Julie Kelly J6 Bombshell: FBI Caught Lying, Destroying Evidence and Spying In Proud Boys Trial


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Julie Kelly J6 Bombshell:

FBI Caught Lying, Destroying Evidence and Spying In Proud Boys Trial

10 Mar 2023 ~~ By Julie Kelly/George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Our friend Julie Kelly gave us a heads-up there was massive drama in the Proud Boys January 6 trial yesterday after an FBI agent was caught lying on the stand and concealing evidence from defense attorneys.
It turns out that Special Agent Nicole Miller (or someone) deleted thousands of messages in FBIs "Lync" messaging system--messages relevant to investigation and required to be produced to defense counsel.

Even more egregiously, observed Ms. Kelly, FBI accessed emails between one defendant and his attorney and discussed its contents. This agent apparently knew one defendant planned to go to trial.
“It is egregious the way these people have been treated, for as much as two years pretrial, before any finding of fact. When people find out what has been going on in the DC gulag, it is going to shock the American conscience forever,” said attorney McBride, according to reporting by the New York Post’s Miranda Devine.
Here’s where things stand as far as we can tell Thursday afternoon:
The Proud Boys trial in Washington, DC was delayed this morning due to revelations of the FBI’s mishandling of information, specifically a spreadsheet of so-called Jenks disclosures.
The Justice Department is now claiming the FBI was entitled to withhold the information because it is “classified.”
As Julie Kelly tweeted, “This is what happens when a rogue, corrupt FBI is allowed to lie to the public, withhold information, and operate without oversight by Congress.”

Yes! this is a direct violation of Brady and Jencks precedents'. That didn’t take long. How can a judge deny that motion?
Unfortunately, the trial will continue the judge will not dismiss the case or call a mistrial. The judge is a chosen Democrat and will follow the orders laid down by the DoJ and ignore the law.
The DoJ/FBI now claims they withheld it because it is “classified”? So any corruption by the DOJ can now just be brushed away with “it’s classified” or “we can’t comment on that since there is an ongoing investigation”. Seems that’s their “get out of jail free card” they can use unlimited amount of times.
This is a disgrace to America. It should be a topic for daily discussion "around the water cooler", but most Americans are not hearing anything about it due to the corrupt Quisling MSM. However, the truth is beginning to surface and FBI, DOJ and prominent Congressional officials are about to be taken down for their tyrannical and traitorous activities.
When a country cannot trust its leaders and the government itself, we are no longer the United States of America, we have been usurped by Communist Maoists! It will take true Americans as our forefathers did using Brown Bess's to secure our freedom and liberty once again. Tomas Jefferson was correct...

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The primary conspirators behind the 1/6 HATE HOAX in order of material contribution and control

homO - the community HATE HOAX organizer, behind q-anon and 1/6
Chris Wray
Mike Pentz

FBI Caught Doctoring, Destroying '388 Items of Evidence'

in Jan. 6 Proud Boys Case

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Jack Davis

The FBI has been accused of doctoring evidence against a defendant who was involved in the Capitol incursion.
The controversy erupted last week after an attorney for Ethan Nordean, a Proud Boys member facing charges over the events of Jan. 6, 2021, said “hidden” messages between FBI agents had been found in a document presented to the court by FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller, according to Newsweek.
“[A] close examination of the agent’s sheet revealed over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages,” a court document said.
“Nordean must be permitted to cross-examine Miller with the hidden Lync messages to determine whether defendants’ Sixth Amendment rights have been violated through government collection of attorney-client communications about trial strategy,” said the court filing by Nordean’s attorney, Nicholas Smith.
The disclosure resulted in a pause on the trial of several Proud Boys members until next week, including Dominic Pezzola, a co-defendant of Nordean’s who is facing obstruction and conspiracy charges.
The motion said that “[in] the Nordean case, confidential attorneys-client trial/defense strategy and position was wrongfully obtained by the government, about which was overheard, shared, utilized, where potentially ‘338 items of evidence’ were ordered to be ‘destroyed.’”
In a separate filing, Miller is quoted as saying “[her] boss assigned [her] 338 items of evidence [she has] to destroy.”

The motion said “a secret hidden tab in an FBI spreadsheet showed some of Agent Miller’s emails in which the FBI agent admitted fabricating evidence and following orders to destroy hundreds of items of evidence.”
“If justice means anything, it requires this case to be dismissed,” the motion said.

Just think, If the Proud Boys’ attorneys committed such a Brady violation they would already be disbarred and in prison. Meanwhile, like the FBI agents involved with the Whitmer kidnaping they've either been promoted or on their way to promotion.
Surely, law and order is completely broken down. We now have a two tier justice system, Its as if our government has been completely corrupted... maybe that was the plan. Those that have sold us out to the CCP have been very effective. There is not a single institution in the US we can trust at the moment. We are in a perfect storm.... Well done Obama, Biden, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Cheney, Wray and Garland... well done.

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