Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Flynn pled to avoid imprisonment, if he withdrew his plea then he should be sent to prison for the crimes he committed.
After he is tried and convicted by a jury, of course, right?

He waived his right to a jury trial by pleading guilty.
He was also given no choice.
But then again.....the people involved here specialize in bringing trumped up charges on people.....then years later having them thrown out on appeal.
Flynn pled to avoid imprisonment, if he withdrew his plea then he should be sent to prison for the crimes he committed.
After he is tried and convicted by a jury, of course, right?

Flynns problem is that he plead guilty, not just to what he was charged with, but he allocuted to crimes not charged.

And yes, Flynn is entitled to a jury trial on those charges, but Flynn will have a difficult case trying to prove that he shouldn't be charged with perjury for what he swore to, under penalty of perjury, that he now claims innocence of.
Yeah...but who has the right to press charges?
Perjury falls under the purview of prosecutorial-discretion.....and none of the prosecutors want to press charges.
The only asshole wanting to press charges is a corrupt Obama judge.
Obama seems to know alot of these shitheads.
I have to agree with Republicans on this one.

it can’t be all that secret if the Russians know.

The problem isn't keeping the conversation secret, it's keeping exactly how we intercepted it, that's the secret.
I remember reading a description of the MIG-25 when it first came out, and the envelope information (top speed, maximum altitude etc) were redacted as "classified". Back then I also thought, who are we classifying it from, the russians built the damn thing.
At this point, I think everybody pretty much knows how we got the transcripts. One was recording on a phone call Trump was on which we always do and the other one was recording a Russian agent, Kislyak, who was talking to Michael Flynn. See? Even I know.
And Russia everything.
Why should they know and not American citizens? That seems awfully strange to me.
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Are you talking about the Transcript of Trumps phone call with the Ukraine President?
We could be, but we aren't.
Then why two different views on the editing of transcripts. Where presidential transcripts (covered by presidential records act) are routinely edited by people who weren't in on the call.
Apples and Oranges.
You're confusing a criminal investigation with transposing dialog during communications. And the person that is transposing the transcripts needs to hear the conversation personally either live or by recording. Page altered the 302 without doing either. Apples and oranges.
Page made some grammatical changes and edited for clarity. She made no substantive changes.
Can you swear to that in court, or are you assuming that's the case?

That’s what Page has testified to under oath. She would often proofread 302s for grammar.
Yeah......that's the ticket.

View attachment 339604

Where have I heard this before.

Talking about kids and Yoga instead of talking about the case and offering a bribe.
Is that the best you can do? Your incredulity doesn’t overrule testimony.
Apparently you seem to put all of your stock in a corrupt Obama judge who has proven to have malice against the defendant.
And you seem to think that weasels that know how to cheat within the rules and get away with destroying lives is perfectly acceptable.
And now we all know why they want to take away our guns.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
No the judiciary CANNOT order the commencement of what it cannot initiate. Maybe in mainland Europe with magistrates, but under common law, as adopted by the US constitution, the “court” cannot just ignore the executive in this matter. It has no jurisdiction. Judges in these settings cannot order the prosecution, or order the commencement of prosecution for anyone. It is the executive branches job in this case to initiate the prosecution, as well as initiate the commencement of prosecution. They are constitutionally co-equal branches with their own rules. Sullivan is over stepping his constitutional authority, just like if Sullivan were to summon congressional members to explain why a certain law was passed. He just does not have the authority to do so. The authority of the executive to decide not to prosecute is a check purposely built into the system.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

The duty of the outgoing administration is by the book to allow a smooth transition to the next administration. It was none of the Obama Administrations business to set up members of the incoming administration and try to entrap them into committing perjury because they were counting on Hillary Fucking Clinton taking over the WH.
When they should have been assisting the new administration they were instead sabotaging them.
And it's none of your God Damned business what a new administration feels they have to do to establish bonifides with other world leaders.
Obama is a terrorist and a traitor who should have just bowed out and assisted Trump any way he could.
This is the way it's been done for at least a couple of hundred years...up until now.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....it’s foreign policy to ask a country not to escalate? Also, define foreign policy? Is it foreign policy for a president elect or a member of their transition team to discuss future plans with a foreign entity? Is it foreign policy to urge them in a certain direction on an issue? If that’s the case, and it’s wrong, then lock up every president and transition team member since 1968. You’re arguments are getting pretty sad now, they use to be decent. Now you’re just saying things
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
No the judiciary CANNOT order the commencement of what it cannot initiate. Maybe in mainland Europe with magistrates, but under common law, as adopted by the US constitution, the “court” cannot just ignore the executive in this matter. It has no jurisdiction. Judges in these settings cannot order the prosecution, or order the commencement of prosecution for anyone. It is the executive branches job in this case to initiate the prosecution, as well as initiate the commencement of prosecution. They are constitutionally co-equal branches with their own rules. Sullivan is over stepping his constitutional authority, just like if Sullivan were to summon congressional members to explain why a certain law was passed. He just does not have the authority to do so. The authority of the executive to decide not to prosecute is a check purposely built into the system.

The defendant has already plead guilty and is awaiting sentencing. There is no prosecution left for him to order. why would the rules of the courts require the judge to grant a motion?
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....it’s foreign policy to ask a country not to escalate? Also, define foreign policy? Is it foreign policy for a president elect or a member of their transition team to discuss future plans with a foreign entity? Is it foreign policy to urge them in a certain direction on an issue? If that’s the case, and it’s wrong, then lock up every president and transition team member since 1968. You’re arguments are getting pretty sad now, they use to be decent. Now you’re just saying things
Yes, it is foreign policy to ask a country to do something. They’re making deals. That’s foreign policy. It’s also foreign policy to lobby countries to vote in a certain way in the UN.

Not saying it’s illegal. But it’s wrong.

And no, not every transition team is trying to do that. It’s happened before but saying everyone has done it since 1968 is not supported.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

The duty of the outgoing administration is by the book to allow a smooth transition to the next administration. It was none of the Obama Administrations business to set up members of the incoming administration and try to entrap them into committing perjury because they were counting on Hillary Fucking Clinton taking over the WH.
When they should have been assisting the new administration they were instead sabotaging them.
And it's none of your God Damned business what a new administration feels they have to do to establish bonifides with other world leaders.
Obama is a terrorist and a traitor who should have just bowed out and assisted Trump any way he could.
This is the way it's been done for at least a couple of hundred years...up until now.
Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....it’s foreign policy to ask a country not to escalate? Also, define foreign policy? Is it foreign policy for a president elect or a member of their transition team to discuss future plans with a foreign entity? Is it foreign policy to urge them in a certain direction on an issue? If that’s the case, and it’s wrong, then lock up every president and transition team member since 1968. You’re arguments are getting pretty sad now, they use to be decent. Now you’re just saying things
Yes, it is foreign policy to ask a country to do something. They’re making deals. That’s foreign policy. It’s also foreign policy to lobby countries to vote in a certain way in the UN.

Not saying it’s illegal. But it’s wrong.

And no, not every transition team is trying to do that. It’s happened before but saying everyone has done it since 1968 is not supported.
Explain to me why Obama went to the Iraqi PM and told him not to make any agreements with Bush after Obama won in November of 08'?
Explain to me why every single time Trump goes overseas Nancy Pelosi goes over there afterwards and promises that Trump will be gone really soon and don't agree to any treaties with him?
Are either of these cases "The right thing to do"?
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....it’s foreign policy to ask a country not to escalate? Also, define foreign policy? Is it foreign policy for a president elect or a member of their transition team to discuss future plans with a foreign entity? Is it foreign policy to urge them in a certain direction on an issue? If that’s the case, and it’s wrong, then lock up every president and transition team member since 1968. You’re arguments are getting pretty sad now, they use to be decent. Now you’re just saying things
Yes, it is foreign policy to ask a country to do something. They’re making deals. That’s foreign policy. It’s also foreign policy to lobby countries to vote in a certain way in the UN.

Not saying it’s illegal. But it’s wrong.

And no, not every transition team is trying to do that. It’s happened before but saying everyone has done it since 1968 is not supported.
No it’s not wrong. That’s silly. That’s like saying A. President elect and teams aren’t going to talk to foreign diplomats that will be bombarding them, and B. That the president elect should agree with everything the current-soon-to-be-retired president is saying now. Basically the only thing a transition team can do is foreign policy since they don’t have control of the executive branch. You personally don’t like it in the case of trump. Obama was doing this shit when he was still a candidate. Same with Romney.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

The duty of the outgoing administration is by the book to allow a smooth transition to the next administration. It was none of the Obama Administrations business to set up members of the incoming administration and try to entrap them into committing perjury because they were counting on Hillary Fucking Clinton taking over the WH.
When they should have been assisting the new administration they were instead sabotaging them.
And it's none of your God Damned business what a new administration feels they have to do to establish bonifides with other world leaders.
Obama is a terrorist and a traitor who should have just bowed out and assisted Trump any way he could.
This is the way it's been done for at least a couple of hundred years...up until now.
Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury.
Sullivan is trying to charge Flynn with perjury. Which Sullivan can’t do. If I’m reading it right, it sounds like Sullivan is saying that because Flynn took a guilty plea while innocent, he perjured himself. Or maybe he is saying the “lie” in question was perjury, but Flynn wasn’t sworn in, and the FBI said it was an “informal” interview of which he wasn’t the subject, in order for Flynn to “drop his guard” as bragged by comey. Another bizarre action, whichever ”perjury” you want, by Sullivan whose proving to be the most politically driven judge in America right now.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
No the judiciary CANNOT order the commencement of what it cannot initiate. Maybe in mainland Europe with magistrates, but under common law, as adopted by the US constitution, the “court” cannot just ignore the executive in this matter. It has no jurisdiction. Judges in these settings cannot order the prosecution, or order the commencement of prosecution for anyone. It is the executive branches job in this case to initiate the prosecution, as well as initiate the commencement of prosecution. They are constitutionally co-equal branches with their own rules. Sullivan is over stepping his constitutional authority, just like if Sullivan were to summon congressional members to explain why a certain law was passed. He just does not have the authority to do so. The authority of the executive to decide not to prosecute is a check purposely built into the system.

The defendant has already plead guilty and is awaiting sentencing. There is no prosecution left for him to order. why would the rules of the courts require the judge to grant a motion?
circular argument. The judge has a duty to dismiss....but instead is going on a fishing-expedition looking for new charges.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
We have redefined the definition of treason.
Treason is anything you do that doesn't conform to the two-tiered justice system that protects Democrats but convicts Republicans without evidence or probable cause.
The evidence against Flynn isn’t in doubt.

Sullivan mentioned treason but later apologized for it.

Vox, one of the lefties of lefty websites, called foul on it. I agree. People mentioning treason for Flynn are baseless.

Flynn needs to be free. He is a patriot who was railroaded by a corrupt Obama.

Why does a "patriot" lie his ass off multiple times to everyone and their mother?

He is a law ignoring crook, that's why dummy.
Adolph Schiffler isn't a patriot.
I have to agree with Republicans on this one.

it can’t be all that secret if the Russians know.

The problem isn't keeping the conversation secret, it's keeping exactly how we intercepted it, that's the secret.
I remember reading a description of the MIG-25 when it first came out, and the envelope information (top speed, maximum altitude etc) were redacted as "classified". Back then I also thought, who are we classifying it from, the russians built the damn thing.
At this point, I think everybody pretty much knows how we got the transcripts. One was recording on a phone call Trump was on which we always do and the other one was recording a Russian agent, Kislyak, who was talking to Michael Flynn. See? Even I know.
And Russia everything.
Why should they know and not American citizens? That seems awfully strange to me.
So I guess there was nothing wrong with Nixon spying on his political opponents. Is this the lefts new argument. Yeah, the Obama admin was spying on the Trump team, but shouldn’t we all be spying on them.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States, Like Russia was over Ukrainian invasion, hence the sanctions.

  1. Flynn was fired from the Obama administration in 2014 and had no authorization to enact policies with regards to sanctions on Russia.
  2. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions. Keep in Mind Trump himself was not yet the American President and had no authoirty to make policy on behalf of the American people either
  3. The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. Why?--Flynn is corrupt and the FBI was watching him because he was engaged in criminality The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies
  4. Flynn admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work,
  5. On Election Day in 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill criticizing cleric Fethullah Gulen, an enemy of Turkey's president living in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, as a "radical Islamist" and "shady Islamic mullah." The Wall Street Journal later reported that Flynn and his son twice met with Turkish representatives to discuss kidnapping Gulen and forcibly extraditing him to Turkey.
  6. Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.--Even Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I. Opinion | Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
  7. Flynn admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak, and that he also had lied to agents about his efforts to influence foreign diplomats regarding a December 2016 UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction. He also admitted that he had lied to the Justice Department in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing by claiming he was not aware he was lobbying for Turkey.
  8. Congressional Republican report says Flynn went to infamous Russian spymaster’s house for ‘very productive’ 2015 meeting Flynn 'lied to investigators' about Russia trip, says top House Dem
  9. Back in 2017, Pence insisted that Flynn had lied to him too Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is "fully cooperating" with special counsel
There was no reason to have Flynn's name masked to begin with, Because he was no longer part of the U.S Government, Being on the transition team certainly doesn't qualify, Obama also warned Trump that it would be a bad idea to hire Flynn--Flynn had been fired for erratic behavior and misconduct 2014. Flynn’s current release by Barr does not prove that Flynn was innocent of wrongdoing. Being released by Barr does not convert Flynn’s lies into truth, Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.--On the day that the Flynn case was dropped, Trump spoke by telephone to Putin

Flynn was not charged with logan act violations.

Stay on topic, commie.

Is there any reason the Logan Act can’t be used as justification for an investigation?

Not at all, if you don't mind being considered a dumbass.

It’s still the law, is it not?

No one cares who you consider a dumbass.

Is that the rule you clowns want to follow now? ALL laws need to be followed? How about we start with deporting every illegal in this country.

You’re not very good at this.

It’s the law of the land. Can it be used to legally justify an investigation?

The answer is yes. You know it and you just don’t want to admit it.
Until John Kerry is prosecuted under that act, keep your idiotic mouth shut. You lose again.
John Kerry, Obama, probably both Bushes, and definitely the Clinton’s. The Logan act is a ridiculous claim.
transition teams don’t engage in foreign policy. You know it. I know it. Flynn knows it. That’s the genesis of his lie. He doesn’t want people to know he’s making policy before they are sworn in.

Saying this was business as usual or “doing his job” is not representative of the facts. It’s not the first time it’s ever happened but it’s not appropriate.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....it’s foreign policy to ask a country not to escalate? Also, define foreign policy? Is it foreign policy for a president elect or a member of their transition team to discuss future plans with a foreign entity? Is it foreign policy to urge them in a certain direction on an issue? If that’s the case, and it’s wrong, then lock up every president and transition team member since 1968. You’re arguments are getting pretty sad now, they use to be decent. Now you’re just saying things
Yes, it is foreign policy to ask a country to do something. They’re making deals. That’s foreign policy. It’s also foreign policy to lobby countries to vote in a certain way in the UN.

Not saying it’s illegal. But it’s wrong.

And no, not every transition team is trying to do that. It’s happened before but saying everyone has done it since 1968 is not supported.
No it’s not wrong. That’s silly. That’s like saying A. President elect and teams aren’t going to talk to foreign diplomats that will be bombarding them, and B. That the president elect should agree with everything the current-soon-to-be-retired president is saying now. Basically the only thing a transition team can do is foreign policy since they don’t have control of the executive branch. You personally don’t like it in the case of trump. Obama was doing this shit when he was still a candidate. Same with Romney.
You’re being obtuse. Show me where Obama was lobbying foreign nations to do specific things as president elect.

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