John Kasich shows himself to be the typical establishment GOP dumbass.

George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.
George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.

Was the shitting himself look protocol too?

Anyway, he should have gotten out of the room and on the the loop.
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George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.
Gore would still be in a corner sucking his thumb and needing his diaper changed.
Waiting for the rising waters to reach his depends.
George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.

Was the shitting himself look protocol too?

Anyway, he should have gotten out of the room and on the the loop.

Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

Learn something. Everyone around him has to call the shots. It's just the way it is. No move could be made till the perimeter was secure and Air Force One was ready.

And to boot these attacks on America were in airliners. Think about it. Air Force One has to go up and be a target.

"Moments later, the radio operator called me back. A second aircraft had struck. I watched replays on TV, realizing it was no accident. Then they showed Mr. Bush in a classroom, with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card whispering in his ear. It's my understanding he was saying, "Mr. President, we are under attack."

Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic. Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network.

The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."
Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones. We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination.

I asked for an armed guard at the cockpit door while Secret Service agents double-checked the identity of everyone on board. My military training told me to avoid the predictable - to stay out of Washington, D.C. I thought we should fly to a secure air base along the East Coast, or to Camp David. Nobody took into account that a proud Texan would be in office. He wanted to fly straight to the nation's capital - to go back and fight.

So we took off - it was a full-thrust departure, up like a rocket - on a course to Andrews Air Force Base."

rest at link:
Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

I'm the President of the United States. The country is under attack but I'm not allowed to do anything until the Treasury department gives me permission to wipe my own ass.

God fucking damn you are one stupid son of a bitch!
George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.

Was the shitting himself look protocol too?

Anyway, he should have gotten out of the room and on the the loop.

Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

Learn something. Everyone around him has to call the shots. It's just the way it is. No move could be made till the perimeter was secure and Air Force One was ready.

And to boot these attacks on America were in airliners. Think about it. Air Force One has to go up and be a target.

"Moments later, the radio operator called me back. A second aircraft had struck. I watched replays on TV, realizing it was no accident. Then they showed Mr. Bush in a classroom, with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card whispering in his ear. It's my understanding he was saying, "Mr. President, we are under attack."

Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic. Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network.

The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."
Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones. We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination.

I asked for an armed guard at the cockpit door while Secret Service agents double-checked the identity of everyone on board. My military training told me to avoid the predictable - to stay out of Washington, D.C. I thought we should fly to a secure air base along the East Coast, or to Camp David. Nobody took into account that a proud Texan would be in office. He wanted to fly straight to the nation's capital - to go back and fight.

So we took off - it was a full-thrust departure, up like a rocket - on a course to Andrews Air Force Base."

rest at link:

Wow, crazy lady. I'm just asking if the Commander in Chief could have just stepped away to make a couple of phone calls and here you are creating this awesome mound of bullshit.
That's all the President was allowed to do you moron.

No, you do not get to call people "moron" when you say something so abso-fucking-lutely stupid.

Yes I do because I've been a fan of the Secret Service since childhood and know the protocols that they've had over the years. Including the latest ones that President Clinton signed into law.

The President does not call the shots like in the movies. The Secret Service are in charge. It is paramount that the procedures are followed because keeping the President alive in an emergency is paramount.
Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

I'm the President of the United States. The country is under attack but I'm not allowed to do anything until the Treasury department gives me permission to wipe my own ass.

God fucking damn you are one stupid son of a bitch!

You dumb fuck. We're not talking the Treasury. We are talking the Secret Service.
George Bush was reading a children's book to school kids when he was notified about the 9/11 attacks. Yet you hate him.

Get a fucking life, loser.

Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.

Was the shitting himself look protocol too?

Anyway, he should have gotten out of the room and on the the loop.

Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

Learn something. Everyone around him has to call the shots. It's just the way it is. No move could be made till the perimeter was secure and Air Force One was ready.

And to boot these attacks on America were in airliners. Think about it. Air Force One has to go up and be a target.

"Moments later, the radio operator called me back. A second aircraft had struck. I watched replays on TV, realizing it was no accident. Then they showed Mr. Bush in a classroom, with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card whispering in his ear. It's my understanding he was saying, "Mr. President, we are under attack."

Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic. Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network.

The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."
Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones. We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination.

I asked for an armed guard at the cockpit door while Secret Service agents double-checked the identity of everyone on board. My military training told me to avoid the predictable - to stay out of Washington, D.C. I thought we should fly to a secure air base along the East Coast, or to Camp David. Nobody took into account that a proud Texan would be in office. He wanted to fly straight to the nation's capital - to go back and fight.

So we took off - it was a full-thrust departure, up like a rocket - on a course to Andrews Air Force Base."

rest at link:

Wow, crazy lady. I'm just asking if the Commander in Chief could have just stepped away to make a couple of phone calls and here you are creating this awesome mound of bullshit.

Let's get real. The President can't step away and use a pay phone. America is under attack. No one knows who and where the enemy was at that time.


Unfucking real.
Was the President supposed to pick a destination? Nah. Not allowed. Was he supposed to advise everyone how many fighter jets should be deployed? Nah. Not allowed. Pffffffffft.

Minutes later it gets wild for Tillman.

"Upstairs, I'm flying the aircraft, trying to make decisions to keep the president secure. Downstairs, the president is in his cabin with staffers, making decisions for the future of the country. We could hear radio calls with Vice President Cheney and others.

Fighter jets were scrambled along the East Coast. The president authorized F-16 pilots to shoot down terrorist-controlled airliners. Over the phone, Condoleezza Rice, who was then national security adviser, helped convince Mr. Bush to veer away from Washington, D.C. They left it to me to choose a course.

We were over Gainesville when air-traffic controllers announced, "Air Force One, we have unknown traffic coming behind you. They've shut off their transponder and they're descending into you."
Yes I do because I've been a fan of the Secret Service since childhood and know the protocols that they've had over the years.

And yet you never knew that the belonged to the Treasury department? Guess you don't know so much after all. :lol:
Technically, it's not that he was reading a book. It's that he sat there and did nothing, not even read the book while the attacks were happening. After all, the adults hadn't gathered in a room together yet and he didn't know what to do but sit and wait until called upon.

That's all the President was allowed to do you moron. The Secret Service had to secure the perimeter around Air Force One before he could be moved onto the plane to safety.

It's called fucking protocol.

Was the shitting himself look protocol too?

Anyway, he should have gotten out of the room and on the the loop.

Idiot. The Secret Service were in charge and the President can't make a move until they tell him they have him secure.

Learn something. Everyone around him has to call the shots. It's just the way it is. No move could be made till the perimeter was secure and Air Force One was ready.

And to boot these attacks on America were in airliners. Think about it. Air Force One has to go up and be a target.

"Moments later, the radio operator called me back. A second aircraft had struck. I watched replays on TV, realizing it was no accident. Then they showed Mr. Bush in a classroom, with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card whispering in his ear. It's my understanding he was saying, "Mr. President, we are under attack."

Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic. Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network.

The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."
Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones. We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination.

I asked for an armed guard at the cockpit door while Secret Service agents double-checked the identity of everyone on board. My military training told me to avoid the predictable - to stay out of Washington, D.C. I thought we should fly to a secure air base along the East Coast, or to Camp David. Nobody took into account that a proud Texan would be in office. He wanted to fly straight to the nation's capital - to go back and fight.

So we took off - it was a full-thrust departure, up like a rocket - on a course to Andrews Air Force Base."

rest at link:

Wow, crazy lady. I'm just asking if the Commander in Chief could have just stepped away to make a couple of phone calls and here you are creating this awesome mound of bullshit.

Let's get real. The President can't step away and use a pay phone. America is under attack. No one knows who and where the enemy was at that time.


Unfucking real.

Pay phone? It was 2001.Get the fucking asshole in the loop STAT!
Was the President supposed to pick a destination? Nah. Not allowed. Was he supposed to advise everyone how many fighter jets should be deployed? Nah. Not allowed. Pffffffffft.

Minutes later it gets wild for Tillman.

"Upstairs, I'm flying the aircraft, trying to make decisions to keep the president secure. Downstairs, the president is in his cabin with staffers, making decisions for the future of the country. We could hear radio calls with Vice President Cheney and others.

Fighter jets were scrambled along the East Coast. The president authorized F-16 pilots to shoot down terrorist-controlled airliners. Over the phone, Condoleezza Rice, who was then national security adviser, helped convince Mr. Bush to veer away from Washington, D.C. They left it to me to choose a course.

We were over Gainesville when air-traffic controllers announced, "Air Force One, we have unknown traffic coming behind you. They've shut off their transponder and they're descending into you."

The Presiedent authorized F-16 pilots to shoot down terrorist-controlled airliners? I'm assuming that order had to wait while he shit his pants in the classroom.
The President can't step away and use a pay phone. America is under attack. No one knows who and where the enemy was at that time.

All the more reason to get to a fucking payphone and start asking some questions, eh?

Look, just shut the fuck up. You're making things up and weaving a much worse fiction than the reality. It's really very simple. It's been revealed that Ari Fleischer flashed a sign to the President that read "Don't do anything yet" when Bush was informed of the attacks. Bush was momentarily shocked anyway and decided to heed Ari's advice, and stayed with the children for the next several minutes. After a brief time he decided that sitting around and waiting was actually kinda ridiculous, and he excused himself.

It's not that difficult. It's not that complicated. And it has nothing to do with your bullshit ideas that the President is obligated to get permission from the Treasury department to move about wherever the fuck he wants.
The President can't step away and use a pay phone. America is under attack. No one knows who and where the enemy was at that time.

All the more reason to get to a fucking payphone and start asking some questions, eh?

Look, just shut the fuck up. You're making things up and weaving a much worse fiction than the reality. It's really very simple. It's been revealed that Ari Fleischer flashed a sign to the President that read "Don't do anything yet" when Bush was informed of the attacks. Bush was momentarily shocked anyway and decided to heed Ari's advice, and stayed with the children for the next several minutes. After a brief time he decided that sitting around and waiting was actually kinda ridiculous, and he excused himself.

It's not that difficult. It's not that complicated. And it has nothing to do with your bullshit ideas that the President is obligated to get permission from the Treasury department to move about wherever the fuck he wants.

Go to a pay phone and start asking questions? The President was forced to sit there till he was given an all clear.


He wasn't even allowed to go back to Washington. The President under these circumstances was not allowed to make the call on how security transpired.

Bush immediately wanted to return to Washington, but Tillman and others thought it best to avoid the capital, which could be a target.
As Secret Service agents rushed Bush to the plane, Tillman had already started one of the plane’s engines.

That’s when they learned that the Pentagon was hit.
They had to assume they also would be under attack in Florida, Tillman said."

Air Force One pilot recalls 9/11 attacks

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