Judge Orders Release of Proud Boys Member Ethan Nordean After Feds Get Caught – Oversold His Case Like Worthless Trinkets from a 3 AM Infomercial

Since when Is trespassing against the law?
Trespass is a violation. Insurrection is a federal crime.
There was NO insurrection. Insurrection definition is - an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. Trespass is not revolt.
Insurrection is democrats circumventing the constitution in an effort to make DC a state.
Lock up Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen.
Of course, DC statehood would then become moot since the constitution would be moot.
Since when Is trespassing against the law?
Trespass is a violation. Insurrection is a federal crime.
There was NO insurrection. Insurrection definition is - an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. Trespass is not revolt.
Insurrection is democrats circumventing the constitution in an effort to make DC a state.
Lock up Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen.
Of course, DC statehood would then become moot since the constitution would be moot.
DC would have to be returned to the state that it was carved from which would be VA. I don't believe their is a constitutional method.
Since when Is trespassing against the law?
Trespass is a violation. Insurrection is a federal crime.
There was NO insurrection. Insurrection definition is - an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. Trespass is not revolt.
Insurrection is democrats circumventing the constitution in an effort to make DC a state.
Lock up Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen.
Of course, DC statehood would then become moot since the constitution would be moot.
DC would have to be returned to the state that it was carved from which would be VA. I don't believe their is a constitutional method.
VA already reclaimed their part. Arlington.
The current DC map was all MD.
Since when Is trespassing against the law?
There is no such thing as trespassing in the People's House. The Capitol Building is the People's House. I've walked through it many times in my life to discuss issues with the People's elected officials sent to both Houses of Congress.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies don't want the average citizen to be able to walk through the buildings of power the built by the People.
VA already reclaimed their part. Arlington.
The current DC map was all MD.

You get no cigar for that faux pas. The land was ceded by both Virginia and Maryland in 1790 to create the Federal district. It is the exclusive control of Congress. It's exactly 100 sq. miles
There is no such thing as trespassing in the People's House. The Capitol Building is the People's House. I've walked through it many times in my life to discuss issues with the People's elected officials sent to both Houses of Congress.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies don't want the average citizen to be able to walk through the buildings of power the built by the People.
You're FOS.
They closed the capitol and it still remains closed.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) Update: The Capitol Visitor Center remains closed. We are not taking tour reservations at this time. Please check out our video tours and other online resources.

The Capitol Visitor Center is open to visitors from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday except for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and on Inauguration Day.

Admission to the Capitol Visitor Center is free. However, passes are required for tours of the historic Capitol and may be needed for other special events. All visitors to the Capitol are required to go through security screening.

Visitors wanting to watch the proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate in person must obtain a pass for the House or Senate galleries. Passes are required to enter either gallery at any time. Visitors may request a gallery pass by contacting or visiting the office of their Representative or Senators. International visitors may inquire about gallery passes at the House and Senate Appointment Desks on the upper level of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center.
Arlington has been VA since the mid 19th century.

I agree. That was done in !846 to be more precise. However. Mark Obenshain (R-Rockingham) motioned for unanimous consent to introduce a bill to re-cede Arlington and Alexandria back to DC as Thursday's senate session in January 2020.
As it is Washington has sprawled into Arlington County in any case,
Congress can do that simply if it care to do so.
You're FOS.
They closed the capitol and it still remains closed.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) Update: The Capitol Visitor Center remains closed. We are not taking tour reservations at this time. Please check out our video tours and other online resources.

The Capitol Visitor Center is open to visitors from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday except for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and on Inauguration Day.

Admission to the Capitol Visitor Center is free. However, passes are required for tours of the historic Capitol and may be needed for other special events. All visitors to the Capitol are required to go through security screening.

Visitors wanting to watch the proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate in person must obtain a pass for the House or Senate galleries. Passes are required to enter either gallery at any time. Visitors may request a gallery pass by contacting or visiting the office of their Representative or Senators. International visitors may inquire about gallery passes at the House and Senate Appointment Desks on the upper level of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center.

I stated that Prior to Jan 6th anyone could go to the Capitol Building to meet with Congress persons during working hours. Something I have done many times in my corporate capacity to meet with Congress persons, Senators or their aides to discuss Regulations and Bills regarding a number of subjects.
The case against Nordean is falling apart.

That's because the case was never really there in the first place. Democrats staged the riot at the Capitol exploiting one last opportunity to get Trump, and have really been "hotly" pursuing 1/6 since only as a means to try to suppress any closer looks at the election itself which was the SEED of the protest by keeping this on the front page instead as a matter of "national import" to distract from their own involvements in BOTH.
That's because the case was never really there in the first place. Democrats staged the riot at the Capitol exploiting one last opportunity to get Trump, and have really been "hotly" pursuing 1/6 since only as a means to try to suppress any closer looks at the election itself which was the SEED of the protest by keeping this on the front page instead as a matter of "national import" to distract from their own involvements in BOTH.
Do you think the invasion of the US Capitol building is a trivial matter? The south (CSA) couldn't do it.
I stated that Prior to Jan 6th anyone could go to the Capitol Building to meet with Congress persons during working hours. Something I have done many times in my corporate capacity to meet with Congress persons, Senators or their aides to discuss Regulations and Bills regarding a number of subjects.

'There is no such thing as trespassing in the People's House. The Capitol Building is the People's House'.
So, Trumpsters had passes?
Went through security screenings?
Judge Orders Release of Proud Boys Member Ethan Nordean After Feds Get Caught

Oversold His Case Like Worthless Trinkets from a 3 AM Infomercial
UPDATE: Judge Orders Release of Proud Boys Member Ethan Nordean After Feds Get Caught - Oversold His Case Like Worthless Trinkets from a 3 AM Infomercial (thegatewaypundit.com)
4 Mar 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Surprise, surprise.
US Federal Judge Beryl Howell on Wednesday ordered the release of a prominent member of the far-right Proud Boys group while he awaits trial.

Judge Beryl ruled the feds failed to show that Ethan Nordean posed such a danger to the public that he must be jailed while his case unfolds.
On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit reported on Ethan Nordean and fellow Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola who were jailed and tortured while waiting their court date for attending the protests at the US Capitol on January 6th.
The Feds got caught overselling their worthless trinkets like an infomercial at 3 AM with free wind chimes.
According to Reuters Nordean WAS NOT a ringleader on January 6th as the feds said he was.
The case against Nordean is falling apart.

But the federal government wanted to keep him locked up without bond anyway.
Federal prosecutors had “backtracked” and failed to substantiate allegations that Nordean was a ringleader of the attack, which left five people dead, including a police officer.​
“The dearth of evidence about his directions is significant,” Howell said, adding the evidence she heard at Wednesday’s hearing suggested Nordean just “went along with this mob.”​
Howell said other Proud Boys members have been released pending trial, and that she needed to be consistent in her rulings. The Jan. 6 attack by supporters of former President Donald Trump resulted in the deaths of five people.​
“What the government said in its original papers was that he directed the Proud Boys with specific plans, telling them to split up into groups and attempt to break in to the Capitol building,” Howell said. “That’s a far cry from what I heard at the hearing today.”​
The Justice Department has charged nearly 20 members or associates of the Proud Boys in the Capitol breach, and it has accused several members of spearheading early efforts to stampede police and break in to the building.​

America's freedoms are not lost....Yet, but if the people continue to sleep through this Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie take over, it will be over before we know it. Barriers, fences and razor wire around the Capitol tells us everything we need to know about the dems intentions. WAKE UP AMERICA, THE ENEMY IS ALREADY IN THE CAMP!
March 4th, 2021 has come and rapidly becoming history without the so called repeat of a so called insurrection. Apparently the propagandist intelligence disinformation is another false flag.
More Americans are awokening to our current Socialist police state when multiple juries refuse to convict the Capitol Protesters of treasonous insurrection at about the same time that multiple court cases confirm the Big Steal that justified the protest.
Indeed, the FBI continues to insist that TRUMP'S ARMY of neanderthal-deplorable, transphobic, Insurrectionists were all armed with BAZOOKAS that day . . . Fey Wray said so... Yet:
Meanwhile, Federal authorities have dismissed dozens of Portland Rioters arrests....:
Portland protests: Feds quietly dismiss dozens of cases | kgw.com
We "Neanderthals/Deplorables" must join together to fight this illegitimately eleceed puppet led by the nose by those that would destroy our country.
This is who you are defending, cultist:

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting
Destruction of Government Property and Aiding and Abetting
Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds
Disorderly Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

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