Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

It depends on what his rationale for denying the motion is , I guess. I would assume the DOJ would appeal to a higher court or seek to have the case moved to a new judge however that would work.
And, what rational could he POSSIBLY HAVE that falls within his duties as a district judge?

And, if it is moved to a new judge, what should that judge do?

And, if it is appealed, what should the appellate court do?

It depends on what his rationale for denying the motion is , I guess. I would assume the DOJ would appeal to a higher court or seek to have the case moved to a new judge however that would work.
And, what rational could he POSSIBLY HAVE that falls within his duties as a district judge?

And, if it is moved to a new judge, what should that judge do?

And, if it is appealed, what should the appellate court do?

And, what rational could he POSSIBLY HAVE that falls within his duties as a district judge?
Umm...maybe to deny the motion before him?
That the DOJ did not make their case well enough that the investigation was not properly predicated?
We'll see what it is when he rules.
It's the DOJ's move.
Let's assume that is correct (it's not).

Then, what if the DOJ does nothing?

Let's assume that is correct (it's not).

Then, what if the DOJ does nothing?
If the court denies the motion, the next move is the DOJ's.
If the DOJ does nothing, then they accept that they cannot drop the case on the grounds that they petioned for. They're deciding to be done.
Flynn's case continues to sentencing.
Who are some of the 'Friends Of The court' Sullivan wants to welcome into his court help him go after Flynn?

Shira Scheindlin

"Scheindlin served as a federal judge in New York, where among her more infamous rulings was her decision to toss the conviction of Judith Clark. Clark was a member of the Weather Underground who had been convicted of three counts of murder in the second degree for driving a getaway car following the group’s robbery of an armored truck.

In that case, Scheindlin ruled that the government had violated Clark’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel, even though Clark declined legal representation then opted to “absent” herself from the courtroom as a form of political protest.

-- The Second Circuit promptly reversed Scheindlin’s ruling and rejected Clark’s challenge to her conviction."
To defend him while he defies 2 set precedence (again, 1 set by the USSC itself in a unanimous 9-0 decision just before Sullivan pulled this crap), Sullivan has hired Washington D.C. attorney Beth Wilkinson.

Wilkinson is the lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton during the FBI’s investigation into her mishandling of classified information on her homebrew server.

The people Sullivanhas reached out to help him take down Flynn and to help him cover his ass while he does so shows 'Judge Emmet Sullivan threw open the doors of his federal courtroom to the swamp'.

Sullivan is a hack. He has been exposed as a hack, which is why he has lawyered up.

Anyone arguing he isn’t a hack is a bigger hack......and a crayon muncher.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.

Let me start all over again.

1. You’ve seen Gen. Flynn eating dinner next to Putin in Moscow. He was there his own interest not as US military general. Russia is and always be an enemy of USA. Keep that in mind please. Flynn is a good example of a TRAITOR. Why is that acceptable to you and the rest?
Just because he was hired by MORON doesn’t make it right. That is NOT acceptable.

2. Talking to Kislyak about sanctions 5 times December 29. As a private citizen. December 22, 2016 also talked to Kislyak about UN resolution...... That is a good example of a TRAITOR. Plead guilty twice under oath. Now he wants to change his mind. Barr get involved now he is innocent by you and the rest?? That is NOT acceptable.

We monitor diplomats especially the Russians and they monitor us with every possible technology available. That has been the protocols for several decades. That is where Flynn got caught. Trump was not the target you just added that.

From you.... Flynn plead guilty he didn’t want in the first place then fired his original legal team. . .......... It doesn’t work that way Bud. If you are not happy with your attorneys before you plead guilty or not.... You fire your attorneys. You do not plead guilty then fire you attorneys. No one put a gun in his head. Take the plea..... That’s the reality.

From you...... Flynn work as an intelligence working with NATO allies Turkey....... That is misleading. He is not even registered as a foreign agent. Actually in reality he is like a mercenary...... Flynn is to kidnap a cleric Turk Gülen paid by Erdogan. Guilliani was also lobbying on behalf of another country. Get your facts straight. Didn’t you notice Obama or Trump has not deported Gülen?

This will go down in history as Trump and Barr the most corrupted administration ever.
1. Russia is not an enemy. It is an adversary in many foreign policy issues, but also an ally in many foreign policy issues. Russia is Russia, often dicks, but like China we are forced to work with them. Russia in fact was instrumental in fighting ISIS. It served their own interest yes, but you can’t deny them that. Do you remember Obama’s famous remark to Romney in the presidential debates when Romney listed Russia as an adversary, “the 1970s called, they want their foreign policy back.” The media ate that shit up and mocked Romney for it up until the 2016 election. Then Russia became the boogeyman. Russia had been doing their “election meddling” worldwide years before the likes of CNN opened your eyes to it. I said welcome to the party CNN, 2 years late better than never. RT, a Russian backed news org in the US that thousands of former USG and US military people have been on, paid Flynn $50,000 to say nice things about RT at some type of award dinner. Whoopdie doo. Russia could’ve offered me 5 grand and I would’ve said yes to it. This in no way shape or form makes Flynn a traitor.

2.Yeah his firm worked with NATO ally turkey. Registering as a foreign agent was Flynn dotting his i’s. Did he do it late. Yes. Is it a mistake thousands of people make, YES.Last I heard the Feds book of laws is 70,000 pages...a lot of people are Unknowingly breaking the law. They went after Flynn for lying in a perfectly legal phone call, so why didn’t they go after Flynn for that? Because thousands of politicians, officials, aids, etc, both former and current, would be charged with the same thing. This is media demonizing Flynn for crooked toenails. The entire Clinton foundation is one big violation of this law.

3. Yes Flynn talked to kislyak, a Russian diplomat to the US. Believe it or not, the job of Russian Diplomats to the US is to talk to people in government of the US. Flynn was the incoming NSA for the presidential transition team for the 51st time of me repeating this fact. It’s a legal government entity since 1963. The FBI admits the call was perfectly legal. Obama just kicked kysliak out of the US. Of course kislyak was going to call someone in the trump admin. Duh. You don’t need Sherlock Holmes to make that deduction. It only seems like a big deal, because the same media that didn’t have an issue with Russia meddling in every election worldwide until late 2016, made it a big deal for you. They went on TV, cupped their hands around their mouths, and whispered “did you know Flynn was talking to the Russians”, and then played the X-files theme song in the background. You, like a good doggy, said “woah, that’s shady, thanks for telling me how I should feel mainstream media.” Remember, after an expensive, extremely thorough, extremely long investigation, they found ZERO Russian collusion in any part of the Trump admin.

4. Look at the article I just posted in my last thread. Innocent people get forced into guilty pleas ALL the time. Most are guilty, but plenty are innocent. If they had Flynn dead to rights, they would not have threatened to go after his son. That’s why he decided to take the plea. They threatened to ruin his son financially, socially and emotionally, after they just did the same to him. They may have well put a gun to his head. When he figures out the lawyers that convinced him to take the plea were dogshit, he promptly fired them. People with means don’t hire lawyers they think are dogshit. It takes time to figure that out and fire them. People who wanted the plea in the first place because they’re guilty DONT FIRE THE LAWYERS THAT GOT THEM THAT PLEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. Again, we don’t need Sherlock Holmes for these deductions.

5. The fact that they monitor Russian diplomats doesn’t explain A. How Flynn was unmasked without a request to do so. B. Why the FBI decided to interview Flynn, a guy they had just cleared as not being a Russian asset in any sense, for a phone call they admit was totally legal, and was totally appropriate...and they had the complete transcripts too with every detail known about the call. It was in the US interest that Russia not escalate. DUH. It was in the US interest that Russia doesn’t fuck over our greatest and most stable ally in the Middle East in Israel. Also, Duh.

View attachment 341788

1. That a load of hogwash. Russia is and always be an enemy of USA. It’s the only country in this world that can wipe out America in this planet. Not China, Iran or the terrorist.
Russians are harassing US military out in the international air and water. ARE THESE THE SIGN OF A FRIENDLY COUNTRY?


Who do you think is arming the mullahs in Iran against the US? Where do you think they got the S400 & S300 to shoot down cruise missiles and US fighter jets above Iran? It’s the RUSSIANS.
Last month they launched their first military satellite. They can now pin point the coordinates of US military ships in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. Who do you think helped them? It’s the RUSSIANS.

You are siding with the Russians against the US ....... WHAT THAT MAKES YOU?

2. Oh please. Flynn was in Turkey to help Erdogan nab Gülen then bring him to Turkey. To make money. Nothing more.

Flynn phone call to Kislyak according to you it’s perfectly legal....... NO you are just making that up...... Flynn phone call with Kislyak was illegal because at that time he is a private citizen not yet an official NSA. Let alone talk about new sanctions against Russia. We monitor foreign diplomats that is how Flynn got caught. He was also seen eating dinner with Putin. What that tells you his Russians connections? Flynn is a TRAITOR no matter how you twist all these BS.

3. Your explanation doesn’t fit the normal transition of new administration. So why is the discussion with Kislyak only the sanctions against Russia? If there is a transition ....... it’s a meeting set up in a predetermined location and time with others security involved and recorded. NOT a phone calls.
Transition is with the incumbent NSA to new NSA Flynn..... NOT the Kislyak.

At that time US Ambassador to Russia was John Francis Tefft till September 28, 2017. That is the only connection that Kislyak should call NOT Flynn. Kislyak called Flynn while he was in vacation December 28. Then they talked 5 times December 29 about Russian sanctions. Flynn is a TRAITOR. Period.

WEATHER IS VERY GOOD HERE IN SOUTHER CALIFORNIA TODAY. IM GOING SURFING. I will sent my other rebuttal later today or tomorrow
If the court denies the motion, the next move is the DOJ's.
If the DOJ does nothing, then they accept that they cannot drop the case on the grounds that they petioned for. They're deciding to be done.
Flynn's case continues to sentencing.
So, the DOJ is now FORCED to continue prosecuting into the sentencing phase? They don't have to present any evidence. What if they refuse? Then what?

I was talking about the DOJ'S motion and your lies about it, dope. here's your outrage over others bickering about whether the FBI'S investigation was open or not. That's gone on for pages. We know you're just trying to silence me because you can't handle me.

Once AGAIN you are attempting to make the focus of the thread about something that has already happened - the DOJ has dropped the case. It's a dead issue. Sullivan and his anti-Trump thugs can not change that. What SULLIVAN is attempting to do, however, is to do whatever he can to continue to target and punish Flynn....to include ignore the Appellate Court's order and lawyer up.

Sullivan is proving it's not a dead issue. It matters not that the DoJ wants the case dismissed -- Flynn's already a convicted felon. All that remains is sentencing him. Hopefully, Sullivan commences with that rather than giving in to the DoJ's request.
Poor desperate lying little yellow coward, the case is DROPPED. Sullivan has ZERO authority to charge Flynn with anything. The Apellate Court, Sullivan’s superiors, have ordered him to cut his bullshit, drop the case, and provide written explanations of his illegal actions. Funny how Sullivan thinks he needs to lawyer up due to his superiors slapping him down. Coerced plea deals aren’t legal, thus no perjury. You lose as always. You are bitch slapped and dismissed fuckwit.
You're an idiot, of which, there is no cure.

- It's in the hands of the Judicial branch now. All the Executive branch can do is ask the Judicial branch to vacate Flynn's guilty plea. And yes, as a judge, Sullivan can charge Flynn with something.

- Though you apparently never heard of this, it's called contempt of court and judges can even have people who are found in contempt of court, put in jail.

- Moron, the appellate court did not order Sullivan to drop the case. They ordered him to defend his actions.

- Sullivan "lawyered up" because he's going in front of a court, which is always advisable no matter who you are. And no, they did not slap him down.

- Flyyn's plea deal was not coerced. He himself swore under he wasn't coerced. Are you claiming he committed perjury?

So everything you said was flat out wrong. You're hallucinating that you bitchslapped anyone but yourself with that bullshit ... and you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm:
Poor little uneducated fuckwad. You total idiocy is not surprising. Nor is your illiteracy when it comes to the proof that you are a lying little bitch. Hey dumbfuck, the judge can’t charge Flynn with anything. He was coerced into a plea deal. Proven fact. Ooo, contempt of court. Would be dismissed. If Sullivan is acting properly, why is he lawyering up? Yes he did get slapped down. Just like I do to you whenever I feel like it. So to recap, you are a shown liar, and throwing a tantrum because everything you’ve ever said has been shown to be bullshit. You are dismissed, liar.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Do you mind sharing the 97% plead guilty. Link?
Jesus, google is a thing, type in 97% plead guilty. The same lazy reasons y’all keep asking me to post shit, is the same reason y’all say factually incorrect shit and shift goal posts faster than Mario.

First article that popped up. It took 3 seconds.
The problem with you and the rest ...... people lie a lot..... I did ask you to prove it. I’m talking to you in honesty I don’t make things up. I’m incorrect? You have not proven to me that you are correct. You are just making things up.

Shift goals? Like what?

Your opinion is based how you support a corrupted AG and a president. Nothing more.
Fact. The Mueller Special Counsil Office, the very same ones that decided to go after Flynn, we’re the ones who decided to drop the case. The very same SCO that came after Flynn so hard they threatened to go after his son. For them to drop it they have to talk to Barr, and see what he thinks. Barr agreed. So stop pretending this is Barr shoving it down the throat of Sullivan. It isn’t. Sullivan is the only one shoving this down the throat of everyone else. These aren’t my opinions, these are facts. I seem to be the only one not spewing opinions in this conversations.
Fact. The Mueller Special Counsil Office, the very same ones that decided to go after Flynn, we’re the ones who decided to drop the case.
I stopped right there.
Barr appointed his own prosecutor. The prosecutor on the Flynn case withdrew from the case in protest.

As an aside, Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee only after Trump fired Comey in an effort to undermine the FBI investigation.

You try to cover your lies by posting a large amount of text. It's not working and is quite transparent.
You mean after he parachuted out. The last of his colleagues to do so. Yeah he said it was in “protest”...kind of funny it was right around when exculpatory evidence was surfacing. The best form of protest would’ve been to stay in and continue to prosecute and explain why the evidence wasn’t exculpatory. I guess he couldn’t. And yes Mueller was appointed. Are you implying that the Mueller SCO was biased? Sure sounds like it. And Comey was fired for plenty of good reasons. Especially now that new evidence is coming to light about comeys practices in the whole trump Russia collusion narrative he was party to pushing despite knowing that it was in fact, a false narrative. So, the implication is that Trump forced Comey out, to cover up a crime we know he didn’t commit. We know he didn’t commit it because we had the very expensive, very long, very thorough, mueller investigation, that actually turned Trumps own lawyer against trump, and found that there was no Russian collusion.
And yes transition teams talk to foreign diplomats allllllll the fuuuucking time.
I don't doubt they do. They just don't try to get their counterparts to subvert the official policy of the sitting US government. Something that is both illegal and arguably traitorous.
Oh because Berg doubts it, there’s your proof. Let’s not take into any consideration that foreign governments don’t give a fuck about a lame duck president, and turn all their attention to the new incoming president, for very plainly obvious reasons. Let’s also pretend like incoming presidents don’t start planning their foreign policy and letting other countries know, out of courtesy, what that policy is going to look like. Let’s also pretend like they never ask what other countries think about their upcoming plans. Nope, they sit on their asses, shut up, hang up immediately when any foreign diplomat begins talking anything other than small talk....and then once the new pres sits in the Oval Office, then they start doing all that work, with every country, all at the same time. Makes total sense.

Face it. Y’all got duped by a media who played the x-files theme song while talking about perfectly legal things...as admitted by the FBI for Christ sake...and y’all jumped on that train that went careening off a cliff, exploded in mid air, hit rock bottom, exploded again, and is now falling into a large underground cavern that the second explosion opened up, and is once again exploding in mid air as it continues its descent.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.

Let me start all over again.

1. You’ve seen Gen. Flynn eating dinner next to Putin in Moscow. He was there his own interest not as US military general. Russia is and always be an enemy of USA. Keep that in mind please. Flynn is a good example of a TRAITOR. Why is that acceptable to you and the rest?
Just because he was hired by MORON doesn’t make it right. That is NOT acceptable.

2. Talking to Kislyak about sanctions 5 times December 29. As a private citizen. December 22, 2016 also talked to Kislyak about UN resolution...... That is a good example of a TRAITOR. Plead guilty twice under oath. Now he wants to change his mind. Barr get involved now he is innocent by you and the rest?? That is NOT acceptable.

We monitor diplomats especially the Russians and they monitor us with every possible technology available. That has been the protocols for several decades. That is where Flynn got caught. Trump was not the target you just added that.

From you.... Flynn plead guilty he didn’t want in the first place then fired his original legal team. . .......... It doesn’t work that way Bud. If you are not happy with your attorneys before you plead guilty or not.... You fire your attorneys. You do not plead guilty then fire you attorneys. No one put a gun in his head. Take the plea..... That’s the reality.

From you...... Flynn work as an intelligence working with NATO allies Turkey....... That is misleading. He is not even registered as a foreign agent. Actually in reality he is like a mercenary...... Flynn is to kidnap a cleric Turk Gülen paid by Erdogan. Guilliani was also lobbying on behalf of another country. Get your facts straight. Didn’t you notice Obama or Trump has not deported Gülen?

This will go down in history as Trump and Barr the most corrupted administration ever.
1. Russia is not an enemy. It is an adversary in many foreign policy issues, but also an ally in many foreign policy issues. Russia is Russia, often dicks, but like China we are forced to work with them. Russia in fact was instrumental in fighting ISIS. It served their own interest yes, but you can’t deny them that. Do you remember Obama’s famous remark to Romney in the presidential debates when Romney listed Russia as an adversary, “the 1970s called, they want their foreign policy back.” The media ate that shit up and mocked Romney for it up until the 2016 election. Then Russia became the boogeyman. Russia had been doing their “election meddling” worldwide years before the likes of CNN opened your eyes to it. I said welcome to the party CNN, 2 years late better than never. RT, a Russian backed news org in the US that thousands of former USG and US military people have been on, paid Flynn $50,000 to say nice things about RT at some type of award dinner. Whoopdie doo. Russia could’ve offered me 5 grand and I would’ve said yes to it. This in no way shape or form makes Flynn a traitor.

2.Yeah his firm worked with NATO ally turkey. Registering as a foreign agent was Flynn dotting his i’s. Did he do it late. Yes. Is it a mistake thousands of people make, YES.Last I heard the Feds book of laws is 70,000 pages...a lot of people are Unknowingly breaking the law. They went after Flynn for lying in a perfectly legal phone call, so why didn’t they go after Flynn for that? Because thousands of politicians, officials, aids, etc, both former and current, would be charged with the same thing. This is media demonizing Flynn for crooked toenails. The entire Clinton foundation is one big violation of this law.

3. Yes Flynn talked to kislyak, a Russian diplomat to the US. Believe it or not, the job of Russian Diplomats to the US is to talk to people in government of the US. Flynn was the incoming NSA for the presidential transition team for the 51st time of me repeating this fact. It’s a legal government entity since 1963. The FBI admits the call was perfectly legal. Obama just kicked kysliak out of the US. Of course kislyak was going to call someone in the trump admin. Duh. You don’t need Sherlock Holmes to make that deduction. It only seems like a big deal, because the same media that didn’t have an issue with Russia meddling in every election worldwide until late 2016, made it a big deal for you. They went on TV, cupped their hands around their mouths, and whispered “did you know Flynn was talking to the Russians”, and then played the X-files theme song in the background. You, like a good doggy, said “woah, that’s shady, thanks for telling me how I should feel mainstream media.” Remember, after an expensive, extremely thorough, extremely long investigation, they found ZERO Russian collusion in any part of the Trump admin.

4. Look at the article I just posted in my last thread. Innocent people get forced into guilty pleas ALL the time. Most are guilty, but plenty are innocent. If they had Flynn dead to rights, they would not have threatened to go after his son. That’s why he decided to take the plea. They threatened to ruin his son financially, socially and emotionally, after they just did the same to him. They may have well put a gun to his head. When he figures out the lawyers that convinced him to take the plea were dogshit, he promptly fired them. People with means don’t hire lawyers they think are dogshit. It takes time to figure that out and fire them. People who wanted the plea in the first place because they’re guilty DONT FIRE THE LAWYERS THAT GOT THEM THAT PLEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. Again, we don’t need Sherlock Holmes for these deductions.

5. The fact that they monitor Russian diplomats doesn’t explain A. How Flynn was unmasked without a request to do so. B. Why the FBI decided to interview Flynn, a guy they had just cleared as not being a Russian asset in any sense, for a phone call they admit was totally legal, and was totally appropriate...and they had the complete transcripts too with every detail known about the call. It was in the US interest that Russia not escalate. DUH. It was in the US interest that Russia doesn’t fuck over our greatest and most stable ally in the Middle East in Israel. Also, Duh.

View attachment 341788

1. That a load of hogwash. Russia is and always be an enemy of USA. It’s the only country in this world that can wipe out America in this planet. Not China, Iran or the terrorist.
Russians are harassing US military out in the international air and water. ARE THESE THE SIGN OF A FRIENDLY COUNTRY?


Who do you think is arming the mullahs in Iran against the US? Where do you think they got the S400 & S300 to shoot down cruise missiles and US fighter jets above Iran? It’s the RUSSIANS.
Last month they launched their first military satellite. They can now pin point the coordinates of US military ships in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. Who do you think helped them? It’s the RUSSIANS.

You are siding with the Russians against the US ....... WHAT THAT MAKES YOU?

2. Oh please. Flynn was in Turkey to help Erdogan nab Gülen then bring him to Turkey. To make money. Nothing more.

Flynn phone call to Kislyak according to you it’s perfectly legal....... NO you are just making that up...... Flynn phone call with Kislyak was illegal because at that time he is a private citizen not yet an official NSA. Let alone talk about new sanctions against Russia. We monitor foreign diplomats that is how Flynn got caught. He was also seen eating dinner with Putin. What that tells you his Russians connections? Flynn is a TRAITOR no matter how you twist all these BS.

3. Your explanation doesn’t fit the normal transition of new administration. So why is the discussion with Kislyak only the sanctions against Russia? If there is a transition ....... it’s a meeting set up in a predetermined location and time with others security involved and recorded. NOT a phone calls.
Transition is with the incumbent NSA to new NSA Flynn..... NOT the Kislyak.

At that time US Ambassador to Russia was John Francis Tefft till September 28, 2017. That is the only connection that Kislyak should call NOT Flynn. Kislyak called Flynn while he was in vacation December 28. Then they talked 5 times December 29 about Russian sanctions. Flynn is a TRAITOR. Period.

WEATHER IS VERY GOOD HERE IN SOUTHER CALIFORNIA TODAY. IM GOING SURFING. I will sent my other rebuttal later today or tomorrow
I never said Russia was a friend. I said clearly said they were dicks. I also told you how they have been manipulating with elections all over the world. I also said they were adversaries in many of our foreign policy interest. I also acknowledged the fact that they can at times be allies when it lines up with their interest. I don’t consider China a friend, but I compared them to Russia in the sense they are dicks and we regrettably depend on their manufacturing base, just as they depend on our consumer base. China subsidizes their manufacturing and manipulates their currency that makes those products cheaper for us. Nuance. China is our biggest threat by far. Not Russia. China has nukes. China is way more aggressive than Russia. China has more military personnel than we have people. Chinas military tech rivals our own. China just broke the UK treaty and forcibly took over Hong Kong. If China wanted to take over taiwan, we wouldn’t be able to stop them, they’d win that war. Depending on the war objectives, China could beat us in most wars.

If you can’t recognize the clear nuance in anything I said in that last post. You are not worth discussing anything with if you just strawman what I say. Goodbye.
There is a case. Flynn is a convicted felon.
If the DOJ had the authority to undo that, they would not have to petition the court to do so. Sullivan has no obligation to grant the motion if he does not agree with their reasoning.
So, a judge has the authority to continue prosecuting into the sentencing phase after the justice department quits and asks to dismiss, citing prosecutorial misconduct?

What is the standard of review for that decision?

So, a judge has the authority to continue prosecuting into the sentencing phase after the justice department quits and asks to dismiss, citing prosecutorial misconduct?

What is the standard of review for that decision?
A judge has the authority to grant or deny any motion made before their court. Their ruling will explain why.

The DOJ's motion did not cite prosecutorial misconduct.
Right...and that’s why the appellate court responded to a writ of mandamus, which is extremely rare, and asked Sullivan to explain himself.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Do you mind sharing the 97% plead guilty. Link?
Jesus, google is a thing, type in 97% plead guilty. The same lazy reasons y’all keep asking me to post shit, is the same reason y’all say factually incorrect shit and shift goal posts faster than Mario.

First article that popped up. It took 3 seconds.
So you're making up more shit ... it was no one's ever been charged with violating the Logan Act -- 2 were. The Presidential Transitions Act of 19681963 grants a president-elect's incoming administration authorization to conduct foreign affairs -- no, it doesn't. 97% of criminal cases are guilty pleas -- no, they're not.

Stop making shit up.

There’s literally hundreds of these articles I could keep posting.

And yes transition teams talk to foreign diplomats allllllll the fuuuucking time. You’re willfully ignorant otherwise. Presidential candidates do it alllll the fuuucking time. You’re also going to have to explain to me how it was in the US interest to want Russia to escalate, and/or how it was in the US interest to have Russia vote yes on a UN resolution designed to fuck over Israel. Nobody hear has done that yet.
And nothing you've posted corroborates your bullshit about 97% of cases being resolved with guilty pleas.

You keep making shit up.

As far as talking with foreign diplomats, again --- no one is saying they can't "talk" with them. Not even the Logan Act prevents that. Grow a fucking brain.
Oh I suppose they just talk about the weather then.

And as far as what I posted...do you actually read? I’ve posted 3 articles all citing the 97% of cases pleading guilty.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So how are there 97% of guilty pleas when there's 8% of cases dismissed??
The remainder of cases that actually would make it to trial. Most of that 8% is people snitching. Notice the 2% that actually go to trial.....that’s the important number in what’s being discussed. The whole point is that everyone, including innocent people, are afraid to go take their case to trial for the exact reasons I mentioned. But somehow my ability to do math, and understand the difference between cases being dropped, or snitches, vs cases that’d actually go through the court process, makes me the deranged one??? I’m not the one arguing silly semantics I dont understand, while posting something that actually proves the point to the opposition, that is the fact that only 2% go to trial.
That's a lot of words to avoid saying you were wrong.
Nope. Just pointing out how little you know...or how you pretend to know so little, and you have to pretend to be stupid to win an argument for your ego, even though you’re losing it in real life.

“In 2013, while 8 percent of all federal criminal charges were dismissed (either because of a mistake in fact or law or because the defendant had decided to cooperate), more than 97 percent of the remainder were resolved through plea bargains, and fewer than 3 percent went to trial. The plea bargains largely determined the sentences imposed.

While corresponding statistics for the fifty states combined are not available, it is a rare state where plea bargains do not similarly account for the resolution of at least 95 percent of the felony cases that are not dismissed; and again, the plea bargains usually determine the sentences, sometimes as a matter of law and otherwise as a matter of practice. Furthermore, in both the state and federal systems, the power to determine the terms of the plea bargain is, as a practical matter, lodged largely in the prosecutor, with the defense counsel having little say and the judge even less.”

“According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, of the roughly 80,000 federal prosecutions initiated in 2018, just two percent went to trial. More than 97 percent of federal criminal convictions are obtained through plea bargains, and the states are not far behind at 94 percent. Why are people so eager to confess their guilt instead of challenging the government to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of a unanimous jury?”

I know these aren’t the pictures you like to look at in books, but it’s important to read the books to understand the pictures. See there.
I was talking about the DOJ'S motion and your lies about it, dope. here's your outrage over others bickering about whether the FBI'S investigation was open or not. That's gone on for pages. We know you're just trying to silence me because you can't handle me.

Once AGAIN you are attempting to make the focus of the thread about something that has already happened - the DOJ has dropped the case. It's a dead issue. Sullivan and his anti-Trump thugs can not change that. What SULLIVAN is attempting to do, however, is to do whatever he can to continue to target and punish Flynn....to include ignore the Appellate Court's order and lawyer up.

Sullivan is proving it's not a dead issue. It matters not that the DoJ wants the case dismissed -- Flynn's already a convicted felon. All that remains is sentencing him. Hopefully, Sullivan commences with that rather than giving in to the DoJ's request.
Poor desperate lying little yellow coward, the case is DROPPED. Sullivan has ZERO authority to charge Flynn with anything. The Apellate Court, Sullivan’s superiors, have ordered him to cut his bullshit, drop the case, and provide written explanations of his illegal actions. Funny how Sullivan thinks he needs to lawyer up due to his superiors slapping him down. Coerced plea deals aren’t legal, thus no perjury. You lose as always. You are bitch slapped and dismissed fuckwit.
You're an idiot, of which, there is no cure.

- It's in the hands of the Judicial branch now. All the Executive branch can do is ask the Judicial branch to vacate Flynn's guilty plea. And yes, as a judge, Sullivan can charge Flynn with something.

- Though you apparently never heard of this, it's called contempt of court and judges can even have people who are found in contempt of court, put in jail.

- Moron, the appellate court did not order Sullivan to drop the case. They ordered him to defend his actions.

- Sullivan "lawyered up" because he's going in front of a court, which is always advisable no matter who you are. And no, they did not slap him down.

- Flyyn's plea deal was not coerced. He himself swore under he wasn't coerced. Are you claiming he committed perjury?

So everything you said was flat out wrong. You're hallucinating that you bitchslapped anyone but yourself with that bullshit ... and you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm:
Poor little uneducated fuckwad. You total idiocy is not surprising. Nor is your illiteracy when it comes to the proof that you are a lying little bitch. Hey dumbfuck, the judge can’t charge Flynn with anything. He was coerced into a plea deal. Proven fact. Ooo, contempt of court. Would be dismissed. If Sullivan is acting properly, why is he lawyering up? Yes he did get slapped down. Just like I do to you whenever I feel like it. So to recap, you are a shown liar, and throwing a tantrum because everything you’ve ever said has been shown to be bullshit. You are dismissed, liar.

Fucking moron, judges can charge folks in their court with contempt. Watch as I bitchslap you with a dose of reality....

Judge Finds Clinton in Contempt of Court

So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Do you mind sharing the 97% plead guilty. Link?
Jesus, google is a thing, type in 97% plead guilty. The same lazy reasons y’all keep asking me to post shit, is the same reason y’all say factually incorrect shit and shift goal posts faster than Mario.

First article that popped up. It took 3 seconds.
So you're making up more shit ... it was no one's ever been charged with violating the Logan Act -- 2 were. The Presidential Transitions Act of 19681963 grants a president-elect's incoming administration authorization to conduct foreign affairs -- no, it doesn't. 97% of criminal cases are guilty pleas -- no, they're not.

Stop making shit up.

There’s literally hundreds of these articles I could keep posting.

And yes transition teams talk to foreign diplomats allllllll the fuuuucking time. You’re willfully ignorant otherwise. Presidential candidates do it alllll the fuuucking time. You’re also going to have to explain to me how it was in the US interest to want Russia to escalate, and/or how it was in the US interest to have Russia vote yes on a UN resolution designed to fuck over Israel. Nobody hear has done that yet.
And nothing you've posted corroborates your bullshit about 97% of cases being resolved with guilty pleas.

You keep making shit up.

As far as talking with foreign diplomats, again --- no one is saying they can't "talk" with them. Not even the Logan Act prevents that. Grow a fucking brain.
Oh I suppose they just talk about the weather then.

And as far as what I posted...do you actually read? I’ve posted 3 articles all citing the 97% of cases pleading guilty.

You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

So how are there 97% of guilty pleas when there's 8% of cases dismissed??
The remainder of cases that actually would make it to trial. Most of that 8% is people snitching. Notice the 2% that actually go to trial.....that’s the important number in what’s being discussed. The whole point is that everyone, including innocent people, are afraid to go take their case to trial for the exact reasons I mentioned. But somehow my ability to do math, and understand the difference between cases being dropped, or snitches, vs cases that’d actually go through the court process, makes me the deranged one??? I’m not the one arguing silly semantics I dont understand, while posting something that actually proves the point to the opposition, that is the fact that only 2% go to trial.
That's a lot of words to avoid saying you were wrong.
Nope. Just pointing out how little you know...or how you pretend to know so little, and you have to pretend to be stupid to win an argument for your ego, even though you’re losing it in real life.

“In 2013, while 8 percent of all federal criminal charges were dismissed (either because of a mistake in fact or law or because the defendant had decided to cooperate), more than 97 percent of the remainder were resolved through plea bargains, and fewer than 3 percent went to trial. The plea bargains largely determined the sentences imposed.

While corresponding statistics for the fifty states combined are not available, it is a rare state where plea bargains do not similarly account for the resolution of at least 95 percent of the felony cases that are not dismissed; and again, the plea bargains usually determine the sentences, sometimes as a matter of law and otherwise as a matter of practice. Furthermore, in both the state and federal systems, the power to determine the terms of the plea bargain is, as a practical matter, lodged largely in the prosecutor, with the defense counsel having little say and the judge even less.”

“According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, of the roughly 80,000 federal prosecutions initiated in 2018, just two percent went to trial. More than 97 percent of federal criminal convictions are obtained through plea bargains, and the states are not far behind at 94 percent. Why are people so eager to confess their guilt instead of challenging the government to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of a unanimous jury?”

I know these aren’t the pictures you like to look at in books, but it’s important to read the books to understand the pictures. See there.

Moron, you were wrong. Dead wrong. Your own articles even fucked you over. While you claim 97% of cases get resolved, your own links show it's really 89%.

And now you prove you're not man enough to own your ignorance.

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