Kansas Tea Party governor proposes to use pensions to cover tax cuts

Which is no excuse to shut down pensions because Big Business got a tax break.
Yes stick it to the kindergarten teachers, cops, firemen, etc. Those terrible nasty people. Yet corporations get massive tax breaks and laugh all the way to the bank. Way to treat your people. What is absurd is people voted for this guy... he has everything messed up and wants to stick it to the middle class even more. Unreal. He's all in for the wealthy and that is it.

You need to learn economics. when the rest of use get behind we CUT BACK. now no one FORCED these people to work the jobs they do. and if they never EXPECTED things to change that's their fault, not OURS... Now stop with the frikken dramatics
Yeah those people are rich.... If you are going to shut down their pensions then also raise the tax rates on the corporations too and make them feel the pain. Well just get rid of all the cops, teachers and firemen... let Kansas fend for itself. Would be fun to watch.
Yeah those people are rich.... If you are going to shut down their pensions then also raise the tax rates on the corporations too and make them feel the pain. Well just get rid of all the cops, teachers and firemen... let Kansas fend for itself. Would be fun to watch.

oh pipe down. you must not pay taxes. How dare you say to IMPOSE more taxes on the taxpayers that are going through this economic downturn just like those working for the state government. they can go stand in the unemployment line they don't like how they are being "treated" like MILLIONS OF others in this country is. now go to bed
And, do you live there?

If the people in Kansas don't like it they will stand up and say something.

It's a foolish move but you can't bring yourself to admit it because your a devout adherent to Reagan's 11th Commandment.
Perhaps if the governor didn't cut taxes for corporations so much they wouldn't be in this mess. But then again its a tea party platform... big business over middle class.
There are some truths that are so self evident that no comment is really required to point them out.

Lowering taxes on the wealthy, and cutting working people's pensions to pay for the shortfall is one of those truths that needs no elaboration.

Reagan would have been proud!

Next on the agenda, count ketchup as a vegetable in school lunches in Kansas!
Yes stick it to the kindergarten teachers, cops, firemen, etc. Those terrible nasty people. Yet corporations get massive tax breaks and laugh all the way to the bank. Way to treat your people. What is absurd is people voted for this guy... he has everything messed up and wants to stick it to the middle class even more. Unreal. He's all in for the wealthy and that is it.
Blah blah blah......The taxpayers have HAD IT....These pensions are no longer sustainable
I believe that far-right wing republicans and tea party members fundemental belief is that:
1. The working class should work for minimal wages.
2. The working class should not have pensions.
3. The working class should not have retirement packages via their companies.
4. The working class should just work until they're older, then be replaced with younger workers.
5. Once the older working class are tossed out of their jobs for younger workers, the elders must not be seen on the streets begging for money or food, as it offends the rich.
I believe that far-right wing republicans and tea party members fundemental belief is that:
1. The working class should work for minimal wages.
2. The working class should not have pensions.
3. The working class should not have retirement packages via their companies.
4. The working class should just work until they're older, then be replaced with younger workers.
5. Once the older working class are tossed out of their jobs for younger workers, the elders must not be seen on the streets begging for money or food, as it offends the rich.

Well, after all, the taxpayers paid for bridges for the elderly to sleep under.....
If you are going to cut those pensions then raise taxes on the corporate donors as well so all have to feel the pain rather than the corporate heads laughing all the way to the bank. We've had it with corporate give aways..

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