Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial’


"Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any books except the books that nobody reads."
George Bernard Shaw


Yeah....Like this has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming law here..
Fucking idiots..
Liberalism.....So right for everyone we have to ram it down your throats
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.
No, it proves that you and most others on the right are ridiculous liars.

The 'judges' were participating in a conference, not 'convening' a 'court of law.'

Consequently no one 'plans' to 'outlaw' anything.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, stupidity, and propensity to lie.

Read the article, stupid!

“The most important thing the courts could do,” he said, was to hold a top-level “finding of fact”, to settle these “scientific disputes” once and for all: so that it could then be made illegal for any government, corporation (or presumably individual scientist) ever to question the agreed “science” again.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.


Fuck 'em.

The conference was in the UK, not the US, having nothing to do with 'passing' any 'laws.'
Read the article, stupid!

“The most important thing the courts could do,” he said, was to hold a top-level “finding of fact”, to settle these “scientific disputes” once and for all: so that it could then be made illegal for any government, corporation (or presumably individual scientist) ever to question the agreed “science” again.
Outlawing climate change deniers or the LA Times not printing letters to the editor denying climate change. What's the difference? The climate change scam wins by default by shutting us up.

Not gonna let that happen.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.


Fuck 'em.
It would be here, but I'm beginning to believe the UK is a totalitarian state that has departed from the liberal values that define Western society. We should stop thinking of them as any different than Iran, North Korea, or China. They are no different.

Within a decade they will be an Islamic Republic, unless by chance the Brits get bat-shit crazy mad and force the Muslims out.
Judges plan to outlaw climate change 'denial'

This proves that the "cliimate change" people are insane.


Fuck 'em.

The conference was in the UK, not the US, having nothing to do with 'passing' any 'laws.'
Read the article, stupid!

“The most important thing the courts could do,” he said, was to hold a top-level “finding of fact”, to settle these “scientific disputes” once and for all: so that it could then be made illegal for any government, corporation (or presumably individual scientist) ever to question the agreed “science” again.
The actual quote:
"One of the most important things an international court could do – in my view it is probably the single most important thing it could do – is to settle the scientific dispute,” Sands said, on the eve of a three-day conference on climate change and international law in London.

“A finding of fact on one or more of these matters [such as whether climate change is man-made], or indeed on other pertinent matters, would be significant and authoritative and could well be dispositive on a range of future actions, including negotiations.” Scientifically-settled questions such as whether climate change is even happening are still being challenged by “scientifically qualified, knowledgeable and influential persons”, he said.'

Notice how the words "made illegal" do not appear anywhere? The story is a complete fabrication of what was said and the purpose of the meeting. It was a conference of lawyers that carries absolutely no legal weight.

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