Karl Rove vs. the TEA Party.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
One only imagines Dr. Frankenstein trying to stop his monster after it has destroyed the village.

First Thoughts: GOP establishment strikes back - First Read

The Sunday New York Times reported that the Karl Rove-backed American Crossroads organization is creating an offshoot, called the Conservative Victory Project, to counter the influence of groups like Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund. Its mission: to spend money in GOP primaries to make sure that candidates like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell don’t become the nominees for key Senate contests. “In effect, the establishment is taking steps to fight back against Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations that have wielded significant influence in backing candidates who ultimately lost seats to Democrats in the general election,” the Times said, adding that the Conservative Victory Project’s first effort could be in Iowa, where conservative Rep. Steve King is mulling a Senate bid.
And, so what?

It should be fun to watch the Establishment try to battle back against the Tea Party monster it created in 2010 and couldn't control in 2012.

Of course, the Establishment blew its wad by insisting on Mitt Romney over someone the Tea Party would have been happier with.

yeah right, IT created.
would be like the Democrats created the OWS?
steph is going to have nightmares about pudgy pasty bald guys coming for her tea cup
And, so what?

It should be fun to watch the Establishment try to battle back against the Tea Party monster it created in 2010 and couldn't control in 2012.

Of course, the Establishment blew its wad by insisting on Mitt Romney over someone the Tea Party would have been happier with.

yeah right, IT created.
would be like the Democrats created the OWS?

What you are still under the delusion the Teabaggers were a grass roots movement?

it was funded by the Koch brothers and a lot of special interests... and now it's running amok.

And once again, can you ever discuss a topic without saying "but, but, but Democrats/Obama/OWS". Just stick with the subject at hand.
Rove had nothing to do with the creation of the Tea Party. Why wouldn't he be against it? he can't control it.
Your analogy is a bit off. The Frankenstein monster is in the White House and the Tea Party is the villagers carrying the torches.
One only imagines Dr. Frankenstein trying to stop his monster after it has destroyed the village.

First Thoughts: GOP establishment strikes back - First Read

The Sunday New York Times reported that the Karl Rove-backed American Crossroads organization is creating an offshoot, called the Conservative Victory Project, to counter the influence of groups like Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund. Its mission: to spend money in GOP primaries to make sure that candidates like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell don’t become the nominees for key Senate contests. “In effect, the establishment is taking steps to fight back against Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations that have wielded significant influence in backing candidates who ultimately lost seats to Democrats in the general election,” the Times said, adding that the Conservative Victory Project’s first effort could be in Iowa, where conservative Rep. Steve King is mulling a Senate bid.

You gotta love it.

Rove courted these nuts.
Rove had nothing to do with the creation of the Tea Party. Why wouldn't he be against it? he can't control it.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEZB4taSEoA]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]

That's what created it.

Rove fostered it.

And now he's upset.
One only imagines Dr. Frankenstein trying to stop his monster after it has destroyed the village.

First Thoughts: GOP establishment strikes back - First Read

The Sunday New York Times reported that the Karl Rove-backed American Crossroads organization is creating an offshoot, called the Conservative Victory Project, to counter the influence of groups like Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund. Its mission: to spend money in GOP primaries to make sure that candidates like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell don’t become the nominees for key Senate contests. “In effect, the establishment is taking steps to fight back against Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations that have wielded significant influence in backing candidates who ultimately lost seats to Democrats in the general election,” the Times said, adding that the Conservative Victory Project’s first effort could be in Iowa, where conservative Rep. Steve King is mulling a Senate bid.

Rove wanted to profit-off of their town hall, shout-fests so its poetic justice that the monster turn on him & Establishment (corporatopia/wall st) repubs :clap2: :boohoo:
They thought the Tea Party would be the useful idiots who would tarnish Obama with birther, Ayers, and Rev. Wright type assaults. And they thought they could separate themselves from the ugliness.

The Frankenstein analogy is spot on.

But I do wish them well in their efforts to slay the monster. Probably the only time in my life I could support a Rove goal.
One only imagines Dr. Frankenstein trying to stop his monster after it has destroyed the village.

First Thoughts: GOP establishment strikes back - First Read

The Sunday New York Times reported that the Karl Rove-backed American Crossroads organization is creating an offshoot, called the Conservative Victory Project, to counter the influence of groups like Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund. Its mission: to spend money in GOP primaries to make sure that candidates like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell don’t become the nominees for key Senate contests. “In effect, the establishment is taking steps to fight back against Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations that have wielded significant influence in backing candidates who ultimately lost seats to Democrats in the general election,” the Times said, adding that the Conservative Victory Project’s first effort could be in Iowa, where conservative Rep. Steve King is mulling a Senate bid.

You really don't get that the Republican Party that you claim to hate doesn't like the Tea Party, do you?

The simple fact is that the Tea Party hates the powers that be in the Republican party enough to actually do something about them, and, by opposing the Te Party, you are actually supporting the big money Republicans.

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