Just curious...do the democrats realize...they still own obamacare? And they are happy about that?

Nah you righties spent years sabotaging the fuck out of it and now you control everything and brag about how Democrats are irrelevant. You replace it, or GFY. I'm sure Democrats will come to the table when you realize it's time to stop sabotaging the ACA and enact it as it was intended.

Site instances of sabatoging the Democrat owned and architected plan? You built it, you own it. Making specious claims and blamed on your political opposition the ACA's failures and shortcomings does not let you off the hook. Either fix it or be accountable for it.
Here's the problem for those of us on the right: it's true the ACA totally sucks and it's going to suck worse, but if the GOP cannot come up with something that is better then the only other option is SP. So in reality, nobody won today except maybe those who want to go to SP.

It isn't over yet.....Trump doesn't like to lose.....and he made a promise....Ryan couldn't deliver, now he will have to do it himself....

You know, that's not really how it's supposed to work in America, but wateva. :dunno:
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....

Hillary Clinton has always opposed single payer. She made that perfectly clear during the election. The Democrats oppose single payer.

Here....Clinton health care plan of 1993 - Wikipedia

The Clinton health care plan, known officially as the Health Security Act and unofficially nicknamed "Hillarycare" (after First Lady Hillary Clinton) by its detractors,[1][2] was a 1993 healthcare reform package proposed by the administration of President Bill Clinton and closely associated with the chair of the task force devising the plan, First Lady of the United States Clinton.

According to an address to Congress by then-President Bill Clinton on September 22, 1993, the proposed bill would provide a "health care security card" to every citizen that would irrevocably entitle him or her to medical treatment and preventative services, including for pre-existing conditions.[4]

To achieve this, the Clinton health plan required each US citizen and permanent resident alien to become enrolled in a qualified health plan on his or her own or through programs mandated to be offered by businesses with more than 5,000 full-time employees. Subsidies were to be provided to those too poor to afford coverage, including complete subsidies for those below a set income level. Users would choose plans offered by regional health alliances to be established by each state. These alliances would purchase insurance coverage for the state's residents and could set fees for doctors who charge per procedure.[5][6] The act provided funding to be sent to the states for the administration of the plan, beginning at $14 billion in 1993 and reaching $38 billion in 2003.

The plan also specified which benefits must be offered; a National Health Board to oversee the quality of health care services; enhanced physician training; the creation of model information systems; federal funding in the case of the insolvency of state programs; rural health programs; long-term care programs; coverage for abortions, with a "conscience clause" to exempt practitioners with religious objections; malpractice and antitrust reform; fraud prevention measures; and a prescription drug benefit for Medicare, among other features.[7][8]
Ocare was the Republican health care plan the Heritage foundation came up with to COMBAT Hillary care Healthcare, the R alternative plan .....

Romney care was the first Repub trial of it....ocare was the second.
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.

It ain't over till it's over....Trump doesn't like to lose and he doesn't plan on losing....
I think he's going to let it deteriorate to such an extent that both parties come begging for him to sign off on a new bill. His moving on to the next issue is punitive. Not a sign of defeat. If the Obama lovers were worried about their messiahs legacy before; they ought to be terrified now. That is... if they could read the writing on the wall...

If this thread is any indication, I'd say they can't. I wonder when Obama's going back to his houses in the states? There's going to be a lot of people angry at Obama within a year.


I think there ought to be a special session called until they get this thing right. No vacation, you work now.
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.

yes, how terrible that 24 million people won't lose their health insurance.

maybe if you wackjobs tweaked it a little... instead of raging at the moon because it was signed by the president with the dark skin.

Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....

Hillary Clinton has always opposed single payer. She made that perfectly clear during the election. The Democrats oppose single payer.

Here....Clinton health care plan of 1993 - Wikipedia

The Clinton health care plan, known officially as the Health Security Act and unofficially nicknamed "Hillarycare" (after First Lady Hillary Clinton) by its detractors,[1][2] was a 1993 healthcare reform package proposed by the administration of President Bill Clinton and closely associated with the chair of the task force devising the plan, First Lady of the United States Clinton.

According to an address to Congress by then-President Bill Clinton on September 22, 1993, the proposed bill would provide a "health care security card" to every citizen that would irrevocably entitle him or her to medical treatment and preventative services, including for pre-existing conditions.[4]

To achieve this, the Clinton health plan required each US citizen and permanent resident alien to become enrolled in a qualified health plan on his or her own or through programs mandated to be offered by businesses with more than 5,000 full-time employees. Subsidies were to be provided to those too poor to afford coverage, including complete subsidies for those below a set income level. Users would choose plans offered by regional health alliances to be established by each state. These alliances would purchase insurance coverage for the state's residents and could set fees for doctors who charge per procedure.[5][6] The act provided funding to be sent to the states for the administration of the plan, beginning at $14 billion in 1993 and reaching $38 billion in 2003.

The plan also specified which benefits must be offered; a National Health Board to oversee the quality of health care services; enhanced physician training; the creation of model information systems; federal funding in the case of the insolvency of state programs; rural health programs; long-term care programs; coverage for abortions, with a "conscience clause" to exempt practitioners with religious objections; malpractice and antitrust reform; fraud prevention measures; and a prescription drug benefit for Medicare, among other features.[7][8]
Ocare was the Republican health care plan the Heritage foundation came up with to COMBAT Hillary care Healthcare, the R alternative plan .....

Romney care was the first Repub trial of it....ocare was the second.

yes, all true. but the obama deranged mentally ill trumploons are uninformed and uneducated compulsive liars.

i bet the o/p doesn't even know that the ACA and what the freaks call "obamacare" is the same thing.
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.

yes, how terrible that 24 million people won't lose their health insurance.

maybe if you wackjobs tweaked it a little... instead of raging at the moon because it was signed by the president with the dark skin.

That's okay... Let it burn. Let the fallout land squarely on the democrats, secure Obamas true legacy.
Repubs sabotaged O care from its first law suit that got rid of the MEDICAID expansion for the poorest Mandate
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.
You are questioning a great arch strategist, his chess move today has cornered the dems to now stop their childs play and vote on value of restructuring plan instead of all conspiring to vote party line sabotage-'hinderers'(sawtawns).
That never bodes well especially if it exposes Obama care failures they structured forced on the people on the first place.
No silly, trump allowed this failure to hurt the Repubs not lock stepping with him....to bring THEM in line....
If the MEDICAID expansion had been left in the Bill every citizen would have been insured, not costing hospitals an arm and a leg for the uninsured, eventually would have brought prices down for everyone
Nah you righties spent years sabotaging the fuck out of it and now you control everything and brag about how Democrats are irrelevant. You replace it, or GFY. I'm sure Democrats will come to the table when you realize it's time to stop sabotaging the ACA and enact it as it was intended.
when the rubber met the road the republicans came up weak again Now they blame dems How many Repubs voted for Obama care?? ZERO is the answer..So now they blame dems when it was their own damn fault they couldn't pass something different
Repubs sabotaged O care from its first law suit that got rid of the MEDICAID expansion for the poorest Mandate
Already mapping out some damage control I see.
Isn't THAT what the OP was doing by starting this thread, silly???:lol:
Only if redirecting people's attention back to the direct source, and cause of the calamity that's headed this way... Then yes. But in the end; this abject failure will be Obamas, and the Democrats lasting legacy. While the republicans may have tried to "fix" it; it is in no way their job to save his legacy, or salvage his ill conceived plan to ram socialism down Americas throat. There was never a health care "crisis" to begin with. As evidenced by cost prior to this abomination.
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....

Hillary Clinton has always opposed single payer. She made that perfectly clear during the election.

Twit....she created obamacare before their was obamacare...it was called hilarycare in the 1990s.....they lost control of congress after 40 years because of it......

Here is a little clue for you....she fucking lied.......all of the left wingers want single payer......they want complete control over your life......

No, little bitch, she didn't want single payer.
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....

Hillary Clinton has always opposed single payer. She made that perfectly clear during the election. The Democrats oppose single payer.

Here....Clinton health care plan of 1993 - Wikipedia

The Clinton health care plan, known officially as the Health Security Act and unofficially nicknamed "Hillarycare" (after First Lady Hillary Clinton) by its detractors,[1][2] was a 1993 healthcare reform package proposed by the administration of President Bill Clinton and closely associated with the chair of the task force devising the plan, First Lady of the United States Clinton.

According to an address to Congress by then-President Bill Clinton on September 22, 1993, the proposed bill would provide a "health care security card" to every citizen that would irrevocably entitle him or her to medical treatment and preventative services, including for pre-existing conditions.[4]

To achieve this, the Clinton health plan required each US citizen and permanent resident alien to become enrolled in a qualified health plan on his or her own or through programs mandated to be offered by businesses with more than 5,000 full-time employees. Subsidies were to be provided to those too poor to afford coverage, including complete subsidies for those below a set income level. Users would choose plans offered by regional health alliances to be established by each state. These alliances would purchase insurance coverage for the state's residents and could set fees for doctors who charge per procedure.[5][6] The act provided funding to be sent to the states for the administration of the plan, beginning at $14 billion in 1993 and reaching $38 billion in 2003.

The plan also specified which benefits must be offered; a National Health Board to oversee the quality of health care services; enhanced physician training; the creation of model information systems; federal funding in the case of the insolvency of state programs; rural health programs; long-term care programs; coverage for abortions, with a "conscience clause" to exempt practitioners with religious objections; malpractice and antitrust reform; fraud prevention measures; and a prescription drug benefit for Medicare, among other features.[7][8]

That isn't single payer. I am aware of her 1993 shit.
Trump said he would fix it. What happened?

Congress failed.....he has 8 years ....he will get it done, he just has to fire Ryan ...
repub congress will fail again and again ,,You think passing tax reform will be easier?? Think again
The nitwits in your congress won't be able to agree with anything I give trump 4 years ......or please god ,Less

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