Scientist Actually Claims Purebloods Warning of Clot Shot Dangers is Causing All the Blood Clots & Heart Attacks In the Vaxxed


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This level of buffoonery is usually reserved for really badly written movies but some Australian "researcher" is acknowledging the fact the clot shots are causing serious damage but then blames it all on the unvaxxed.
He says all the vaxxers that threatened, ridiculed, cancelled & attacked us were truamitized when we said things like "You shouldn't take something that was fast tracked by skipping the safety trials just because some moron in a lab coat tells you to".
The major stress of someone disagreeing with their foolish decisions made their bodies have serious reactions to the clot shots.

A peer reviewed medical journal actually printed this drivel

This is more proof every time I think the bed wetters can't possibly say anything dumber, another progponce comes along & says hold my beer.
They got them to accept house arrest & the confiscation of property with nothing but a scary story about a bad flu.
They got them to wear a mask & then 2 or 3. I saw an idiot with at least 2 on in the SF airport earlier this month.
They got them to enroll in a giant medical trail for an experimental gene altering therapy using artificial mRNA to produce the very spike proteins doing the damage.
They made them feel anyone that refused was a dangerous threat, we were unclean, knuckle dragging, anti-science sub-humans unworthy of medical care, jobs, freedom, children or food.

Now, they'll get the same lemmings to go along & blame us when their bodies are shutting down as they continue to inject more boosters whenever they can.
I hope some of you are waking up but I fear too many will continue believing any obvious but sweet lie as long as it comes from one of your masters.

According to Palmer’s research, which was published in the NIH National Library of Medicine and the most recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal BioMedicine (Taipei), the adverse reactions to the vaccine are the result of stress brought on by receiving the vaccine.

“Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups,” Palmer stated in his abstract.

“Fear-mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorize people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process,” he continued.

This level of buffoonery is usually reserved for really badly written movies but some Australian "researcher" is acknowledging the fact the clot shots are causing serious damage but then blames it all on the unvaxxed.
He says all the vaxxers that threatened, ridiculed, cancelled & attacked us were truamitized when we said things like "You shouldn't take something that was fast tracked by skipping the safety trials just because some moron in a lab coat tells you to".
The major stress of someone disagreeing with their foolish decisions made their bodies have serious reactions to the clot shots.

A peer reviewed medical journal actually printed this drivel

This is more proof every time I think the bed wetters can't possibly say anything dumber, another progponce comes along & says hold my beer.
They got them to accept house arrest & the confiscation of property with nothing but a scary story about a bad flu.
They got them to wear a mask & then 2 or 3. I saw an idiot with at least 2 on in the SF airport earlier this month.
They got them to enroll in a giant medical trail for an experimental gene altering therapy using artificial mRNA to produce the very spike proteins doing the damage.
They made them feel anyone that refused was a dangerous threat, we were unclean, knuckle dragging, anti-science sub-humans unworthy of medical care, jobs, freedom, children or food.

Now, they'll get the same lemmings to go along & blame us when their bodies are shutting down as they continue to inject more boosters whenever they can.
I hope some of you are waking up but I fear too many will continue believing any obvious but sweet lie as long as it comes from one of your masters.

According to Palmer’s research, which was published in the NIH National Library of Medicine and the most recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal BioMedicine (Taipei), the adverse reactions to the vaccine are the result of stress brought on by receiving the vaccine.

“Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups,” Palmer stated in his abstract.

“Fear-mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorize people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process,” he continued.

After seeing what the morticians are pulling out of people's veins, no. Those are not normal "blood clots."
This level of buffoonery is usually reserved for really badly written movies but some Australian "researcher" is acknowledging the fact the clot shots are causing serious damage but then blames it all on the unvaxxed.
He says all the vaxxers that threatened, ridiculed, cancelled & attacked us were truamitized when we said things like "You shouldn't take something that was fast tracked by skipping the safety trials just because some moron in a lab coat tells you to".
The major stress of someone disagreeing with their foolish decisions made their bodies have serious reactions to the clot shots.

A peer reviewed medical journal actually printed this drivel

This is more proof every time I think the bed wetters can't possibly say anything dumber, another progponce comes along & says hold my beer.
They got them to accept house arrest & the confiscation of property with nothing but a scary story about a bad flu.
They got them to wear a mask & then 2 or 3. I saw an idiot with at least 2 on in the SF airport earlier this month.
They got them to enroll in a giant medical trail for an experimental gene altering therapy using artificial mRNA to produce the very spike proteins doing the damage.
They made them feel anyone that refused was a dangerous threat, we were unclean, knuckle dragging, anti-science sub-humans unworthy of medical care, jobs, freedom, children or food.

Now, they'll get the same lemmings to go along & blame us when their bodies are shutting down as they continue to inject more boosters whenever they can.
I hope some of you are waking up but I fear too many will continue believing any obvious but sweet lie as long as it comes from one of your masters.

According to Palmer’s research, which was published in the NIH National Library of Medicine and the most recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal BioMedicine (Taipei), the adverse reactions to the vaccine are the result of stress brought on by receiving the vaccine.

“Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups,” Palmer stated in his abstract.
It astounds me how such a large percentage of the world seems to have lost the ability to think and will just bend over for whatever the New World Order is pushing. You better wake the fukup because they aren't happy just coming for you, they are coming for your kids.
It astounds me how such a large percentage of the world seems to have lost the ability to think and will just bend over for whatever the New World Order is pushing. You better wake the fukup because they aren't happy just coming for you, they are coming for your kids.

The Idiocracy.

I wonder how many people I killed ......


The Idiocracy.

That's spot on about the problem with the left & most of society- the aren't all complete morons, some are just the result of taking those with an avg IQ & purposely dumbing them down with miseducation & indoctrination.
It's right they can't be convinced or persuaded because cognitive dissonance takes over & the lies they believe clash with the truth when presented & block it out.
They can be manipulated though. I like to use humor along with the facts but it's an uphill climb against a mighty headwind for most of them.

We are well on our way to Idiocracy if we can't stop this slow drip of buffoonery from completely dominating society.
The vaxxers & greenie sheeple remind me of the presidents council of advisors talking about Brawndo

Talk about driving a stake through the heart of any remaining credibility from the government/healthcare cabal..

Interesting that the raging global panic they whipped up that still has some people wearing masks inside their cars didn't cause these side effects.
After seeing what the morticians are pulling out of people's veins, no. Those are not normal "blood clots."

No they are not.
It's the decimated tissue caused by "the vaccine" that work their way between the structure of the cells and pull them apart.
They don't have anywhere to go, so their system gets full of dead tissue and starts to congeal.

Wah lah..............they're dead..........because they no longer have blood, they have dead tissue clogging up everything.

At least thats the way I understand it, from the legitimate medical professionals.

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