. He's certainly not the only one who openly says he would take the rights away from others that he himself enjoys. We get this same anti-Constitution crap from self-described "christians" here every day.

Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners? Christians here seem to hate everyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Some actually wish death on anyone who dares to disagree with them. Recently, several celebrated the murder of a young man who was killed for practicing the oldest and most benign religion in the history of our planet - Wicca. They despise Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and have, in various threads, wished the worst on all of them. Some have gone so far as to wish Ebola on liberals and on our president.

Believing seems to make some christians very unhappy and defensive. They don't post about the serenity and peace it gives them. Instead, constantly harangue at others, beg for proof that their invisible, imaginary friend (and enemy - Let's not forget the devil) is real and demand that others be denied the Constitutional right to practice their own religion or lack of religion.

If (editorial) you are so unhappy with your faith, maybe you should look inward instead of attacking others for their beliefs.

I don't go door-to-door or accost people in public places to preach at them. That would be incredibly rude, hateful and intrusive. More than that, it would be completely disrespectful and insensitive to other people. Its not unreasonable to expect that same courtesy and respect from god-believers. You have hundreds of thousands of tax-free churches - you don't also get our schools, government property and my front porch.

Are all christians like what we read here? Are they all rude and hostile and defensive? I always say that I don't believe they are and that some really do get something positive from their beliefs but really, I don't know.

I don't grill people I know. I don't butt into their private and personal beliefs because what others choose to believe is none of my business. So, while I would hope not, for all I know, all christians are like what we see here.

So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others? Why must they constantly meddle in the most personal and private aspects of our lives? Why do they consistently oppose Constitutionally-guaranteed equality? Why do they demand religious freedom for themselves why supporting their own vicious brand of sharia law?

You're more than welcome to whatever you choose to believe.

I have read the Constitution many times and I can't find anywhere in it that says you have the right to be respected. You have the freedom to speak your mind, and you don't have to do it with respect. You have the right to go door-to-door to express yourself just like anyone else. Of course, if the sign says No Trespassing you have to pay attention, just like everyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from speech. In a free society, it gets noisy.

Now, if you can point to someone denying you, or anyone else, the right to express themselves, then I will certainly come down on your side. Within the bounds of reason, of course.

The stated title of this thread is "keep that atheism to yourself" but, so far, those who believe that should happen (such as TemplarKormac) have been mostly unsuccessful.

Ya wanna show me exactly where I said anything even remotely like 'the Constitution says you have the right to be respected'? Or that 'someone is denying my right to express myself'? Please, post the EXACT quote.

You could just address what I really wrote.
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None of those are examples of Christians being "persecuted" - and I'd avoid using Todd Starnes as a source if I were you, he's a nutjob with a proven track record of lying who has made a career out of playing the "persecuted Christians" card. It'd be the same as me using Louis Farrakhan as a source to "prove" that all white people are evil.

Christians don't have some special right that allows them to break laws or force publications to publish their opinions.

But they are given tacit permission to trespass at will. Even non-fundies will support and/or defend groups of them, spreading out through entire neighborhoods, forcing their publications on people who are too well bred and polite to do what they would like to do.

Yes, they are. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't want the publication, don't take it. If you don't want to listen to them, don't listen. If you want to tell them why they are wrong, tell them. You have the same rights as they do, even though there are people on both sides who would like to see that change. This is not a situation to bemoan, it is one to celebrate and defend.

I agree. So why don't christians do that? Why don't christians celebrate and defend the religious rights of others as they demand and expect their own to be defended?

This isn't a rant on TemplarKormac. He's just a teenager who lives in a fantasy world of comic book heroes and video games. He's certainly not the only one who openly says he would take the rights away from others that he himself enjoys. We get this same anti-Constitution crap from self-described "christians" here every day.

Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners? Christians here seem to hate everyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Some actually wish death on anyone who dares to disagree with them. Recently, several celebrated the murder of a young man who was killed for practicing the oldest and most benign religion in the history of our planet - Wicca. They despise Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and have, in various threads, wished the worst on all of them. Some have gone so far as to wish Ebola on liberals and on our president.

Believing seems to make some christians very unhappy and defensive. They don't post about the serenity and peace it gives them. Instead, constantly harangue at others, beg for proof that their invisible, imaginary friend (and enemy - Let's not forget the devil) is real and demand that others be denied the Constitutional right to practice their own religion or lack of religion.

If (editorial) you are so unhappy with your faith, maybe you should look inward instead of attacking others for their beliefs.

I don't go door-to-door or accost people in public places to preach at them. That would be incredibly rude, hateful and intrusive. More than that, it would be completely disrespectful and insensitive to other people. Its not unreasonable to expect that same courtesy and respect from god-believers. You have hundreds of thousands of tax-free churches - you don't also get our schools, government property and my front porch.

Are all christians like what we read here? Are they all rude and hostile and defensive? I always say that I don't believe they are and that some really do get something positive from their beliefs but really, I don't know.

I don't grill people I know. I don't butt into their private and personal beliefs because what others choose to believe is none of my business. So, while I would hope not, for all I know, all christians are like what we see here.

So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others? Why must they constantly meddle in the most personal and private aspects of our lives? Why do they consistently oppose Constitutionally-guaranteed equality? Why do they demand religious freedom for themselves why supporting their own vicious brand of sharia law?

You're more than welcome to whatever you choose to believe.

I have read the Constitution many times and I can't find anywhere in it that says you have the right to be respected. You have the freedom to speak your mind, and you don't have to do it with respect. You have the right to go door-to-door to express yourself just like anyone else. Of course, if the sign says No Trespassing you have to pay attention, just like everyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from speech. In a free society, it gets noisy.

Now, if you can point to someone denying you, or anyone else, the right to express themselves, then I will certainly come down on your side. Within the bounds of reason, of course.

The stated title of this thread is "keep that atheism to yourself" but, so far, those who believe that should happen have been, to a great extent, unsuccessful.

Ya wanna show me exactly where I said anything even remotely like 'the Constitution says you have the right to be respected'? Or that 'someone is denying my right to express myself'? Please, post the EXACT quote.

You could just address what I really wrote.

"So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others?" That's the direct quote.

I was talking about the freedom of speech and that is what your post was in response to. None of the examples you provided were about Christians telling you you couldn't speak your mind. It was about them being a nuisance in speaking theirs.

So I was addressing what you wrote.

As to keeping Atheism to yourself, I don't want you to. I want you to shout about it in the public square. I want you to walk around with a sign about it. I want you to put up billboards. I want you to go door-to-door and hand out pamphlets.
But they are given tacit permission to trespass at will. Even non-fundies will support and/or defend groups of them, spreading out through entire neighborhoods, forcing their publications on people who are too well bred and polite to do what they would like to do.

Yes, they are. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't want the publication, don't take it. If you don't want to listen to them, don't listen. If you want to tell them why they are wrong, tell them. You have the same rights as they do, even though there are people on both sides who would like to see that change. This is not a situation to bemoan, it is one to celebrate and defend.

I agree. So why don't christians do that? Why don't christians celebrate and defend the religious rights of others as they demand and expect their own to be defended?

This isn't a rant on TemplarKormac. He's just a teenager who lives in a fantasy world of comic book heroes and video games. He's certainly not the only one who openly says he would take the rights away from others that he himself enjoys. We get this same anti-Constitution crap from self-described "christians" here every day.

Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners? Christians here seem to hate everyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Some actually wish death on anyone who dares to disagree with them. Recently, several celebrated the murder of a young man who was killed for practicing the oldest and most benign religion in the history of our planet - Wicca. They despise Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and have, in various threads, wished the worst on all of them. Some have gone so far as to wish Ebola on liberals and on our president.

Believing seems to make some christians very unhappy and defensive. They don't post about the serenity and peace it gives them. Instead, constantly harangue at others, beg for proof that their invisible, imaginary friend (and enemy - Let's not forget the devil) is real and demand that others be denied the Constitutional right to practice their own religion or lack of religion.

If (editorial) you are so unhappy with your faith, maybe you should look inward instead of attacking others for their beliefs.

I don't go door-to-door or accost people in public places to preach at them. That would be incredibly rude, hateful and intrusive. More than that, it would be completely disrespectful and insensitive to other people. Its not unreasonable to expect that same courtesy and respect from god-believers. You have hundreds of thousands of tax-free churches - you don't also get our schools, government property and my front porch.

Are all christians like what we read here? Are they all rude and hostile and defensive? I always say that I don't believe they are and that some really do get something positive from their beliefs but really, I don't know.

I don't grill people I know. I don't butt into their private and personal beliefs because what others choose to believe is none of my business. So, while I would hope not, for all I know, all christians are like what we see here.

So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others? Why must they constantly meddle in the most personal and private aspects of our lives? Why do they consistently oppose Constitutionally-guaranteed equality? Why do they demand religious freedom for themselves why supporting their own vicious brand of sharia law?

You're more than welcome to whatever you choose to believe.

I have read the Constitution many times and I can't find anywhere in it that says you have the right to be respected. You have the freedom to speak your mind, and you don't have to do it with respect. You have the right to go door-to-door to express yourself just like anyone else. Of course, if the sign says No Trespassing you have to pay attention, just like everyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from speech. In a free society, it gets noisy.

Now, if you can point to someone denying you, or anyone else, the right to express themselves, then I will certainly come down on your side. Within the bounds of reason, of course.

The stated title of this thread is "keep that atheism to yourself" but, so far, those who believe that should happen have been, to a great extent, unsuccessful.

Ya wanna show me exactly where I said anything even remotely like 'the Constitution says you have the right to be respected'? Or that 'someone is denying my right to express myself'? Please, post the EXACT quote.

You could just address what I really wrote.

"So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others?" That's the direct quote.

I was talking about the freedom of speech and that is what your post was in response to. None of the examples you provided were about Christians telling you you couldn't speak your mind. It was about them being a nuisance in speaking theirs.

So I was addressing what you wrote.

As to keeping Atheism to yourself, I don't want you to. I want you to shout about it in the public square. I want you to walk around with a sign about it. I want you to put up billboards. I want you to go door-to-door and hand out pamphlets.

Yep. That's the direct quote and I don't see any mention of the Constitution guaranteeing respect. Do you?

I was pretty clear in what I wrote and the "nuisance" of screeching and preaching was only a part of it. Nowhere did I say anything about wanting to shout my beliefs in the public square. In fact, I said just the opposite.

Don't compound your lies by now saying I attributed the thread title or the content of the OP to you.

To repeat what I wrote in response to your post, you could just address what I really wrote.

Or not.
Sounds good to me!

Yes, they are. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't want the publication, don't take it. If you don't want to listen to them, don't listen. If you want to tell them why they are wrong, tell them. You have the same rights as they do, even though there are people on both sides who would like to see that change. This is not a situation to bemoan, it is one to celebrate and defend.

I agree. So why don't christians do that? Why don't christians celebrate and defend the religious rights of others as they demand and expect their own to be defended?

This isn't a rant on TemplarKormac. He's just a teenager who lives in a fantasy world of comic book heroes and video games. He's certainly not the only one who openly says he would take the rights away from others that he himself enjoys. We get this same anti-Constitution crap from self-described "christians" here every day.

Why are the christians here such an angry, miserable, hostile, entitled bunch of whiners? Christians here seem to hate everyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Some actually wish death on anyone who dares to disagree with them. Recently, several celebrated the murder of a young man who was killed for practicing the oldest and most benign religion in the history of our planet - Wicca. They despise Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and have, in various threads, wished the worst on all of them. Some have gone so far as to wish Ebola on liberals and on our president.

Believing seems to make some christians very unhappy and defensive. They don't post about the serenity and peace it gives them. Instead, constantly harangue at others, beg for proof that their invisible, imaginary friend (and enemy - Let's not forget the devil) is real and demand that others be denied the Constitutional right to practice their own religion or lack of religion.

If (editorial) you are so unhappy with your faith, maybe you should look inward instead of attacking others for their beliefs.

I don't go door-to-door or accost people in public places to preach at them. That would be incredibly rude, hateful and intrusive. More than that, it would be completely disrespectful and insensitive to other people. Its not unreasonable to expect that same courtesy and respect from god-believers. You have hundreds of thousands of tax-free churches - you don't also get our schools, government property and my front porch.

Are all christians like what we read here? Are they all rude and hostile and defensive? I always say that I don't believe they are and that some really do get something positive from their beliefs but really, I don't know.

I don't grill people I know. I don't butt into their private and personal beliefs because what others choose to believe is none of my business. So, while I would hope not, for all I know, all christians are like what we see here.

So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others? Why must they constantly meddle in the most personal and private aspects of our lives? Why do they consistently oppose Constitutionally-guaranteed equality? Why do they demand religious freedom for themselves why supporting their own vicious brand of sharia law?

You're more than welcome to whatever you choose to believe.

I have read the Constitution many times and I can't find anywhere in it that says you have the right to be respected. You have the freedom to speak your mind, and you don't have to do it with respect. You have the right to go door-to-door to express yourself just like anyone else. Of course, if the sign says No Trespassing you have to pay attention, just like everyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from speech. In a free society, it gets noisy.

Now, if you can point to someone denying you, or anyone else, the right to express themselves, then I will certainly come down on your side. Within the bounds of reason, of course.

The stated title of this thread is "keep that atheism to yourself" but, so far, those who believe that should happen have been, to a great extent, unsuccessful.

Ya wanna show me exactly where I said anything even remotely like 'the Constitution says you have the right to be respected'? Or that 'someone is denying my right to express myself'? Please, post the EXACT quote.

You could just address what I really wrote.

"So, why don't some christians respect the religious and personal freedom of others?" That's the direct quote.

I was talking about the freedom of speech and that is what your post was in response to. None of the examples you provided were about Christians telling you you couldn't speak your mind. It was about them being a nuisance in speaking theirs.

So I was addressing what you wrote.

As to keeping Atheism to yourself, I don't want you to. I want you to shout about it in the public square. I want you to walk around with a sign about it. I want you to put up billboards. I want you to go door-to-door and hand out pamphlets.

Yep. That's the direct quote and I don't see any mention of the Constitution guaranteeing respect. Do you?

I was pretty clear in what I wrote and the "nuisance" of screeching and preaching was only a part of it. Nowhere did I say anything about wanting to shout my beliefs in the public square. In fact, I said just the opposite.

Don't compound your lies by now saying I attributed the thread title or the content of the OP to you.

To repeat what I wrote in response to your post, you could just address what I really wrote.

Or not.

I am addressing what you wrote. Now I'm wondering if you read what you wrote.

If you don't want to shout then you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't bitch because someone else is willing to shout and you aren't.

30 years ago homosexuality was considered a vile perversion by society in general. Now, multiple states have approved marriage equality and the courts are seeing it as a human rights issue. Do you think that change happened because people have become more reasonable and understanding? Nonsense. It happened because of gay pride parades. It happened because gays dressed up in outlandish outfits and mugged for the cameras. They didn't just express themselves, they got up in people's faces and screamed until even the most determined homophobe paid attention. It was one of the most effective public relations campaigns since Coca Cola invented Santa Claus. They know how to shout in the public square.

If you don't want to do that, fine. Don't. But don't expect everyone else to stop doing it because you find it annoying. If you have a point to make or a cause to support, then go do it. If not, put on earmuffs.
You do realize that Huggy doesn't speak for anyone other than himself, right?

Why is it so hard for you to recognize individuals rather than using anecdotes to define entire groups?

I do. But he doesn't mind using his own anecdotes to describe me or other people of faith. You say both sides are guilty of it, but then only call me, the one defending religion, down for using 'anecdotes to define entire groups.'

Bias, bias everywhere.

So, the fact that he does it makes it alright for you to do it too?

You're the one that I've seen broadbrushing in this thread, which is why I called you on it. I don't have any obligation to be "fair" or "even", I call bullshit when I see it - and I actually like you and want you to understand what I'm talking about, whereas I don't give a shit either way about Huggy.

I'm hurt! :lol:
No one should be allowed to use coercive government to push their personal beliefs on others.

So, keep your religion out of our faces and all will be well.

Keep your government out of our faces and it will be likewise.
The United States government is everyone's government, not just the Liberals. In case you forgot, we have a Democracy, and we elect our leaders....duh, so there's no such thing as "your government" or "my government" - whereas religion is a matter of choice. Also, I happen to be Christian and I don't feel persecuted at all. I am able to go to church every time I wish, and nobody has come in and shut our church down. I just don't push my religion on others and I don't feel that everyone has to agree with my religious beliefs, like "praying to God". All this hoopla about government taking prayer out of schools is nothing but hoopla.....nobody has ever stopped me from praying in church, at Wal-Mart or even in my car.....I just don't expect everyone to stop and close their eyes while I do it.
Sounds good to me!


Actually you don't get "all of the Mardi Gras" as you are passing over the religious connotations.

All this does is re-enforce the general view that asshole atheists are smug pricks.
I suppose you will have live with the fact that some of those asshole atheists as well some others who are not atheists have had to be vigilant about keeping the christian Taliban from pressing their agenda of forced religion in the schools and in government institutions.
Sounds good to me!


Actually you don't get "all of the Mardi Gras" as you are passing over the religious connotations.

All this does is re-enforce the general view that asshole atheists are smug pricks.
I suppose you will have live with the fact that some of those asshole atheists as well some others who are not atheists have had to be vigilant about keeping the christian Taliban from pressing their agenda of forced religion in the schools and in government institutions.

Which is part of the point of my post as well as the photo of atheist ^^.

As long as he keeps it out of schools and government buildings, its exactly like wearing a magical cross talisman around your neck.
No one should be allowed to use coercive government to push their personal beliefs on others.

Should they be allowed to use coercive government to silence the beliefs of others?

For some reason, "the free exercise" is ignored by many libertarians.

Okay, so you're siding against the sentiment of the TemplarKormac in the OP.

I'm surprised but glad to see that.
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Sounds good to me!


Actually you don't get "all of the Mardi Gras" as you are passing over the religious connotations.

All this does is re-enforce the general view that asshole atheists are smug pricks.
I suppose you will have live with the fact that some of those asshole atheists as well some others who are not atheists have had to be vigilant about keeping the christian Taliban from pressing their agenda of forced religion in the schools and in government institutions.

How does being an asshole during mardi gras do all that?

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