John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump

Spineless McCain certainly was not a conservative... That’s why progressives liked him
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain only got where he was because of his daddy. John McCain was incompetent. Proof of that is in the fact that he ended up being a POW. America is better off without losers like John McCain. I’m glad he is dead.

John McCain was incompetent.

He wrecked 3 planes before he was shot down.

Graduated 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.
You could not get into the Naval Academy. McCain's father got him into the military. Donald's father got him out of the military by providing the monetary assets to come up with the bull shit story he had bone spurs.
You are an absolute disgusting piece of sh**.

Your right. I couldn’t because I never had a daddy in high places. That McCain needed his daddy to get in the military only supports my claim. Better trumps daddy kept him away from jets or else he would have screwed up a bunch of shit like McCain did. Screw McCain. I’m happy with him rotting in the ground where all shit go’s.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain only got where he was because of his daddy. John McCain was incompetent. Proof of that is in the fact that he ended up being a POW. America is better off without losers like John McCain. I’m glad he is dead.

John McCain was incompetent.

He wrecked 3 planes before he was shot down.

Graduated 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.
You could not get into the Naval Academy. McCain's father got him into the military. Donald's father got him out of the military by providing the monetary assets to come up with the bull shit story he had bone spurs.
You are an absolute disgusting piece of sh**.

Your right. I couldn’t because I never had a daddy in high places. That McCain needed his daddy to get in the military only supports my claim. Better trumps daddy kept him away from jets or else he would have screwed up a bunch of shit like McCain did. Screw McCain. I’m happy with him rotting in the ground where all shit go’s.
Infinitely more people care about McCain in the grave and out of the grave than will ever care about you. Infinitely more people care about shit than care about you.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain deserves what Trump is doing to him today. Watch this video

40 seconds in we are reminded that John McCain backed Trump. So John McCain really wasn't a man with good judgement or principles. I wonder if today he would take back his endorsement and vote for Hillary. Nah Republicans care about party more than they do the country or themselves. Greed will get a guy to lose his principles.
And Hillary called it. She said "trump doesn't really have any intention of raising taxes on the rich once he gets into power.

And she was right.
Trump supporters wonder …..what the problem is the problem with attacking John McCain? It shows a disturbing lack of character, something that Trump supporters are unable to recognize.

That's, after all, why they support Trump.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain was nothing more then an entitled fucktard political hack who did his very best to destroy America. Fuck McTumor. The world is a better place since his death. John McCain, always willing to send other people’s children off to die was a disgusted piece of shit and I hope he is getting ass raped in hell with a baseball bat wrapped in discarded fish hooks.

Why don't Republicans condemn Trump for his attacks on a dead hero?

McCain is no hero. He's a fucking Globalist Traitor. Just like you shitting bull.
Nothing like watching the REAL feelings CRCs have for our veterans coming to the surface.
--------------------------------------------- veterans are alright , they just aren't Special in my opinion . See the 'veterans' working for 'gabby giffords' wish to disarm Americans of efficient and effective weapons that fill the defined weapons needed for fullfilling Americans Second Amendment . And that just one issue Bode .
but other than that , I am happy to see 'mcstain' held in such low regard . By the way , you might want to check out the memorial to 'mcstain' that is on the shore of 'tru bac lake' near 'hanoi' that the vietcong communists erected for him and his admirers Bode .
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

^^^ Derp gonna derp ^^^

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