Joe Biden Officially Wanted on Class A Felony Charges!


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
don't forget that there is still the corruption investigation going on with Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their involvement in Ukraine.

Biden has officially been named as one individual being charged with a Class A felony in Ukraine for his role in bribing the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son and the company he was working for.

While the last four years have been spent by the Democrat party and presidential candidate, Joe Biden concocting a fake Russian collusion scandal and impeaching the president, Donald Trump for it, what is now apparent is that it wasn’t Donald Trump, but Joe Biden and many of his cronies — including his son, Hunter — who are actually guilty of crimes of corruption and treason.

But the corrupt law enforcement systems in the United States have been in bed with the Democrats in their efforts to unseat the current president and have not only failed in their duty to investigate the actual crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family, but have participated in the corruption themselves.

BJ - I keep saying Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.
Got any evidence beyond tweets? They're on the way out anyway. Since 3 am tweetstorms won't be a thing anymore, their stock should tank.

Four years of lies about Trump.....

"The Trump-Russia collusion hall of shame

....House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) to resign. He is absolutely correct. Schiff repeatedly said that his committee had dug up “plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy.” In March 2017, he said on “Meet the Press,” “I can’t go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now” and last May he told ABC that Trump’s Russia conspiracy is of “a size and scope probably beyond Watergate.”
Schiff is a disgrace. But he is not alone. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a member of the Intelligence Committee, said, “In our investigation, we saw strong evidence of collusion” and declared Trump an agent “working on behalf of the Russians.” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) claimed, “It’s clear that the campaign colluded, and there’s a lot of evidence of that.” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, assured us last year that “the evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Intelligence Committee, said, “There is no longer a question of whether this campaign sought to collude with a hostile foreign power to subvert America’s democracy.” And recently, the committee’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.),...."

But we have actual evidence about Biden......and they want him to become President.

"Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy
The "relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns," Grassley and Johnson warn.
"These new records confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government, as well as the links between Hunter Biden's business associates and the Russian government, and further support the Committees' September 23, 2020 report's finding that such relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns," the senators wrote in their new report. "

Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy
The "relationships created counterintelligence and extortion concerns," Grassley and Johnson warn.
don't forget that there is still the corruption investigation going on with Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their involvement in Ukraine.

Biden has officially been named as one individual being charged with a Class A felony in Ukraine for his role in bribing the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son and the company he was working for.

While the last four years have been spent by the Democrat party and presidential candidate, Joe Biden concocting a fake Russian collusion scandal and impeaching the president, Donald Trump for it, what is now apparent is that it wasn’t Donald Trump, but Joe Biden and many of his cronies — including his son, Hunter — who are actually guilty of crimes of corruption and treason.

But the corrupt law enforcement systems in the United States have been in bed with the Democrats in their efforts to unseat the current president and have not only failed in their duty to investigate the actual crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family, but have participated in the corruption themselves.

BJ - I keep saying Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.
Alright you found them guilty in her own court of law.
And then you woke up and realized that your unmentionables were damp and had to be changed.
Honestly, Ukraine's already closed the book on this. Rudy's little fishing trip landed nothing.
He's gonna be in some serious trouble here shortly.
The progressives in DC do not want Joe to be president...they want Harris...and so if I were crooked Joe I would be very worried right now...all of a sudden we are getting stories on Biden corruption...this is not coming from the weak frightened GOP...its coming from the liberal media and Pelosi that are working for the AOC gang.....
The progressives in DC do not want Joe to be president...they want Harris...and so if I were crooked Joe I would be very worried right now...all of a sudden we are getting stories on Biden corruption...this is not coming from the weak frightened GOP...its coming from the liberal media and Pelosi that are working for the AOC gang.....
Conservatives are at their most amusing when in meltdown mode.
don't forget that there is still the corruption investigation going on with Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and their involvement in Ukraine.

Biden has officially been named as one individual being charged with a Class A felony in Ukraine for his role in bribing the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son and the company he was working for.

While the last four years have been spent by the Democrat party and presidential candidate, Joe Biden concocting a fake Russian collusion scandal and impeaching the president, Donald Trump for it, what is now apparent is that it wasn’t Donald Trump, but Joe Biden and many of his cronies — including his son, Hunter — who are actually guilty of crimes of corruption and treason.

But the corrupt law enforcement systems in the United States have been in bed with the Democrats in their efforts to unseat the current president and have not only failed in their duty to investigate the actual crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family, but have participated in the corruption themselves.

BJ - I keep saying Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.
Don't we have an obligation to Ukraine under the Hague Conventions to turn Mr. Biden over to them under an extradition order to be tried?

Trump will be derelict in his duties if he does not comply.


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