Kansas gov signs "Constitutional carry" law saying you don't need govt permission to carry a gun

I wonder, will they respect the property rights of those who post this?

Probably not since they don't respect the rights of others...
I'd say that they / I would respect that sign Paint , course its a double edged sword . If they feel strongly enough to lose my business / money then I feel strongly enough to avoid the business and tell everyone that the business is ANTI GUN just like other libs , progressives , mrobama and the deocrat party . He11 , I'd enjoy doing that work !!
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?
Hey Jwoodie : Who is mentally ill , do you know who they are ??
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Oh no you didn't!
You rejects have been claiming for 25 years that every State that passes new laws loosening carry to its citizens would result in the wild west, hasn't happened YET. Keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.
Explain in detail EXACTLY why concealed carry is "illegal federally". Be specific and cite the relevant laws.

Yeah....doesn't work......considering how many states have concealed carry right now.....you need to go back and read constitutional law.....
Explain in detail EXACTLY why concealed carry is "illegal federally". Be specific and cite the relevant laws.

You were thinking I couldn't? :)

18 U.S. Code § 930 - Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities

"Everyone (hopefully) knows that carrying on federal property, such as in post offices, courthouses, etc. is illegal."
Gray Area Carrying on Federal Property

Oh....I see...a very specific point on federal property........
"Kansas gov signs "Constitutional carry" law saying you don't need govt permission to carry a gun"

That's fine provided it's understood that it's not 'un-Constitutional' for a state or local jurisdiction to require a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
I wonder, will they respect the property rights of those who post this?

Probably not since they don't respect the rights of others...

Well...if gays can force people to violate their religious freedom, why can't 2nd amendment supporters force these people to respect the right to keep and bear arms....keeping in mind I support the right of a private business to control their property up to and including deciding about guns in their stores.....
From the paper in Kansas. beware it is liberal leaning

Brownback signs bill that allows permit-free concealed carry of guns in Kansas

The Kansas City Star

04/02/2015 3:28 PM

04/02/2015 6:48 PM

Gov. Sam Brownback signed legislation Thursday adding Kansas to the short list of states allowing unlicensed possession of concealed firearms and eliminating a weapons training mandate for people to carry hidden guns. Thad Allton The Associated Press

Kansans soon can carry concealed weapons without permits or training under a bill signed by Gov. Sam Brownback on Thursday.

The new law, which kicks in July 1, makes Kansas the sixth state to allow “constitutional carry.” It will allow Kansans 21 and older to carry concealed firearms regardless of whether they have obtained a permit.

Training still will be required for anyone who wants to carry a concealed gun in the 36 states that accept Kansas permits.

Brownback touted the importance of training, explaining that his youngest son took a hunter safety course this past week.
ALL of it here:
Brownback signs bill that allows permit-free concealed carry of guns in Kansas The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

It hasn't yet......in all of the states that have enacted concealed and open carry....in fact....more than 11.1 million people now carry guns for self defense...and gun murder rates are going down, not up...and gun accident rates are going down, not up.....
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Look at the mass shootings in our recent past. All done by nut jobs who had been diagnosed at an early age as being "bat shit crazy".

It is not the gun. it is the total lack of mental health institutions in this country. we USED to lock away the criminally insane. Then came the ACLU.

you want an answer to the problem? Lock the nut jobs up BEFORE they kill.

We had mental health institutions in California till reagan started closing them down. Let 'em take to the streets, sleep in doorways, whatever. Lack of mental health institutions in this country due to republicans not giving a crap about anything but god, guns, queers, and lowering taxes for billionaires. (and abortion).
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Would a law against it STOP a mentally disturbed person from carrying a concealed gun?

Vermont has had Constitutional Carry for as long as I can remember...it's certainly not the wild west.

Constitutional carry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Constitutional carry does necessarily mean concealed carry. Also, Vermont is sparsely populated with few big city crime problems.

nor does it mean that you can't.

I was merely asking if the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right for everyone to carry a concealed weapon. Why the hostility?

You have to understand....when we on the pro 2nd Amendment side have tried to have rational discussions about guns and owning them....the anti gunners start telling us we want to kill minorities, we want guns because we have a small penis, that we don't care that children are killed by guns and that we are cowards.......blah blah blah....

after a while.....we tend to jump quickly when people come into the discussion......
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Look at the mass shootings in our recent past. All done by nut jobs who had been diagnosed at an early age as being "bat shit crazy".

It is not the gun. it is the total lack of mental health institutions in this country. we USED to lock away the criminally insane. Then came the ACLU.

you want an answer to the problem? Lock the nut jobs up BEFORE they kill.

We had mental health institutions in California till reagan started closing them down. Let 'em take to the streets, sleep in doorways, whatever. Lack of mental health institutions in this country due to republicans not giving a crap about anything but god, guns, queers, and lowering taxes for billionaires. (and abortion).

Yeah...not the case.....Reagan was trying to cooperate with the leftists on that one....and only he gets the blame....big of the leftists isn't it........
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Look at the mass shootings in our recent past. All done by nut jobs who had been diagnosed at an early age as being "bat shit crazy".

It is not the gun. it is the total lack of mental health institutions in this country. we USED to lock away the criminally insane. Then came the ACLU.

you want an answer to the problem? Lock the nut jobs up BEFORE they kill.

We had mental health institutions in California till reagan started closing them down. Let 'em take to the streets, sleep in doorways, whatever. Lack of mental health institutions in this country due to republicans not giving a crap about anything but god, guns, queers, and lowering taxes for billionaires. (and abortion).

Yeah...not the case.....Reagan was trying to cooperate with the leftists on that one....and only he gets the blame....big of the leftists isn't it........

they just can't help throwing up Reagan. And Clinton signed a bill just like Indiana but they didn't give two shits about that
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Would a law against it STOP a mentally disturbed person from carrying a concealed gun?

Vermont has had Constitutional Carry for as long as I can remember...it's certainly not the wild west.

Constitutional carry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Constitutional carry does necessarily mean concealed carry. Also, Vermont is sparsely populated with few big city crime problems.

nor does it mean that you can't.

I was merely asking if the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right for everyone to carry a concealed weapon. Why the hostility?
Yes it does.

It also authorizes the states and local jurisdictions to enact regulatory measures considered necessary and proper, such as requiring a license to carry a concealed firearm.

The hostility is the consequence of the unwarranted extremism common to a tiny minority of 'gun rights' activists, who, as a consequence of their ignorance and extremism, do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than those whom they perceive as 'hostile' to those rights.
Does this mean mentally disturbed people can carry concealed guns? I am a strong proponent of the right to self defense but, without any limitations, couldn't this turn into the Wild West (not in a good way)?

Would a law against it STOP a mentally disturbed person from carrying a concealed gun?

Vermont has had Constitutional Carry for as long as I can remember...it's certainly not the wild west.

Constitutional carry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Constitutional carry does necessarily mean concealed carry. Also, Vermont is sparsely populated with few big city crime problems.

nor does it mean that you can't.

I was merely asking if the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right for everyone to carry a concealed weapon. Why the hostility?
Yes it does.

It also authorizes the states and local jurisdictions to enact regulatory measures considered necessary and proper, such as requiring a license to carry a concealed firearm.

The hostility is the consequence of the unwarranted extremism common to a tiny minority of 'gun rights' activists, who, as a consequence of their ignorance and extremism, do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than those whom they perceive as 'hostile' to those rights.

Sorry...but if it wasn't for those so called "gun rights activists" guns would already be banned in this country.....
Now Kansas has become the 6th state to sign a bill saying you don't need the government's permission to carry a gun.

Just like the 2nd amendment mandates.

Amidst all the liberals screaming and wailing, and people still being killed in "gun-free zones" where only criminals carry guns and law-abiding citizens are forbidden to, common sense is slowly spreading among normal Americans.

44 more to go. :D


Brownback signs bill that allows permit-free concealed carry of guns in Kansas The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Brownback signs bill that allows permit-free concealed carry of guns in Kansas

The Kansas City Star

04/02/2015 3:28 PM
Updated: 04/02/2015 6:48 PM

Kansans soon can carry concealed weapons without permits or training under a bill signed by Gov. Sam Brownback on Thursday.

The new law, which kicks in July 1, makes Kansas the sixth state to allow “constitutional carry.” It will allow Kansans 21 and older to carry concealed firearms regardless of whether they have obtained a permit.

Training still will be required for anyone who wants to carry a concealed gun in the 36 states that accept Kansas permits.

Brownback touted the importance of training, explaining that his youngest son took a hunter safety course this past week.

“It was an excellent course. He got a lot out of it. I got a lot out of it. And I want to urge people to take advantage of that,” said Brownback, who was flanked by Republican lawmakers and representatives from the National Rifle Association and Kansas State Rifle Association.

Asked why he did not think training should be required if it is valuable, Brownback said carrying a gun is a constitutional right.

“We’re saying that if you want to do that in this state, then you don’t have to get the permission slip from the government,” Brownback said. “It is a constitutional right, and we’re removing a barrier to that right.”

Good move.

Which other states allow that?

I carry without a permit, since the permit is just a form of taxing a right.

I don't pay a tax to speak, and I will not pay a tax to carry.

Fine is less than a few years of permits and required re-education.
It's saying that there is no need to be redundant when the 2nd Amendment already gives you that right.
The 2nd amendment gives you nothing.

It merely forbids all governments in the United States, from restricting your right to own and carry.

Kansas just enacted a law agreeing with it. That's big of them.

But many other states have enacted laws violating it. And Delta4 just pointed out a Federal law that does the same.

They're next.
So much for 'states' rights.'
Plus, before people get too excited, as with cannabis legal in some states, it's still illegal federally. Consequently, while a state might ok open or concealed carry statewide, might still be a federal charge. Or local city for that matter. Or site-specific.
Anybody knows what is he talking about?
BTW, the 2nd amendment forbids govt from restricting or banning you from carrying a gun.

It does not forbid you from telling someone he can't enter your property. You can. Whether it's because you don't like his face, or don't want any company, or don't like the gun he's carrying. You have that right, quite clearly.

You can't take his gun away. But you can forbid his entrance onto your property. And if he comes in anyway (for whatever reason), he's guilty of trespassing, and you can have him arrested for it.
Unless, of course, he/she/it is gay.
Plus, before people get too excited, as with cannabis legal in some states, it's still illegal federally. Consequently, while a state might ok open or concealed carry statewide, might still be a federal charge. Or local city for that matter. Or site-specific.
Anybody knows what is he talking about?

As in all cases with liberals.....just ignore them till they try to get into political office....then vote against them as soon as possible....as Rush points out, liberals are funny when they are out of power, and dangerous when they are in office.....

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