Joy Behar Smears Conservatives As Being Anti-Vaccine. She actually still believes in global warming.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe spent considerable time discussing controversial comments made by Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) regarding vaccine mandates in America. During the 8:00 a.m. hour, Morning Joe hosted liberal comedian Joy Behar to discuss the vaccine controversy and the former View co-host eagerly attached vaccine skepticism to the entire Republican Party.

Speaking to co-host Mika Brzezinski, Behar attacked the conservative movement as having “Neanderthal thinking on the right that is really, it’s scary and dangerous. Climate change deniers, vaccination deniers, I mean they are going to kill us.”

Morning Joe - Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski Willie Geist on msnbc

The Anti-Vaccine movement was started by, and is still largely owned by Liberals. According to this article (which draws data from a CDC study), "Anti-vaxxers are clearly more associated with the political Left."

The evidence is plain and clear. Don't let the Left get away with trying to smear this onto the Right (who don't oppose vaccinations per se, but rather the state forcing parents to vaccinate their children). It's absolutely disgusting that they're trying to get away with this.

Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine RealClearScience

This is the type of shit, the liberals believe and actually teach each other.


When Lefties are against vaccinations is because they believe a big corporation is pumping their kids full of dangerous substances, but when Righties are against vaccinations it's because they don't like the idea of the government requiring they get them. That is a big difference!

I believe there are 2 liberal schools of thought on this. The first fears the Big Scary Corporations that make them and the other irrationally fears the disease (yes this is yet another issue the far left views through their emotional response from fear instead of using logic and reason). Swine flu, Bird flu, I mean how many times has the leftwing media gone bat sh*t nutty over some trendy new version of the flu? I think Behar fits into the second camp.
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The flu vaccine isn't the issue. They were talking about the MMR vaccine that a debunked study claimed causes autism.
Give her a break. She is just angry because she has never gotten a good slam bam.
According to MSNBC's own poll regarding anti-vaccine hysteria on their Sunday program, millennials are far and away more likely to trust their favorite celebrity's take on the issue than they are Western medicine. Where do these morons come from? Where do our public education institutions rank in the world again? 30th isn't it? At least by any academic standard worth the glance. We're down there with Bulgaria now, and sliding fast. The left isn't just stupid, it's dangerously criminally stupid. These new generation "progressives" regard real doctors, researchers at the CDC or Johns Hopkins, as "haters" or "dupes" because their opinions regarding public vaccination policy contradict that of the prole's favorite 9th grade dropout TV idol.
According to MSNBC's own poll regarding anti-vaccine hysteria on their Sunday program, millennials are far and away more likely to trust their favorite celebrity's take on the issue than they are Western medicine. Where do these morons come from? Where do our public education institutions rank in the world again? 30th isn't it? At least by any academic standard worth the glance. We're down there with Bulgaria now, and sliding fast. The left isn't just stupid, it's dangerously criminally stupid. These new generation "progressives" regard real doctors, researchers at the CDC or Johns Hopkins, as "haters" or "dupes" because their opinions regarding public vaccination policy contradict that of the prole's favorite 9th grade dropout TV idol.

They are all shills for the Hugo Chavez in chief. That goes for the military. The lying piece of socialist in chief has utterly purged the military. All that is left are these squirrelly types like this Kirby asshole who actually looks like a squirrel.

The worst part is the left wing praetorian media who are willfully complicate in their agenda to turn America into a communist state and fulfill the goals of roger Baldwin and the rest of the academia left who always think they know it all, regardless of the epic failures of socialism where ever it is tried.

Research Venezuela and see their bleak situation. The left are all liars. The rabble rousing morons are nothing but ignorant tools of their democrat lying masters. Nothing more.
why hasn't she commented about the weather this week? you would think that Hell has finally frozen over. would love to hear her scientific explanation of how global warming has almost half of americans in a deep freeze.
Whatever, Conservative's don't have to accuse Baher of being anti-brain. The woman is as dumb as a box of rocks. and has one ugly black heart

They NEED a scapegoat for not only allowing Ebola into our country, but now we have measles back under their Reign of terror Obama and the Democrat party

the left is predictable and right on cue here they are.
Overwhelmingly the anti vaccination crowd is white and liberal. They believe Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey rather than the doctors who are "rich ". Not that either Mccarthy or Carrey is poor.
The fact is that a majority of scientists believe in climate change, and one British doctor who lost his license to practice medicine believes vaccines are bad for you.
Whatever, Conservative's don't have to accuse Baher of being anti-brain. The woman is as dumb as a box of rocks. and has one ugly black heart

They NEED a scapegoat for not only allowing Ebola into our country, but now we have measles back under their Reign of terror Obama and the Democrat party

the left is predictable and right on cue here they are.

Nobody in the country has Ebola, and Rand Paul is the one speaking against vaccines. You can't pin this one on Obama.
According to MSNBC's own poll regarding anti-vaccine hysteria on their Sunday program, millennials are far and away more likely to trust their favorite celebrity's take on the issue than they are Western medicine. Where do these morons come from? Where do our public education institutions rank in the world again? 30th isn't it? At least by any academic standard worth the glance. We're down there with Bulgaria now, and sliding fast. The left isn't just stupid, it's dangerously criminally stupid. These new generation "progressives" regard real doctors, researchers at the CDC or Johns Hopkins, as "haters" or "dupes" because their opinions regarding public vaccination policy contradict that of the prole's favorite 9th grade dropout TV idol.

They even think the Daily Show is real news.
Whatever, Conservative's don't have to accuse Baher of being anti-brain. The woman is as dumb as a box of rocks. and has one ugly black heart

They NEED a scapegoat for not only allowing Ebola into our country, but now we have measles back under their Reign of terror Obama and the Democrat party

the left is predictable and right on cue here they are.

Nobody in the country has Ebola, and Rand Paul is the one speaking against vaccines. You can't pin this one on Obama.

He isn't speaking against them. He's voicing his and many peoples CONERNS on them. this whole thing is freaking joke. IF you are vaccinated aren't you PROTECTED from all them bad bad people that aren't.? you all go on with all this nonsense... it's people like the Op with Baher making some big stink over what paul said, who looks like an idiot. But what does the Democrats have to run on. their record of being kicked out Congress in just SIX YEARS
Whatever, Conservative's don't have to accuse Baher of being anti-brain. The woman is as dumb as a box of rocks. and has one ugly black heart

They NEED a scapegoat for not only allowing Ebola into our country, but now we have measles back under their Reign of terror Obama and the Democrat party

the left is predictable and right on cue here they are.

Nobody in the country has Ebola, and Rand Paul is the one speaking against vaccines. You can't pin this one on Obama.

He isn't speaking against them. He's voicing his and many peoples CONERNS on them. this whole thing is freaking joke. IF you are vaccinated aren't you PROTECTED from all them bad bad people that aren't.? you all go on with all this nonsense... it's people like the Op with Baher making some big stink over what paul said, who looks like an idiot. But what does the Democrats have to run on. their record of being kicked out Congress in just SIX YEARS

Obama spoke on the issue just yesterday. He said that every parent should vaccinate their children.

I dislike Obama as President, and Rand Paul is one of the only politicians I do like, but Paul is wrong on this issue.
The flu vaccine isn't the issue. They were talking about the MMR vaccine that a debunked study claimed causes autism.

Can you define "debunked"? is that like Global Warming "Consensus" where it's just because you say so?
What are Behars views on the earth being round and evolution?
THIS was last year folks.

You want to sit here and let them BLAME you the American citizen and who has or has not been "vaccinated" for the outbreak of measles we now have...'
instead of PUTTING the blame where it lies. Fall for their BS if you want:
The flu vaccine isn't the issue. They were talking about the MMR vaccine that a debunked study claimed causes autism.

Can you define "debunked"? is that like Global Warming "Consensus" where it's just because you say so?

Look up Andrew Wakefield. He was the doctor who claimed MMR vaccines cause autism. Not only did they find that he falsified data, but he was being paid by an alternative source to do so. His study was investigated and he has been barred from practicing medecine.

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