Just how low can he go.....the planet will never know


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Trump Marks Independence Day Weekend With Fantasy About Beating Up Journalists
During his raucous campaign rallies, Trump often incited protests and violence against reporters.

To the 38% of white trash that continues to support this clown, I wish you well....This man is insane, he ignores everything and everybody but his base and only God knows what more is needed to feed the beast that makes him act like a fuckin mental case....only time will tell.

Anybody that finds this okay...God help you!!
Oh and btw how many world leaders would love to jack hammer members of their press? I have no doubt many would.
Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the depths Obama reached on a daily basis for the 8 years he was undermining our nation.
Trump Marks Independence Day Weekend With Fantasy About Beating Up Journalists
During his raucous campaign rallies, Trump often incited protests and violence against reporters.

To the 38% of white trash that continues to support this clown, I wish you well....This man is insane, he ignores everything and everybody but his base and only God knows what more is needed to feed the beast that makes him act like a fuckin mental case....only time will tell.

Anybody that finds this okay...God help you!!

The media is as big of a joke as you are stupid and uninformed. I didn't need Trump to tell me that the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media is an unmitigated joke. Being the good little commie that you are, you support your fellow Trotsky-ites.
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when trump hits rock bottom...he will just start digging
When he hits rock bottom? Uh, hate to tell you, but ol dude hits rock bottom every morning convincing himself that a 70 year old balding white man, still has blonde fuckin hair on his head.
Bwahaha...it's too entertaining watching him troll all of the twitter feed stalkers who can't control their hilarious meltdowns.:lol:
I'm getting tired of Trump and his antics.So tired.
He's nothing but a fuckin clown entertaining those 38% white fucks that find him and his antics just fine...what an embarrassment. Its getting to the point, I just turn the tv off when he's on, can't take him no more. I have yet to hear one speech he's made, the sound of his voice makes me sick
Bwahaha...it's too entertaining watching him troll all of the twitter feed stalkers who can't control their hilarious meltdowns.:lol:
Lookie here...white trash admiring a pussy grabber!!
when trump hits rock bottom...he will just start digging
When he hits rock bottom? Uh, hate to tell you, but ol dude hits rock bottom every morning convincing himself that a 70 year old balding white man, still has blonde fuckin hair on his head.
tiggered, you don't have to insult Trump to get your point across. You sound as crazy as he is.

Rise above it man and just say we need a president who works for the people, not merely amusing himself on twitter.
I'm getting tired of Trump and his antics.So tired.
He's nothing but a fuckin clown entertaining those 38% white fucks that find him and his antics just fine...what an embarrassment. Its getting to the point, I just turn the tv off when he's on, can't take him no more. I have yet to hear one speech he's made, the sound of his voice makes me sick

Here ya go, Snowflake.:thup:

I'm getting tired of Trump and his antics.So tired.
He's nothing but a fuckin clown entertaining those 38% white fucks that find him and his antics just fine...what an embarrassment. Its getting to the point, I just turn the tv off when he's on, can't take him no more. I have yet to hear one speech he's made, the sound of his voice makes me sick
Its getting to the point, I just turn the tv off when he's on, can't take him no more.
yea sure,thats why you do daily threads about the guy.....its called an obsession,and you have one big time....its called "TRUMP"......
Sherry, I am/was a Trump supporter. I'm getting tired of his sophomoric tweets. Every tweet is taking the focus off the shape our country is in and what he plans on doing about it.
Sherry, I am/was a Trump supporter. I'm getting tired of his sophomoric tweets. Every tweet is taking the focus off the shape our country is in and what he plans on doing about it.
Thought you would like that. Care! Trump is becoming a very bitter pill to take.
Meh...we elected an often blunt, and at times even obnoxious/rude New Yorker. I really don't care how he bats the media around between his paws, because so many have proven to be sewer rats. He's gotten further in 6 months than I'd anticipated, especially with the consistent barrage from the liberal loons to take him down. I suspect he will continue to move his agenda forward in spite of the unprecedented behavior from all sides. Would more get done if he'd stop bantering with them?? Perhaps, but I know that we're in better shape now than we were a year ago, and certainly better off than if Hillary was in the WH. Since I know he won't change, my choice is to find the humor in all of it, and enjoy the left's despair.:thup:
Anyone, who loves and cares about their and this Nation, has GOT to be concerned about this President and his sophomoric, idiotic actions...i do NOT for the life of me, understand how anyone can excuse his lack of dignity that he has shown the office he holds.... and the laws of the Land. He's a danger to our Nation.

If this were a Democratic President, the Republicans in power would have removed him from office ALREADY imo.... you know it and I know it, yet your silence is deafening. It's sad, that it has come to this.....
Trump Marks Independence Day Weekend With Fantasy About Beating Up Journalists
During his raucous campaign rallies, Trump often incited protests and violence against reporters.

To the 38% of white trash that continues to support this clown, I wish you well....This man is insane, he ignores everything and everybody but his base and only God knows what more is needed to feed the beast that makes him act like a fuckin mental case....only time will tell.

Anybody that finds this okay...God help you!!

Just trying to imagine what the uproar would be like if CNN had posted a video in which a pro wrestler bodyslammed President Trump. I also kind of wondered what Steve Scalise thinks of this.

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