K Conway on CNN.....sigh.....

I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.
How can someone “flip” if no crimes have been committed?

“Toro, I’ve decided to cooperate with the Feds.”

“Go for it.”

Exactly!!! Go ahead. Rat me out.

Susan McDougal was being interviewed and the interviewer said it was remarkable that she hadn’t flipped on Bill Clinton after spending 18 months in jail. She had an infant daughter. Why would she be separated from her child to defend Clinton?

According to McDougall, Ken Starr had bullied two other Whitewater defendants into lying to reduce their sentences. If she told the truth, it would directly contradict their testimony and she feared she’d be charged with perjury, as had happened with others in Starr’s investigation. So she took the contemptvof court charge instead.

When recently asked about her strength in resisting the deals that were offered her, her response was that she truly had nothing to give Starr.

Juanita Broaddrick folded like a cheap house of cards when Starr threatened to charge her with perjury over her Affidavit in the Paula Jones trial.

Where is the conservative outrage over a Special Prosecutor who bullied witnesses into lying in his full court press to “get the Clintons”? No wonder Starr has publically acknowledged that he lead a right wing witch hunt against the Clintons and has apologized to Bill and Hillary for what he did.

Susan McDougal had a child? That is news to me. The rest I agree with. Susan stood on principal and refused to lie. They treated her awful in prison,too.
I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.

Jake Tapper refused to have Kelly Anne on after she lied so much. Wonder how she managed to get on?
I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.

Jake Tapper refused to have Kelly Anne on after she lied so much. Wonder how she managed to get on?

That's because Tapper wasn't the reporter who had her on. It was a female reporter.
Conway defends Trump's Michael Cohen tweetstorm - CNNPolitics

I am not sure which is more annoying and a bigger liar....Kellyanne or her boss....The Liar in Chief.

What do you think?

Which is the bigger liar?

Well, CNN of course.


Thanks for asking, although a simple google search would have quickly revealed the answer.
I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.

Jake Tapper refused to have Kelly Anne on after she lied so much. Wonder how she managed to get on?

They needed a comedy act....You got to ask yourself....How did trump compile such a reliable stable of Liars? Did he check their record for Whoppers?
How can someone “flip” if no crimes have been committed?

“Toro, I’ve decided to cooperate with the Feds.”

“Go for it.”

So you think the FBI raided Cohen cause they were bored....use your brain.

They cannot use their brains for other than hate thinking they are MAGA. You notice how the pea brains which by the way is stretching it went right to Hillary and the OP had nothing to do with her? There's definitely is something wrong with anyone that still stands behind trump, it's has though they're slobbering all over his knob and I bet they would if came up and said to them, on your knees.
How can someone “flip” if no crimes have been committed?

“Toro, I’ve decided to cooperate with the Feds.”

“Go for it.”

So you think the FBI raided Cohen cause they were bored....use your brain.

They cannot use their brains for other than hate thinking they are MAGA. You notice how the pea brains which by the way is stretching it went right to Hillary and the OP had nothing to do with her? There's definitely is something wrong with anyone that still stands behind trump, it's has though they're slobbering all over his knob and I bet they would if came up and said to them, on your knees.

They would all have an orgasm if he said "On your knees...."
Conway defends Trump's Michael Cohen tweetstorm - CNNPolitics

I am not sure which is more annoying and a bigger liar....Kellyanne or her boss....The Liar in Chief.

What do you think?

Which is the bigger liar?

Well, CNN of course.


Thanks for asking, although a simple google search would have quickly revealed the answer.


If your defence is that others lie so it’s OK for the President and his surrogates to do it too, it doesn’t say much for your principles or those of your President, does it.
I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.

Jake Tapper refused to have Kelly Anne on after she lied so much. Wonder how she managed to get on?

They needed a comedy act....You got to ask yourself....How did trump compile such a reliable stable of Liars? Did he check their record for Whoppers?

he personally vetted them ..

no integrity
no moral fiber
ability to lie through your teeth - anytime, anywhere, any place, about anything, as often as humanly possible

I don’t understand why anyone other than FOX gives this liar air time. I know that most networks stopped booking her after she became a laughingstock for her “alternative facts” comments.

If Trump told her to tell the press the sky was purple with pink polka dots, Kelly would point to the sky and swear that’s what she saw.

Jake Tapper refused to have Kelly Anne on after she lied so much. Wonder how she managed to get on?

That's because Tapper wasn't the reporter who had her on. It was a female reporter.

Yes, you are right. Dana,I think? Turned to MTP when I saw her.

Just came from A great Sermon. Was not in the mood for lies.

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