Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Not at all. We have 20,000 gun homicides and 25,000 gun suicides in this country every year, and we don't do anything about it.
We won't do anything about it this time, either.
Sure you will. You howler monkeys will keep crying about it while refusing to treat the mentally ill and continuing to release violent criminals from prison. Then you will continue to allow ineligible people to buy guns by failing to act when they try to buy a gun from an FFL dealer, allowing them to take possession of the of the gun instead of denying the purchase and arresting them. Now start howling monkey.
More likely you tend to focus more on these kinds of stories BECAUSE they are members of a church...

Actually, the reason why this or Sandy Hook or the Aurora Theater shooting gets attention is because the victims are white.

Thousands of people of color are shot every year, no one pays attention and we do nothing about it.

But a family of nice, white Mormons gets shot, we pay attention for a couple of days and then do nothing about it.

the operative word is we do nothing about it.

A red Flag law may have prevented this situation, but the NRA rushes into court every year and gets red flag laws struck down.
The man had mental problems and separation anxiety so strong he betrayed family, community, and self. Killing innocents is sick as it gets.

Which is why average citizens shouldn't own guns. This man snapped under the pressure of losing his job and getting divorced. Had he not had easy access to a gun, in a couple of days he probably would have learned to cope with the problems. Or maybe just threw himself off a bridge, that would have worked, too.
The man had mental problems and separation anxiety so strong he betrayed family, community, and self. Killing innocents is sick as it gets.
Possibly. Or having lost his job, then having his wife file for divorce, during Christmas week; realizing his age, and staring down the certainty of losing not only his wife, but his kids, his home, the majority of any future income he may, or may not be able to generate, (or going to jail if he cannot generate...) made him snap. That too is a possibility. Short of the man leaving a note, we likely will never know. But from my perspective, what I do know, is that this is absolutely tragic as far as it concerns these children.
Sure will. You howler monkeys will keep crying about it while refusing to treat the mentally ill and continuing to release violent criminals from prison. Then you will continue to allow ineligible people to buy guns by failing to act when they try to buy a gun from an FFL dealer, allowing them to take possession of the of the gun instead of denying the purchase and arresting them.

Your side is the one that continues to cut mental health spending to give tax cuts to billionaires. As for prisons, we already lock up 2 million people, more than even Communist China.

This guy bought his gun legally, as near as I can tell. He had no history of mental illness before he snapped. He held down a good job and was respected in his Mormon community.
Actually, the reason why this or Sandy Hook or the Aurora Theater shooting gets attention is because the victims are white.

Thousands of people of color are shot every year, no one pays attention and we do nothing about it.

But a family of nice, white Mormons gets shot, we pay attention for a couple of days and then do nothing about it.

the operative word is we do nothing about it.

A red Flag law may have prevented this situation, but the NRA rushes into court every year and gets red flag laws struck down.
On the contrary posters often post about blacks being killed, only to have posters like you whimper about "racism" when the killers are shown to be black...
On the contrary posters often post about blacks being killed, only to have posters like you whimper about "racism" when the killers are shown to be black...

Because you blame the race and not the easy accessibility to guns. That's why we call you on your racism.
Well, these were a bunch of nice white Mormons.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Regardless of race. This thread is about neither guns, or race. Go sperg out about your obsessions on another thread.

This thread is exactly about both. We all wring our hands because these were nice white people, and only because this guy had a gun did this family die.
Your side is the one that continues to cut mental health spending to give tax cuts to billionaires. As for prisons, we already lock up 2 million people, more than even Communist China.

This guy bought his gun legally, as near as I can tell. He had no history of mental illness before he snapped. He held down a good job and was respected in his Mormon community.
I don't know what your murderer did, howler monkey. I do know what you rights trashing vermin do to keep crimes committed with guns going, and what I described is exactly what you lying filth do. Now howl louder, monkey.
No you fucking illiterate. I'm clearly stating that nothing suggests this tragedy was caused by any religion. Now go take your little thumbs down button, and attend a literacy comprehension class.
Be nice! He’s slow.

If this involved Muslims, Ds like Joe and Dummy wouldn’t dare condemn their religion. Hypocrites!
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And I presume you , nor your parishioners killed your families during that time... At least I hope.
Now I'm an atheist and I never killed anybody or know of anybody who committed murder, and I don't own a gun.

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