Judge tosses Gohmert's case against Pence

Well, no official word yet but I'm not surprised. I'll wait for the official word before my Eric Cartman response. :)
Most people spitting into the wind and constantly getting it blown back into their faces would give up. Not Trumpers. Spittle on their faces is their new bold new look.
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USMB conservatives were extremely excited about this lawsuit.

Then they lost as usual:

los·er | \ ˈlü-zər \

Definition of loser
1 : a person or thing that loses especially consistently
// The team had a reputation for being a loser year after year.

2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed // Don't waste your time on that loser.
also : something doomed to fail or disappoint //
his position is a loser politically — Fred Barnes
Most people spitting into the wind and constantly getting it blown back into their faces would give up. Not Trumpers. Spittle on their faces is their new bold new look.
They're stuck on stupid. They have no other cards to play really.
The Washington Post

Judge dismisses Gohmert lawsuit seeking to stymie Biden electoral college count

January 1, 2021

Devlin Barrett


A federal judge in Texas has dismissed a long-shot lawsuit by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) that sought to overturn the presidential election, saying neither the congressman nor his allies have legal standing to pursue the case.


Will this finally get the stupid republicans to stop?
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