Joe Biden's Age Not A Problem If He Runs.He Works Out Regularly."Including His Brain?"

I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.

Biden may get the nomination anyway. That might provide a better pretext for Obama to leave office early and let Biden pardon him, Hillary and all of their accomplices.
well if Biden becomes President, I guess he can appoint Hillary the "White House PC Technician".
She can wipe the servers (with a cloth).
Hillary: White House PC Repair,,, Huma,,,White House Dumb Bitch.
I think the first thing on Bidens agenda will be to take those chains off of the slaves.
and the second agenda for Biden will be a new piece of legislation that will have something to do with people and their indian accents driving taxi's and working at Duncan Donuts/ 7 11's.

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