Just Contacted My Representatives In Congress

Have outlined a complete new slate of very generous federal welfare benefits, for all of the women who will be forced to give birth to children they cannot afford.

Surely all of our Republican representatives and Senators, that support the recent Supreme Court decision taking away womens rights, will be very excited about giving many new welfare benefits to these children whom they so passionately defend, right?

No, we still want you to take responsibility for your decisions. Is that just too hard?
So Biden's military is defying the Civil Government??????

BREAKING: The Pentagon has stated that any abortion laws enacted as a result of the Supreme Court's decision will not be recognized.

BNN Newsroom (@BNNBreaking) June 25, 2022
No, we still want you to take responsibility for your decisions. Is that just too hard?

Having an abortion when you are in no position to have a baby is "taking responsibility for your decisions".

Half of all pregnancies in the USA are "unintended". 50% of the women who get pregnant, hadn't planned on getting pregnant at all. Most of us mutter about bad timing, but OK, we're up for it. That's 3 million women every year, having an unintended pregnancy.

The 1 million women who elect to have an abortion are overwhelmingly poor - 75% live either below, or just above the proverty line. 60% already have one or more children. None of them have the jobs security or the benefits to survive if they lose their jobs, and employers quickly fire low income women who get pregnant. That will terminate any health insurance coverage she might have.

Everything Republicans say about women who get abortions is a lie. They aren't young teeenagers or good time party girls who spread their legs with no thought of the consequences. They are using birth control. Teenagers are the smallest demographic having abortions - less than 6%. The largest age groups are ages 20 - 34.

The women getting abortions are young, low income, married/committed women with one or more children, and no health insurance coverage if they lose their jobs. These women can't afford to have another child because they can barely afford the child(ren) the have now, and they risk losing their jobs and their homes if they continue this pregnancy. More than half of these women were using birth control when they got pregnant.

In Canada, these women have universal health care, mandated maternity leave of up to 1 year, with job security, and income under our unemployment insurance program. Employers complain that you cannot fire a pregnant woman, which pretty much sums it up. Most women work until almost their due date, and take the full year to be with their babies, before returning to work.

All medical expenses related to the pregnancy and childbirth are paid by our government funded healthcare and there are no co-pays or extra billing. Both are illegal. We also have subsidized daycare spaces at $10 a day for young families, and a child tax benefit of $500 per month per child for families with income of less than $35,000 per year - with no work requirement whatsoever. In regards to the daycare spaces, there aren't nearly enough of them, but Trudeau is working on this.

The Canadian abortion rate is HALF that of the USA. Because instead of talking about "family values", the Canadian Liberals put their money where their mouths are. Unlike Republicans who talk about family values, but refuse to give any money to low income families to improve their lives or opportunities.

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