Joseph McCarthy

You clowns fail to realize that in this country there is no law against being a communist.
Or does the 1st amendment mean nothing to you.

There is no law against being any manner of cultist.

Revel in your delusion.

was that supposed to be a response to his comment?

1. communism is an economic construct that, contrary to extreme rightwing fallacy, is not an economic system encouraged or desired by liberals.
2. communism is also not a cult.

would you care to try again, this time with comprehension?

"Communism" has been since the 1950's a catch-all term for all Marxist-based nonsense.

All groups comprised of adherents to strongly held and shared beliefs are cults by definition.

no. what existed in the soviet union is not Marxism but a bastardization of it. and is certainly not communism in its pure form.

and what you call "Marxist based nonsense" is not a legitimate characterization if you want to have an actual economic discussion. which it seems you don't.


Not this dog-eared so-five-minutes-ago excuse.

You may try to hide behind minute distinctions, but you're still a devtee of a totalitarian ideology.

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism, Marxism,....Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.








How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

Another Roosevelt lap-dog checks in.....and tries to minimize the fact that he cannot name a single 'innocent American whose live was ruined by McCarty making unfounded charges.'

So stipulated.

You've served your purpose.
What about the 205 members of the State Department that McCarthy had on his list of communists that worked for that department? Were all 205 not affected after McCarthy revealed his list to the proper authorities? Out of the 205 on McCarthy's list were all 205 found guilty and terminated or were some found not to be communists and retained in their State Department positions, and if so where they injured by the accusation?

You can run, but you can't hide.

I still don't see a single name in your post.

Name a single "innocent American whose life was ruined by unsubstantiated accusations by the great Senator, Joseph McCarthy."


If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

if they were accused by McCarthy it could have been because someone else gave a name.... to save their own butt.

you know that normal people understand McCarthyism was disgusting, right"?
If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

if they were accused by McCarthy it could have been because someone else gave a name.... to save their own butt.

you know that normal people understand McCarthyism was disgusting, right"?

Gads, you're a dunce.

1. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!”
Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century

2. Name a single "innocent American whose life was ruined by unsubstantiated accusations by the great Senator, Joseph McCarthy."

Could you pick up a book for once in your life?????
If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

Another Roosevelt lap-dog checks in.....and tries to minimize the fact that he cannot name a single 'innocent American whose live was ruined by McCarty making unfounded charges.'

So stipulated.

You've served your purpose.
What about the 205 members of the State Department that McCarthy had on his list of communists that worked for that department? Were all 205 not affected after McCarthy revealed his list to the proper authorities? Out of the 205 on McCarthy's list were all 205 found guilty and terminated or were some found not to be communists and retained in their State Department positions, and if so where they injured by the accusation?

You can run, but you can't hide.

I still don't see a single name in your post.

Name a single "innocent American whose life was ruined by unsubstantiated accusations by the great Senator, Joseph McCarthy."


How would you define "life was ruined" and what evidence would be needed to claim McCarthy did it?
If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

Another Roosevelt lap-dog checks in.....and tries to minimize the fact that he cannot name a single 'innocent American whose live was ruined by McCarty making unfounded charges.'

So stipulated.

You've served your purpose.
What about the 205 members of the State Department that McCarthy had on his list of communists that worked for that department? Were all 205 not affected after McCarthy revealed his list to the proper authorities? Out of the 205 on McCarthy's list were all 205 found guilty and terminated or were some found not to be communists and retained in their State Department positions, and if so where they injured by the accusation?

You can run, but you can't hide.

I still don't see a single name in your post.

Name a single "innocent American whose life was ruined by unsubstantiated accusations by the great Senator, Joseph McCarthy."


How would you define "life was ruined" and what evidence would be needed to claim McCarthy did it?

1. certainly doesn't mean 'made famous.'

2. It is the claim that I regularly find, in one form or another, emanating from you would-be Roosevelt/communism apologists.

3. Ruin: The state of being extensively harmed or damaged
ruined you challenge has never been bested.

was that supposed to be a response to his comment?

1. communism is an economic construct that, contrary to extreme rightwing fallacy, is not an economic system encouraged or desired by liberals.
2. communism is also not a cult.

would you care to try again, this time with comprehension?

"Communism" has been since the 1950's a catch-all term for all Marxist-based nonsense.

All groups comprised of adherents to strongly held and shared beliefs are cults by definition.
so Christians are communists too?

No, but they are by definition a cult. All religions are.

You must have been a low performing public school victim. My sympathies. They seem to have dropped logic from that curriculum long ago.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance
"Communism" has been since the 1950's a catch-all term for all Marxist-based nonsense.

All groups comprised of adherents to strongly held and shared beliefs are cults by definition.
so Christians are communists too?

No, but they are by definition a cult. All religions are.

You must have been a low performing public school victim. My sympathies. They seem to have dropped logic from that curriculum long ago.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance

But they are not Communist as you queried. Happy to have clarified the real world for you.
"Communism" has been since the 1950's a catch-all term for all Marxist-based nonsense.

All groups comprised of adherents to strongly held and shared beliefs are cults by definition.
so Christians are communists too?

No, but they are by definition a cult. All religions are.

You must have been a low performing public school victim. My sympathies. They seem to have dropped logic from that curriculum long ago.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance

a great comedian, i think it may have been george carlin, but i'm not certain, once said that the difference between a religion and a cult is 2000 years.
so Christians are communists too?

No, but they are by definition a cult. All religions are.

You must have been a low performing public school victim. My sympathies. They seem to have dropped logic from that curriculum long ago.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance

But they are not Communist as you queried. Happy to have clarified the real world for you.
The definition of communism and Christianity are interchangeable.
As to you clarifying the real world :lmao:
No, but they are by definition a cult. All religions are.

You must have been a low performing public school victim. My sympathies. They seem to have dropped logic from that curriculum long ago.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance

But they are not Communist as you queried. Happy to have clarified the real world for you.
The definition of communism and Christianity are interchangeable.

Non sequitur. Feel free to offer documentation for your claim.
Joe McCarthy, who was supported by the John Birch Society (the old Tea Party) thought a communist was under every rock. He hurt many innocent people until he was disgraced in the House and died a broken and drunken idiot.

View attachment 59401
Be careful he is one of USMB's own Michelle Malkin's idols (Politicalspice ;) )
**edit- I just her 5 posts lol
If they were accused by McCarthy how could they be innocent? In any case McCarthyism is now in the history books, and in my dictionary, and it does not bode well for him if we go by those descriptions.

Another Roosevelt lap-dog checks in.....and tries to minimize the fact that he cannot name a single 'innocent American whose live was ruined by McCarty making unfounded charges.'

So stipulated.

You've served your purpose.
you are certifiable PoliticalSpice :cuckoo:
Progressives believe that if you're not one of the tens of million of people rounded up and executed by Communists leaders, it's a pretty good deal for you.
Last edited:, I mean GUNO can you name one "innocent" person whose life was ruined by Joe McCarthy?

That is the winning post.

They can never come up with a single one......yet they go on and on with their acceptance of the propaganda.

Owen Lattimore! LOL They still mention Owen Lattimore!!

And expect us all to shed tears for that Soviet spy bastard.

Yeah....they do.

They just made a hagiographic film for the traitor Dalton Trumbo., I mean GUNO can you name one "innocent" person whose life was ruined by Joe McCarthy?

That is the winning post.

They can never come up with a single one......yet they go on and on with their acceptance of the propaganda.

Owen Lattimore! LOL They still mention Owen Lattimore!!

And expect us all to shed tears for that Soviet spy bastard.

Yeah....they do.

They just made a hagiographic film for the traitor Dalton Trumbo.

Yeah, I know. Puh-leeze.
logic dictates that a cult is cult no exceptions.

Thank you for agreeing. There may yet be hope for you.
yes I agree that Christianity is a cult despite your ignorance

But they are not Communist as you queried. Happy to have clarified the real world for you.
The definition of communism and Christianity are interchangeable.

Non sequitur. Feel free to offer documentation for your claim.
is the term non sequitur your way of communicating your ignorance?

Non sequitur
Non sequitur, in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises. In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur

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